Mayors Message
Melton Shire Council aims to improve health and wellbeing for our diverse community. This is one of the key objectives in the 2009-2013 Council Plan.
Council offers a wide range of services and infrastructure so that our residents can undertake leisure and recreation activities. Council’s Leisure Services Department manages over 40 active sport and recreation programs and facilities around the Shire.
We are very fortunate that there are many sport and recreation clubs in our municipality that offer so many opportunities for our community. There are currently more than 150 sporting clubs and associations which operate from community facilities. Council appreciates all the time and hard work volunteers put into these groups.
To make your life easier, Council has compiled this Club User Guide. In this guide you can find information on roles and responsibilities of Council and of sporting clubs, who to contact at Council regarding sport and recreation and other areas, a list of emergency phone numbers, a calendar of events and much more.
There is detailed information on usage and seasonal agreements, responsibilities regarding maintenance, surfaces and improvements and risk management, etc. The guide answers a lot of questions that Council often receives from sporting clubs, offers club templates and information that you might not have thought about before.
I highly recommend this Club Users Guide to you.
Cr Justin Mammarella, JP, Mayor of Melton Shire Council.
Melton Shire Council Club User Guide
Table of Contents
Section 1 - Introduction
1.1Melton Shire Council Plan
1.2Leisure Services Organisational Chart
Section 2 - Communication - Who to Contact
2.1Emergency Contacts
2.2Council Contacts and Flowchart
2.3Council Officers
Section 3 - Calendar of Events
Section 4 - Club Responsibilities
4.1Types of Usage Agreements
4.1.1Seasonally Allocated Facilities
4.1.2Casual and Leased Facilities
4.2Seasonal Agreement - Specific to Outdoor Clubs
4.2.1Seasonal Allocation Checklist
4.2.2Fee Breakdown and Formula
4.3Use of Facility in Addition to Agreed Seasonal Allocation
4.4Facility Maintenance Responsibilities
4.5Risk Management
4.5.1Risk Management Plan
4.5.2Suitability of Playing Surfaces and Surrounds
4.5.3Suitability of Equipment
4.5.4Public Liability Insurance
4.5.5Building and Property Insurance
Section 5 - Council Responsibilities
5.1.1Building Inspections
5.1.2Surface Inspections
5.2Sports Surfaces
5.2.1 Playing Surfaces
5.2.3Facility Maintenance Responsibilities
5.2.5Vandalism and Graffiti
5.2.6Cleaning and Waste Removal
Section 6 - Facility Improvements
6.1Facility Improvements
6.2Timeline / Flowchart / Checklist
6.3Funding Capital Works, Major and Minor Works
Section 7 - Club Resources
7.1Club Tools
7.2Grants (Council, External Funding Sourcing, etc)
7.3Business Planning and Budgeting
7.4Getting Your Message Out There
7.4.1Local Schools
7.4.2Electronic Marketing
7.4.3Promotional Ideas
7.6 Sponsorship
7.7Access for All Abilities
Section 8 - Permits and Regulations
8.1Event and Festival Permits
8.2Signage Permits
8.3Food Handling Permits
8.4Liquor Licences
8.5Gaming Licences and Permits
Section 9 - Leisure Opportunities
9.1Synthetic Surfaces
9.2Leisure Centres
9.3Community Facilities for Events
9.4Other Opportunities (Hike and Bike Trails, Open Space)
Section 10 - Policies and Procedures
10.1Policies and Procedures
Section 11–Useful contacts and websites
Section 12–Running Your Club
12.1Committee Positions, Roles and Responsibilities
12.2Conducting Meetings
12.3Incorporated Association Overview
Section 13–Club Templates
13.1AGM Notification and Agenda Template
13.2Ordinary Meeting Agenda Template
13.3Club Newsletters
13.4Nomination Form
13.5Proxy Form
13.6Promotional Flyer
13.7Meeting Minutes
13.8Volunteer Qualifications Record Keeping Sheet
13.9First Aid Checklist
13.10 Club Position Descriptions
13.11 Templates / Policies / Forms Found on the CD Rom
Section 14 - Working Club Document
14.1Working Club Documents
Melton Shire Council Club User Guide
Section 1 - Introduction
The Shire of Melton is one of the fastest growing municipalities in Australia. The Shire currently comprises over 150 sporting clubs and associations which operate from community facilities.
Approximately 50% of Melton residents participate in some form of organised sport or informal recreation on an annual basis!
Council’s Leisure Services Department manages over 40 active sport and recreation programs and facilities around the Shire. In addition, the Leisure Services Department provides support to clubs and other community groups to ensure that the community has opportunities to maintain their physical, social and mental wellbeing.
The purpose of the User Guide is to provide clubs and groups with basic information regarding the role of Council, clubs and other groups in improving access to and management of sporting organisations and facilities within the Shire of Melton. For more information visit
1.1Melton Shire Council Plan
The 2009-2013 Council Plan outlines the strategic priorities for the Melton Shire Council over a four year period. Reading through the Council Plan will provide club administrators with an understanding of Council’s future direction. The Council Plan is reviewed each year, and Council then develops the Council Annual Action Plan and Budget for the following year. This outlines Council’s budget forecasts and key projects from year to year.
The Strategic Objectives of the 2009-13 Council Plan are:
1.Community Health and Wellbeing: Improving health and wellbeing for our diverse community
2.Environment: Protecting and enhancing our environment
3.Business and Employment: Increasing business and employment opportunities
4.Managing Growth: Ensuring our fast growth is well planned and managed, and infrastructure is well maintained
5.Leadership: Leading the organisation and the community through accountability, transparency and advocacy
6.Community Engagement: Fostering a well-connected and engaged community
Melton Shire Council Club User Guide
1.2Leisure Services Organisational Chart
Council’s Leisure Services Department comprises a number of staff with various roles and responsibilities. Club’s first point of contact is always the Leisure Services Officers who can direct requests to the appropriate area within Council. This will save clubs the confusion of who to contact and when!!!
An example of how clubs can work with Council’s Leisure Service Officers is provided in Section 2.2 Council Contacts and Flowcharts.
Melton Shire Council Club User Guide
Mayors Message
Melton Shire Council aims to improve health and wellbeing for our diverse community. This is one of the key objectives in the 2009-2013 Council Plan.
Council offers a wide range of services and infrastructure so that our residents can undertake leisure and recreation activities. Council’s Leisure Services Department manages over 40 active sport and recreation programs and facilities around the Shire.
We are very fortunate that there are many sport and recreation clubs in our municipality that offer so many opportunities for our community. There are currently more than 150 sporting clubs and associations which operate from community facilities. Council appreciates all the time and hard work volunteers put into these groups.
To make your life easier, Council has compiled this Club User Guide. In this guide you can find information on roles and responsibilities of Council and of sporting clubs, who to contact at Council regarding sport and recreation and other areas, a list of emergency phone numbers, a calendar of events and much more.
There is detailed information on usage and seasonal agreements, responsibilities regarding maintenance, surfaces and improvements and risk management, etc. The guide answers a lot of questions that Council often receives from sporting clubs, offers club templates and information that you might not have thought about before.
I highly recommend this Club Users Guide to you.
Cr Justin Mammarella, JP, Mayor of Melton Shire Council.
Melton Shire Council Club User Guide
Melton Shire Council Club User Guide