Bishkek Humanitarian University

Faculty of Psychology, Social Work and Information

Course:Social Work with children in Kyrgyzstan

Teacher: Rakhat Orozova, MSSW

Hours:Saturday, 8.00-10.00

Classroom:# 110.

Consultations:Monday, 8.00-1000, Saturday 10.00 – 12.00, #110

Phone:66-48-39 (SCUK), 23-81-52 (home)


General number of hours: 28 (14 – lectures; 8 – seminars, 6 – tutorials)

1.Objectives and Goals:

SW with children course is focused on child development, needs and rights, problems and situation in the society. This course will introduce directions and models of social work with children and analysis of social policy towards them, which we use in Kyrgyzstan.

At the end of this semester, the students should be able to implement their knowledge into academic and practical levels of social work with children.

  1. Attendance:

Regular attendance is expected of all students enrolled in the course. Unexcused absences will count against your final grade! At the end of the semester, 1 point will be deducted for every unexcused absence from your class participation grade. Being late for more that 15 minutes will be counted as ABSENCE. In the grade distribution, attendance has 10% of the final grade.

  1. Class Participation:

You are expected to come to class prepared every day, and to actively participate in class activities.

4. Homework:

Homework is judged by where there you complete successfully your home assignment or not. Format of you homework will vary, including written works or short oral presentations.

5. Grade Distribution:


Class Participation30%

Homework30 %

Final exam30%

6. Problems or Questions:

If you have any problems with your work at this course, or a personal problem that is affecting your studies, then please do not hesitate to come and talk to me about it in complete confidence. If you have questions about the material covered in class, feel free to contact me either by phone or e-mail, or simply stop by my office, which is in the Social Work lab (# 110).

7. Schedule.

# / Theme / Method / Guest
1 / Child development: an overview.
Infancy. Early childhood. Middle childhood. Latency. Adolescence. / Lecture
2 / Children and their situation.
The family: parents and siblings, extended family.
Family problems: separation and divorce, multi-problem families; child neglect and abuse; foster care. Family crisis: death; illness.
The family in society: economic pressures’ influencing families; cultural and societal influence. / Lecture
3 /


Underneath the symptoms: adult complaints; depression; aggression.
Learning problems: hyperactivity; hyperkinesis and minimal brain, damage; disability; underachievement; absence from school.
Mind and body: eating disorders; disorders of elimination; sleep disorders; disorders of self-preservation (suicide, accidence); disorders of communication. / Lecture
4 / Treatment.
Beginning initial phase: first contact; family diagnostic interview; goals and type of treatment; duration of treatment; concrete services; teamwork, evaluation.
Communication: communicating with patents; communicating with children; playing with children.
Leaving and being left: being left; leaving. / Lecture
1 / Children needs and rights. Rights and responsibilities of parents. Rights and responsibilities of society. / Seminar / Terry Giles (SCUK)
Luis Temple (ECT)
2 / Social policy and legislation towards children in Kyrgyzstan.
State social services for children and families in Kyrgyzstan / Seminar / Masha Licicina (Youth Human Rights Group)
Vera Usenova (ASSW)
3 / Social work with disabled children. Social and medical models of disability. / Seminar / Nazlin Giles (ADP)
4 / Social work with street and working children in Kyrgyzstan. Social work with refuges children. / Seminar / Center of Rehabilitation and Adaptation
5 / Play therapy. Realization in Kyrgyzstan. / Seminar / Elena Alekseeva. Play therapy project in Kyrgyzstan
6 / Child Protection Policy in Kyrgyzstan. / Seminar / Raya Ushurova (SCUK)
7 / Fostering and Adoption. Foster and residential care. / Seminar / Cholpon Botoyarova, Tatyana Kulevcova (AFOH)

8. Teaching materials.

Video (will be added later)

9. Literature.

1)Florence Lieberman. Social work with children. Hunter College of the City University of New York, School of social work. USA.1979.

2)Lela B. Costin /Charles A Rapp. Child Welfare. Policy and practice. Third Edition. USA. McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1984.

3)Vera I. Fahlberg M.D. A Chold Jorney Through Placement. USA. New -York.1994.