Name of the Faculty: Dr. P. P. Dahiwalkar
Qualification: M.A. ( History). Ph. D.
Designation: Lab Attendant
Experience: 19 Years
Email: prerna.dahiwalkar
Contact No.: 9891220554
Address: Department of Physics, ICS College of Arts, Commerce and Science,
Khed-415 709, Dist. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra)
(A) Educational Qualification:
Sr. No. / Degree / University / Institute / Year of Passing / Percentage1 / S.S.C. / Maharashtra (Kolhapur)
New English School Alore Chipun. / Mar.1987 / 64.28%
2 / Preparatory Programme / Y.C.M.O. University of Nashik
Waradkar Belose College Dapoli / Sep.2000 / 66%
3 / B.A. / Y.C.M.O. University of Nashik
Waradkar Belose College Dapoli / Nov.2006 / 50%
3 / M.A.(History) / Y.C.M.O. University of Nashik
Waradkar Belose College Dapoli / Apr.2009 / 57%
04 / Ph.D. / University of Rajasthan
J. J. T. University. JhunJhunu / Jan. 2014 / 64%
M.S-CIT Passed April 2007
Typing Marathi and English T/W 30, 40, WPM.
Paper presented in Conference/Attended Conference, Workshop etc.
1. National Conference – “Role of Women in National Development: Past, present and future” S,.H. Kelakar College Devgad. 07, 08 Jan.2012.
2. National Conference –Review of History of Maharashtra. Gokhale Collge of Rajgad.
17,18,Sept 2014.
3. Internatiobnal Conference – “Kokanatil Lokkala” J.J.T.U. Rajashthan. 17.18, Nov.2012
Paper published
1. Konkan And Tourism Devlopment ISSN No. 2320-7086 Volume and issue : 1 Rajmudra.
2. Study of Marleshwar tourism Dr. Navita Kulkarni. Vol-2 ICCU.-2
1. Working as a Lab Attendant from 01 09. 1999
2. Working as a Guest Lecturer in Y.C.M.O. University Nasik.