Homework 9/25- 9/29 NAME:

Homework packets will be sent home on Monday and should be completed and returned the following Monday. The assignments can be done on the days of the week that work with your schedule. Please do not do all assignments in one day. Your student should use at least four days to complete these assignments.

Language Arts –

  1. (click green grammar workbook, go to practice quizzes, Lesson 3 Commands + Exclamations Sentences. If you get to a page that asks you to log in, go to the bottom right to parent and student resources.)
  2. Unit 1/ Lesson 3 Commands and Exclamations Worksheet

Reading –

Each night students should complete their reading log. Please allow your child to read orally to you at least one night a week. Reading orally helps you and your student to determine if the book they are reading is at their “just right” reading level.

Math –

This week students will continue to work on place value, work on number order, and greater and less.

  1. One-night work on one of the following place value:

Place values

  1. B.1Place value models up to thousands*
  2. B.2Place value names up to thousands
  3. B.3Place value names up to hundred thousands*
  4. B.4Value of a digit
  5. B.5Convert to/from a number *
  6. B.6Convert between place values
  7. B.7Convert from expanded form
  8. B.8Convert between standard and expanded form
  9. B.9Place value word problems*

(I put a star by the challenging ones for any student that would like to challenge themselves.)

  1. One-night work on one of the following (or all if you would like ?)








Spelling Word Work –

Study for test on Friday

Science and Social Studies –Students may have studying this week. Please check students journal for any classwork that may need to be completed.

Parents – There are many students who received zeros on assignments because they did not put their name on their paper or did not follow the directions. I will speak with some students and give them a chance to redo or turn their work in late. However, all students are told the first thing they should do is put their name on their paper. Please reinforce this at home.


Homework 9/25 - 9/29 Please fill out and initial:

  1. Today my student read
  • ______for ______minutes
  • ______for ______minutes
  • ______for ______minutes
  • ______for ______minutes
  1. Today my student completed:
  • B. ______IXL (choose from place value section)
  • A.______ IXL (.3,.5,.7,.9,.10,.11,.12)

3.My child has completed the grammar quiz online. ______

(If your student struggled with this assignment, please let me know.)

4.My child has completed and is returning their grammar worksheet. ______

Homework format will be like this each week. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Planners should be checked and signed nightly.