Course Title: 130.4 Small Animal Management
Lesson Title: Developmental Phases in Canines Lab
TEKS Addressed in Lesson: 130.4(c) 3D, 4B, 2B
Lesson Objectives. The student will be able to:
- diagnose three specific dog behaviors.
- list 4 different social behaviors related to canines.
- complete worksheet on phases of canine behavior.
- list three ways dogs “communicate” with humans.
Tools and Equipment
Power Point
Worksheet “Developmental Phases Analysis/Diagnosis”
No. 2 pencils
Video clips:
Bad Dog Behaviors-
Key Terms / Vocabulary
Developmental growth
Active submission
Dominant personality
Alpha male
Alpha female
Flight instincts
Interest Approach/Anticipatory Set
Students will discuss both good and bad “habits” found in their canines/pets. Emphasis will be placed on changes the student/owner observed in their pooch over a puppy/juvenile/ adult period of life. Students will then watch video clips of dog behavior and discuss/analyze “why”?
Teaching Plan and Strategy / Presentation of New Material
- Students are given handouts with common terms associated with phases of development in dogs.
- Students will participate in a class discussion of what these definitions mean in term of dog development and behaviors
- Students will research common age/developmental stages in canines.
Activity/Application/ Student Engagement /Laboratory
Students will be given handout illustrating various behaviors. The students will be an analyst/diagnose what developmental conditions/lack of proper development might have contributed to behaviors illustrated.
Students will complete worksheet.
Students will discuss, as a class, common developmental behaviors found in juvenile age canines.
Evaluation / Summary
Diagnosis handout - 30 points
Class interaction -20 points
Completeness-explanation of behavior -50 points
-100 points
References/Additional Materials / Extended Learning Opportunities/ Enrichment
Continental Kennel Club, YouTube, AK Stewart
College & Career Readiness Standard
English/LA- IV, B, 3
Science- I, C, 1, a
CDS- I, B, 2, a
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