Othello Anticipation Guide
On a scale of 1 to5, with one being the least and five being the highest, rate your agreement with the following statements. You may only use a 3 one time!
1. It is okay for people of different races to get married. _____
2. Women have less freedom than men. _____
3. There are different rules for men and women. _____
4. Good friends will tell you if they think your spouse is unfaithful. _____
5. It is okay to get married without your family’s approval. _____
6. A person who commits evil acts always has a strong reason for doing so. _____
7. First impressions are a good indication of the real person. _____
8. Jealousy in a relationship is proof of love. _____
9. It is easy to sway someone’s opinion about people they don’t know. _____
10. When a couple is isolated from society, that isolation does not affect their relationship. _____
11. A person must choose to devote himself/herself to either a career or a family. _____
12. It is impossible for someone to manipulate you into doing something you don’t want to do. _____
13. Absolute trust is not essential to a strong relationship. _____
14. Much of what happens to people is the result of fate. _____
15. What appears to be reality is probably reality.
For the following, answer the questions in the space provided.
1. What rules dictate the behavior of young men and women in relationships today?
2. Describe a situation in which the rules have been violated. That is, what are the things that “nice girls” just don’t do? What are the things that “nice boys” just don’t do?
3. Why do these rules exist? Do you think they apply locally or even just in your school? What are the possible consequences of breaking these rules?