Alignment Matrix organized by SPA Standard
SPA StandardsCourse NameBrief Description of How the Course
Addressed by & NumberMeets Cited Standards
Section IV – Key Assessment 1
Admission to programLicensure test – passing score on Michigan Test for Teacher Certification
Completion of programLicensure test - passing score on Language Arts Content Test prior to State Certification
Section IV –Key Assessment 2
NCTE 2.2, 2.5, 3.2,EDTE 420 LiteracySee information provided by rubric in
3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 4.4, Strategy InterventionsKey Assessment 2.
NCTE 3.4EDTE 436 Writing K-8In EDTE 436, candidates learn and practice
the writing process (using the MELA Standards Guidelines for writing) within the simulatedpractice of a writing workshop. Mini lessons are modeled and used to teach various rhetorical devicesappropriate for elementary levels.
NCTE 2.4, 3.1, 3.7EDTE 444/484 ElementarySee information provided by rubric in
Language Arts Methods/Key Assessment 2
Developmental Reading Methods
NCTE 2.6EDTE 448 Methods forIn EDTE 448, candidates learn to apply Integrating Arts & principles that integrate art, music, physical Movement in the Elementary education, and literature instruction into
Curriculumelementary school curriculum.A deeper
appreciation for art, music, movement,
and literature is cultivated through demonstration and practice.
Section IV – Key Assessment 3
NCTE 4.3EDTE 408 Principles ofSee information provided by rubric
Teaching and Learningin Key Assessment 3.
Section IV – Key Assessment 4
NCTE 2.1, 4.1, 4.2EDTE 488 Student In the Student Teaching experience,
4.5, 4.8Teaching - Elementaryteacher candidates are expected to
spend a semester (fifteen consecutiveweeks) in professional practice with acertified teacher. The mentor teacheris expected to participate in continuous coaching regarding the practicalskills of long-term and short-term planning,daily routines, pedagogy, and classroommanagement. The mentor teacher guidesand assesses the teacher candidate’s ability to implement goals and teaching strategies which promote learning experiences
NCTE 4.2designed for various settings (i.e., whole
class, small group, and individual work), as
well as the candidate’s ability to create a classroom environment which provides
NCTE 2.1opportunities for all students to learn. The
mentor teacher, as well as the university
supervisor, guides and assesses the teacher
NCTE 4.1 candidate’suse of a variety of print, non print, and technology-based resources in the development of lesson plans (aspart of the language arts curriculum and other content areas.). In the study of language arts, the teacher candidate helps students to connect and comprehend what they read through
learning strategies basedon pre, during, and post reading of texts, allowing students to
NCTE 4.8 engage in personal response. The
university supervisors make one unannounced visit per week to observe the teacher candidate in the classroom after which a report is written. Supervisors note, among other specific criteria, the teacher candidate’s ability to
NCTE 4.5engage students in discussions where they interpret and evaluate ideas in oral, written, and visual forms. Near the end of the semester, each teacher candidate’s skills are reviewed by the mentor teacher and by university faculty (in specific areas of content) using a summative rubric. Teacher candidates are videotaped once a semester and then do a self-evaluation of their emerging skills. Specific assessments, including the mid-term (mentor assessed), the summative (university faculty assessed),and the final evaluation (mentor assessed), are included in Assessment 4.
While student teacher candidates are assessed over time throughout their 4 years and in many criteria, Assessment 4 is the final evaluation of candidate skills performed by the mentor teacher after 12-15 weeks full-time work in the elementary classroom.
Section IV – Key Assessment 5
NCTE 4.6, 4.7, 4.9EDTE 487 Student TeachingIn EDTE 487, teacher candidates meet for
Seminar one hour once each week for a seminar
during the student teaching semester. This
gives teacher candidates a chance to collaborate and problem solve with eachother and with the guidance of the Director of Student Teaching.
The purpose of seminar is to coordinate the efforts of all teacher candidates in the field. K-8 issues are presented in a discussion format with parallel assignments related to the classroom. Through the vehicle of this class, student-teacher candidates are assisted as they encounter and solve situations that arise. Within the context of seminar, candidates review and evaluate their teaching methods in areas which include
(but are not limited to) engaging students in
NCTE 4.6the study of media used for communication purposes, the use of language and its
NCTE 4.7purposes in communication, and the selection of reading strategies that allow an
NCTE 4.9 understanding of print and non-print texts.
Teacher candidates’ teaching skills are evaluated in seminar through a project entitled Impact on K-8 Student Learning, which is assessed by the mentor teacher using the rubric described in Assessment 5.
Section IV – Key Assessment 6
NCTE 4.4, 2.3, 3.1EDTE 165 PhilosophicalIn EDTE 165, candidates acquire knowledge & Social Foundations of of the philosophical, social, and professional
Educationcomponents of the teaching profession.
Candidates write reflection papers based on
thirty hours of classroom observation in
NCTE 4.4which they make connections to social and
philosophical components discussed in class: how schools are linked to society, teaching culturally diverse learners, gifted and talented learners, working with parents and collaborating with professionals in schools. Candidatesacquire knowledge and
NCTE 2.3skills in professionalism and collaboration. These experiences include, but are not limited to,observation and participation in local classrooms, creating a resume, and
beginning a professional portfolio, and
learning about professional organizations
that support teachers in both public and
private schools. Candidates develop a working professional relationship
with experienced teachers who are interviewed and shadowed for the
the thirty hours of observation and
participation within a specific teacher’s
NCTE 3.1classroom. In addition, candidates gain experience using verbal, written, and technology skills in giving oral presentations on trends in education.