Required Elements for Lunch Production Records

It is recommended that sponsors use the ODE-CNP Production Record that is part of the ODE-CNP Menu Planner. If sponsors wish to develop their own production record form, it must include certain information to meet program regulations and communicate essential production information. A separate Menu Production Record should be completed for each age/grade group.

K-5 6-8 K-8 9-12

(If a menu serves more than one age/grade group at a site, you may use one production record, but notations for each age/grade group must be clear. Portion size for each age/grade group must be shown for food items and for combination entrée food products)

The ODE-CNP Menu Planner must be used for weekly menu planning.

Checkbox indicates a required production record element.

The menu planner should complete the planning section of the production record in advance
ð  Meal Type: lunch
ð  Name of school/site
ð  Date of planned meal
ð  Planned menu
ð  Planned number of reimbursable meals to be served to students.
ð  Indication of participation in Offer vs. Serve
ð  References for recipes or processed-type food products. List the recipe number and/or name. For processed-type food products (corn dogs, burritos, chicken nuggets) list product name and code number.
ð  List all food and menu items including:
1.  How food items contribute to the meal component requirements for reimbursable meals. a
·  The production record must indicate that the total amount of fruits and the total amount of vegetables are sufficient for all students to receive the required minimum daily portion.
·  Combination Food Entrees should indicate how they contribute to the Grain and Meat/Meat Alternate components.
2.  Milk recorded by type; non-fat unflavored, non-fat flavored, 1% unflavored
3.  Name of item and form (lettuce/shredded, peaches/canned/lt. syrup)
ð  Planned portion or serving size. b,c The menu planner must plan the portion size to be served for each food item. The volume or measure of the portion size must be indicated. Fruit and vegetable components must be indicated by cup size portions. Grains and mea/meat alternate should be listed by ounce equivalent.
ð  Planned total number of servings – The menu planner should indicate the total amount of servings planned for each food item to meet the meal pattern requirements for all students to be served full portions of all menu components.
ð  Planned quantity of food d – Indicate the amount of food for the total amount of servings planned including the measure or volume.
ð  Offered number of servings to students and adults – This is where the menu planner or cook will take Offer vs. Serve into consideration as well as meal participation history. This is the actual amount of food available to students.
Areas to be completed after meal service
ð  Actual number of reimbursable meals served to students.
ð  Actual number of servings served to students – listed by each food item.
ð  Actual quantity of leftovers – listed by each food item.
ð  Substitutions of any food items need to be indicated on the Production Record
ð  The number of non-reimbursable food items or meal equivalents served as a la carte/adult/seconds. This would be calculated and recorded after meal service.
Optional items
·  Food Safety guidelines require time or temperatures for all (hot and cold) potentially hazardous foods. Recording this information on the Production Record is optional only if you are keeping separate Food Safety Time/Temperature logs.
·  It is optional to record non-reimbursable items such as condiments or other foods – (salad dressings, bacon, cream cheese or non-reimbursable cheese sauce).


a. Documentation (CN labels, Manufacturer’s Product Formulation Statements, recipes with Appendix A) of how all food items credit toward the meal pattern should be retained in the menu planner’s file.

b. Indicate if the portion size for dried fruit is the actual serving size or the creditable amount. Dried fruits are credited as two times the volume served. (¼ cup of dried cranberries = ½ cup of fruit)

c. Indicate if the portion size for fresh leafy vegetables is the actual serving size or the creditable amount. Leafy green vegetables (lettuce, kale, spinach) credit as ½ of the volume served. (1 cup of lettuce = ½ cup of vegetable)

d. The Food Buying Guide should be used to calculate the amount of food needed to meet the meal pattern.