God’s People Gather
Please observe prayerful silence when the prelude begins.
PRELUDE “For the Beauty of the Earth”
We Praise the Lord
*CALL TO WORSHIP (from Psalm 122)
L: I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”
P: Our feet are standing in your gates, O Jerusalem.
L: That is where the tribes go up—the tribes of the Lord—to praise the Name of the Lord.
P: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
L: For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, “Peace be within you.”
P: For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your prosperity.
*Hymn of Praise: 235 “With Joy I Heard My Friends Exclaim”
Call to Confession
Prayer of Confession: All glorious God, we come before You, humbly acknowledging who we are—those who have turned away from You, and sought our own ways. Yet we come knowing that You have not left us to ourselves, but have given us
Your Son, to save us from our sins and from ourselves. We rely and rest upon Christ’s obedience, trusting that this is enough to cover all our sins, and to give us confidence in approaching You, holy God. Free us from our sins to a life of obedience, peace, and joy in You, for we ask it in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
(Silent Confession)
Assurance of Pardon
*Response of Praise: 579 “Gloria Patri”
Passing the Peace
L: The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
P: And also with you.
Hear God’s Word
THE PROPHET: Isaiah 55:1-13 (pg. 737/1112)
THE GOSPEL: John 6:28-40 (pg. 1069/1624)
SPECIAL MUSIC “Here I am Lord” Lia Bozza
THE EPISTLE: Hebrews 10:19-25 (pg. 1211/1832)
Leader: This is the Word of the Lord! People: Thanks Be to God!
You Are What You Love—Time to Eat Rev. David C. Smith
*Hymn of Response: 461 “God Is Here!”
* AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (from the Confession of 1967)
Wherever the church exists, its members are both gathered in corporate life and dispersed in society for the sake of mission in the world. The church gathers to praise God, to hear his word for mankind, to baptize and to join in the Lord's Supper, to pray for and present the world to him in worship, to enjoy fellowship,
to receive instruction, strength and comfort, to order and organize its own corporate life, to be tested, renewed, and reformed, and to speak and act in the world's affairs as may be appropriate to the needs of the time.
The Disciples Give Thanks
Offertory “Morning has Broken”
*Doxology: 592 “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”
*Prayer of Dedication
Lynne Dunkleberger
PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE The Lord’s Prayer (pg. 16)
We Go Forth To Serve
*Hymn of Commitment: 281 “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah”
POSTLUDE “For All the Saints”
*Please stand, if able
Worship Leaders
Pastor: Rev. David C. Smith
Greeters: Gary and Kathy Williams
Ushers: M. Haas, D. Haas, I. Fox, M. Fox
Liturgist: Diane Casella
Guest Organist: Lia Bozza
This Week at MPC
Sunday, July 24th
9:30am Worship Service (S)
11:00am Punch on the Porch
6:00pm Session Meeting (MCEC)
Monday, July 25th (Food Pantry/Shep. of the Sts. Delivery)
9:00am- 5:00pm Vacation Bible School
Tuesday, July 26th (bulletin announcements due)
9:00am- 5:00pm Vacation Bible School
Wednesday, July 27th
9:00am- 5:00pm Vacation Bible School
Thursday, July 28th
11:00am Vacation Bible School leave for Krislund
6:15pm-8:15pm AA (FH)
Friday, July 29th
Office Closed
4:00pm Vacation Bible School return from Krislund
Saturday, July 30th
Sunday, July 31st
9:30am Worship Service (S)
11:00am Punch on the Porch
S – Sanctuary C – Classroom FH- Fellowship Hall MCEC –Mendenhall N – Nursery
Last Week's Attendance: 82
Announcements for the week of July 24, 2016
Welcome to the Montoursville Presbyterian Church
Visitors: please complete a Visitor Card found in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate. If you are looking for a church home or membership, please see the Pastor, an Usher, or call the office.
To assist with your worship experience, we offer:
Personal hearing devices - please see an usher
Pew Cushions – stored above the coat racks in the Narthex
Large print hymnals - in the Narthex
Handicap/family restroom - off the far end of Fellowship Hall
Worship Bags for children - in a basket in the Narthex
Nursery care for children, ages up to 5 yrs old.
Our nursery staff:
Deb Rupert, Mary Strein, Gaetan Casella, and Hannah Shimmel
If you would like to help
Vacation Bible School starts on Monday!!
We are asking for donations for snacks and lunches. Some suggestions are: granola bars, single serving bags of chips, pretzels, crackers, cookies, or applesauce. We will also need powered mix cans of lemonade or Gatorade. Items can be dropped off at the church kitchen today.
You are cordially invited to the Elizabeth Maule's 95th Birthday Open House. Join us for punch and cake at Elmcroft of Loyalsock, 2985 Four Mile Dr, Montoursville, PA 17754. Saturday, August 6, from 3:00-4:30pm. If you can't stop by, Elizabeth would love to get a birthday card from you at her Elmcroft address above!
No presents please. No need to RSVP, just come by if you can.
We hope to see you!
Liz and Jim Gleason, Bill and Patty Maule, Jim and Donna Maule
Punch on the Porch: Volunteers are needed for Punch on the Porch to provide a light snack and drink after the service. There is a sign- up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway. There are only 2 Sundays left on the sign-up sheet...August 14th and September 4th
Krislund Summer Camp (2nd - 12th grade) The Deacons will pay half of the $385 fee for a week of camp. Siblings of a camper will each get a $25 discount. You may contact any Deacon if you are interested. The website is www.krislund.org
Lighting of the Christ Candle
July 31 – Ellen, Galen, Adele, Gwen, Nora and Violet Dunkleberger
August 7 – Barb and Rob Hughes
August 14 – Mary Lou and Frank Odell
August 21 – Carol Early
August 28 – Sue Wolfe
September 4 – Arlene Smithgall
Ushers and Greeters for August 7th and August 14th
Greeters: Irv and Margaret Fox
Ushers: G. Casella Sr., D. Casella, D. Shearer, V. Shearer
Pastor’s Office (570) 368-4747
Church Office: Mon-Thur 9:00 – noon (570) 368-1595
E-mail: Website: www.montourpres.org Listen to David's sermons at:
Prayer List
Illness, recovery and support: John Auten, Mary Babcock,
Nancy Bergesen, Harriett Bernier, Marge Bieber, Doug Bird,
Barb Campbell, Hedi Campbell, Helen Cartwright, Callie Cavanaugh, Diane Chesnut, Mary Christie, Andy Clayton,
Sherry Delaney, Derre Family, Audrey Dochter, Danny, Jody and Noah Fagnano, Betty Farley, Ramona Fausey, Tad Fiser, Janine Fisher, Bob Folmar, Laurie Fontaine, Tim Garman, Bobby George, Jim Green, Gary Groff, Joan Haas, Michelle Hackenberg, Kenny Harmon, Stacia Hile, Clara May and Paul Hoff, Ocie Hoffman,
Rod Husted, Audrey Keiper, Liese Kimble, Andy and Valerie Kline and family, Pat Korizno, LeMerre Family, Marrell Family, Hazel McGuinness, Clayton Merrill, Moran family, Tom Parker, Carol Peace, Mason Philbin, Buzz and Sandy Platt, Chris Rager, Marcia Salsbury, Jim Schafer, Kay Shearer, Bill Shimmel, Jean Shoup, Clair Springman, Elliott Storms, Tom Ulmer, Sarah Wagner, Stella Wallmer, Marieva Williams
Grief: Family and friends of Sherry Carpenter. (Denny's mother)
Family and friends of Pat Callahan
Family and friends of Annie Blackett
Family and friends of Mary Ditchfield
Joy: Sue Wolfe's family is visiting
Military: Duane (DJ) Burleigh, Ryan Burns, Joe Cardone,
Capt. Brady Cillo, Jessie Confer, Maj. Laurie Fontaine, Julia Glosek, Ben Hepburn, Ethan Jones, Dani Kline, Sgt. J Patrick Lawracy, Jeremy Loveland, David McCollin, Marissa Patterson, Paul Wenner
Others: Nthemba Church (Sister church in Africa), Ministries of MPC, Peace in the World, Camp Krislund, Children of Flint, Michigan, Japan, Ecuador, Orlando, France, Flight 800 families