
Minutes of the November 11, 2006 conference call:

Board of Directors members on the call:

Paul Meyers

Bill Darrow

Jerry Bodden

Bill Stoneberg

John Ball

Jeff Brashares

Pat Brooks

Dick Gauchat

Dick Sweeny

Mike and Nancy BookBuick Club National Office

The meeting opened at 9:30 EST.

Secretary’s Report

Dick Sweeny made a motion to approve the minutes as published. Pat Brooks made the second. There were 8 approvals, no objections.

Treasurer’s Report

Jerry Bodden commented that we are tracking on budget for the first quarter of our fiscal year. The new membership/renewals are a tick above what was planned. Our bank account is growing due to the savings realized by using Modern Litho as our printer.

We rolled over a $20,000 CD to a higher rate and we have $254,602 in investments John Ball made the motion that we approve the Treasurers report. Dick Sweeny made the 2nd. There were 8 approvals, no objections

2006 National Meet Report

Bill Darrow reported that there were 510 cars at the National meet and 192 members who did not bring cars. 733 people signed up for the banquet. Total Revenue was $78,872 while Total Expenses were $66,409. After passing on the seed money of $4,667 they made a profit of $7,795. This will be split between the chapters in the Heartland Region.

All board members congratulated him on a fine job done.

Internet Membership Renewal

Bill Stoneberg went over the proposal that was distributed before the meeting. It is for a screen that enters the information into a secure file that Mike and Nancy access. From there they run it through the credit card machine.

Paul’s concern was that we don’t make more work for Mike and Nancy.

Dick Sweeny was concerned that we have to buy a credit card machine. Mike Book stated that we already own one and it is only used for the Buick Club. It will handle Visa MasterCard and Discover cards.

After more discussion Pat Brooks made a motion to accept the proposal, John Ball made the 2nd. There were 8 approvals, no objections

Region / Chapter / Division Coordinator

Jerry Bodden commented that we needed to add the divisions to this report as we now have many. It was agreed to do this.

Mike Book had a candidate in mind for the coordinator, but he declined the position. Harold Calhoun expresses interest. Comments were made that it is an intensive, time-consuming job and that the candidate needs to be computer literate and not rely on the National Office.

Bill Stoneberg suggested that each Board member bring a name from their region to Paul Meyers. Paul Meyers volunteered to talk to the candidates brought to his attention

90-Day Regional and Chapter Meet Policy

Jeff Brashares is not in favor of the 30 day rule on the scheduling of Regionals. Bill Darrow remarked that the Board wants control of scheduling regionals during the time frame. The Board can approve or disapprove meets during this time period.

Pat Brooks commented that we have not been publishing the SOP’s in the Bugle. We then started talking about Modern Litho and how they just spent a lot of money updating their equipment.

Mike Book commented on the time schedule for mailing the issues and how they are mailed on the 4th of the month. After that blame the Post Office. All foreign copies go through France and are distributed worldwide from there. Mike Book also said that the artwork and editor copy is always on time to Modern Litho.

Paul Meyers asked if we were missing a step in the SOP. Pat Brooks said that the rules state that we must be published for member comment then published again. The question was “Do we get many comments” Pat Brooks replied that only on “hot” topics, most of the time, no.

Advertising Policy for Regional and Chapter Meets

Jeff Brashares said for the Regional and Chapter meets, the calendar is free but any other advertising in the bugle costs. He would like free advertising for the regions. Paul Meyers made the suggestion that we have a ¼ page ad 1 or 2 times. Jeff Brashares motioned that we have give the regions a ¼ page ad 1 time free for advertising their meet. Bill Darrow made the 2nd. It passed 8 – 0.

BHA Alliance Proposal for The Bugle

Jeff Brashares said that Larry Gustin is writing historical articles for the Bugle. They would like 1 page per month in the Bugle. Paul Meyers remembers the decision in Orlando being 6 times a year. Pat Brooks commented that 6 times or 12 times, we must do something for the Alliance to get the information out to our members.

Paul Meyers commented that we may have issues with the Bugle and that we may have to increase it by 16 pages due to the amount of information coming in.

In the end it was decided the Alliance would have a page 6 times a year.

Driven Class issues

Pat Brooks would like a contact on the masthead of the Bugle for the Driven Class. There seems to be some run around and who do you contact questions about the driven class. Bill Darrow commented that there were lots of questions about the Modified judging this past meet also. After much discussion on where in the Bugle to put the information Pat Brooks suggested that Pete Phillips (Editor of the Bugle) put together a mock up that will be sent to the Board for approval.

Paul Meyer will get with Pete Phillips and get it done.

National Meets

The question is who is the chairman of the Seattle National Meet? There has been a lack of communication and no returned Emails with Pat Lesesne. Paul Meyers is going to call him and see what is going on. Pat Brooks commented that the lines of communication must be kept open and that encouragement by Paul Meyers and Bill Darrow is a good idea. The comment was made that a lot of people are driving up with no car. How are they going to get parts home?

John Ball wondered when the BOD meeting is going to be and when the member meeting is going to be. Bill Stoneberg commented that his wife wants to go on the dinner cruise with him as opposed to by herself. This seems to be at the same time as the normal member meeting. The comment was made that we can’t have them reschedule at the last moment.

How can we get more Chapters to bid on the Nationals?

Paul Meyers wants to concentrate on areas where we haven’t been in a while. Jerry Bodden commented that Atlanta has no interest right now. Paul Meyers said “no’ for St. Louis. What happens if nobody steps forward, can the Board put on a National Meet?

Bill Stoneberg that we may be able to use the non judged meet in 2009 to an advantage because Senior Cars will need to be judged again.

Dick Gauchat will talk to the West Coast of Florida Chapter and see if they along with the Southeast Region are interested in putting on a meet in 2009.

Shrinking Membership

Mike Book commented that we had a big spike in membership for Flint and the numbers he pulled from prior years show membership around 9,000 members.

Web Site Redesign

We talked about spending money to redesign the website. Jeff Brashares will get a sample from the company who does the design for the BHA. Jerry Bodden also knows of someone. The agreement seemed to be that this was something that needed doing.

Flint Nationals

Pat Brooks commented that people went to Flint in 2003 for the special license plate that Buick provided. He wondered if GM would do something for their 100th birthday similar to this. He will talk to Larry Gustin and Roberta Vasilow about this.

BOD Candidates

No candidates yet, comment was made that it is individual contact that gets someone interested. Maybe we should resume more then 1 traveling meeting a year? Jerry Bodden commented that it is not in this year’s budget but if its decided to have two traveling BOD meetings a year, we’ll budget for it in 2007-2008.

Meeting adjourned at 11:30 EST.

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