February 12, 2010
Present: G. Booth, G. Chao, A. Kirca, J. Luft, H. McKnight, M. Moch, R. Spreng, P. Stenzel, J. Wiggins, J. Lada, L. Rodammer
R. Spreng called the meeting to order at 10:34.
G. Chao moved to approve 11/3/09 and 11/17/09 minutes, seconded by J. Wiggins and approved unanimously by the committee.
Action Items
a. Elect UPC Chair for 2010-2011 – R. Spreng
G. Chao indicated she would be willing to serve as chair, and the committee unanimously approved G. Chao as chair for 2010-2011.
New Business
a. MKT 317 – Instructional model change from 3(3-1) to 3(3-0) – R. Spreng
Proposal to change from a weekly lab format to a format with help sessions scheduled throughout the week and online quizzes for greater effectiveness and efficiency.
b. MKT 319 – Course description change – R. Spreng
Proposal for a minor change in the course description.
There are housekeeping issues on both course descriptions – updated textbooks and a reference to MTA courses, which was several department names ago. These changes will be voted on at the next meeting.
c. Bylaws Issue with UPC Representation – G. Booth
G. Booth informed the committee that it is operating outside of the college bylaws. According to the bylaws, all specializations must have a representative on UPC. There is currently no representation for the entrepreneurship specialization and the sales specialization. G. Booth will contact the appropriate chairs to get representatives. In a later discussion about the sustainability specialization, G. Booth indicated that a UPC representative would not be needed because the specialization is not housed in the Broad School. R. Spreng then indicated that the sales specialization is housed in Communication Arts and Sciences, so we shouldn’t need a representative for that specialization. G. Booth indicated that we would need to look at the bylaws to make an interpretation.
Old Business
a. Assurance of Learning Goals – R. Spreng
This item was tabled for the next meeting.
Information Sharing and Updates
a. Sustainability Specialization – G. Booth
This specialization is moving through university governance. The funding is there – it’s just a matter of time until it is approved. Jeff Yingling will be the advisor. Hopefully it will be approved in time for students to enroll in the specialization for fall 2010. The specialization is not housed here, so no representative will be needed for UPC.
b. Pre-law Moratorium – G. Booth
The moratorium for GBL-Prelaw has been approved. The students who are currently in the major will be able to graduate with that degree within the next couple of years. L. Rodammer asked if these are new or existing students. G. Booth replied that they are juniors. No new students will be admitted, but if there were any transfer students in January 2010, before the moratorium was approved, we would have to accept them. P. Stenzel asked what would happen with “stragglers” – if they aren’t finished in two years. G. Booth said that we will have to figure something out for them – they will be allowed to graduate with the GBL-Prelaw degree.
M. Moch moved to adjourn, seconded by L. Rodammer. Meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
Respectfully submitted, Julie Alchin (for Michelle McNure, Recording Secretary).
UPC Minutes 2-12-10 Page 2