Date: ______/ Mr. LaBrache/ Miss Rice
Section: ______
After reading the chapter on “The Origins of Judaism” you will create an outline on the information using the following format as a guide. For all the topics and subtopics (all the bold type) copy down what you see (on a separate piece of paper) exactly as it appears on the paper. For the questions that are not in bold print you must find the answers within the text. When you find the answer, put it down in your outline, making sure that you DO NOT use complete sentences and that you use note-form.
I.The Origins of Judaism
1.From where did the people who became the Jews originally come?
2.Around what time period did these people move to Canaan?
3.The first five books of the Hebrew bible are found in what text?
4.How is this Hebrew text connected to Christian beliefs?
B.What we Know About the Ancient Israelites
1.The Torah
a)What can be found in the Torah?
2.The Early History of the Israelites
a)Who is seen as the “father of the Jews” and from where did he come?
b)How did the Israelites find their way to Egypt?
c)What happened to the Israelites once they were in Egypt?
C.Important Jewish Leaders
a)What central idea about religions did Abraham bring to the Israelites?
a)For what great accomplishment was Moses known?
b)What did God give to Moses that he passed on to his people?
c)What could be found in these commandments?
3.Kings David and Solomon
a)What did David do as king of Israel?
b)For what great accomplishment is King Solomon known?
D.The Life of Abraham: Father of the Jews
1.Abraham’s Covenant with God
a)What is a covenant?
b)What does Abraham mean, and how did Abram earn this name?
2.Abraham’s Descendents
a)What two people could be seen as the “parents” of the Jewish people?
b)How many tribes were descendent from Abraham’s grandson, Jacob?
E.The Life of Moses: Leader of the Israelites
1.The Exodus from Egypt
a)Around what time period was Moses living in Egypt?
b)According to the Torah, what happened to the Egyptian pharaoh for not letting Moses’ people free?
2.The Ten Commandments
a)For how long did the Israelites travel through the desert and wilderness before getting to Canaan?
b)According to the covenant what were the peoples’ responsibility to God?
c)Moses’ three main contributions:
-Contribution #1
-Contribution #2
-Contribution #3
F.The Lives of David and Solomon: Kings of Israel
1.David Expands the Kingdom of Israel
a)About what year was “David’s time?”
b)David’s main contributions:
-Contribution #1
-Contribution #2
-Contribution #3
-Contribution #4
2.Solomon Builds the Great Temple of Jerusalem
a)Around what year did Solomon become king?
b)Solomon’s main contributions: