Chapter approved on: (March 24, 2008) ADD approved on: (April, 2008)
ABC approved on: (April, 2008)
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be Alpha Gamma Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta.
Section 2. The object of Alpha Gamma Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta shall be to represent Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity on the campus of The Ohio State University and to fulfill the purposes of the Fraternity as stated in the Kappa Alpha Theta Constitution, 2006 edition.
Section 3. These bylaws shall always be superseded by the Kappa Alpha Theta Constitution and the Kappa Alpha Theta Bylaws, 2006 edition.
Section 1. Chapter Membership Classes
A. Active membership shall include initiated or affiliated members of Alpha Gamma Chapter who are enrolled at The Ohio State University and who have not been granted inactive status.
B. Inactive membership shall include members who are on inactive status in accordance with Kappa Alpha Theta Bylaws, Article I, Section 6.
C. Unaffiliated members of Kappa Alpha Theta are members enrolled at The Ohio State University however not affiliated with the Alpha Gamma Chapter.
(1) An unaffiliated member in good standing may be affiliated by Alpha Gamma Chapter, provided all requirements as stated in Kappa Alpha Theta Bylaws, Article I, Section 5, have been met.
Section 2. Eligibility for Membership
A. The requirements for membership are as stated in the Kappa Alpha Theta Constitution, Article II, Section 2.
B. Scholarship Requirements of Alpha Gamma Chapter. Members shall earn a 2.5 GPA each quarter and maintain a cumulative 2.5 GPA to maintain full membership privileges.
C. Automatic Probation
(1) Financial Probation shall be imposed according to Kappa Alpha Theta Bylaws, Article I, Section 8, A, 2, a, (1).
(2) Scholastic Probation shall be imposed on a member who fails to achieve the chapter's required GPA and shall be in accordance with Kappa Alpha Theta Bylaws, Article I, Section 8, A, 2, a, (2).
(3) Continued failure to achieve the chapter's scholastic requirements for 4 or more semesters/terms (consecutive or non-consecutive) may result in termination of membership. Probation shall be continued until the termination of membership process is completed.
If the vote for termination is not initiated, or if the process is not completed for any reason, the member shall remain on probation.
E. Termination of Membership shall be in accordance with Kappa Alpha Theta Bylaws, Article I, Section 8, A, 3.
Section 3. Election to Membership
A. Invitations to membership shall be extended to women who meet the qualifications set forth in Kappa Alpha Theta Constitution, Article II, Section 2, and in accordance with the regulations of the College Panhellenic procedures and Kappa Alpha Theta procedures.
B. Letters of Reference
The procedures for obtaining letters of reference for each potential new member shall be as set forth in Kappa Alpha Theta Bylaws, Article I, Section 2, B.
C. Scholastic Requirement
The potential new member shall have a 2.5 cumulative GPA from college.
D. Membership selection procedures shall be in accordance with the Kappa Alpha Theta Membership Manual, 2005 edition.
E. Policy for Legacies
Legacies participating in recruitment shall be given consideration according to the Kappa Alpha Theta Membership Manual, 2005 edition, specifically the Recruitment Policies section, Legacies.
F. Election to membership shall be in accordance with Kappa Alpha Theta Constitution, Article II, Section 3.
G. Acceptance of Invitation
Women accepting invitations to join Kappa Alpha Theta shall do so in accordance with Kappa Alpha Theta policies and be pledged in accordance with the pledging service as set forth in the Kappa Alpha Theta Ritual Book 2006 edition.
Section 4. Member Orientation Program
The member orientation program and initiation shall be conducted in accordance with Kappa Alpha Theta Bylaws, Article I, Section 3 and the Kappa Alpha Theta Ritual Book 2006 edition.
Section 1. The officers of Alpha Gamma Chapter shall be organized by focus groups, with the vice-president of each group overseeing their respective group. The president and the vice-presidents make up the executive committee, which is chaired by the president.
- Administrative Focus Group:
vice-president administration, administrative secretary, recording secretary, archivist/historian, convention awards chairman.
- Finance Focus Group:
vice-president finance, facility manager.
- Public Relations Focus Group:
vice-president public relations, service chairman, alumnae relations chairman, technology chairman, editor.
- Development Focus Group:
vice-president development, social chairman, , risk management chairman.
- Education Focus Group:
vice-president education, scholarship chairman, music chairman, ritualist.
- Membership Focus Group:
vice-president membership, recruitment chairman, reference chairman, and assistant membership chairman.
G. Panhellenic Focus Group
vice-president panhellenic hellenic association, alternate panhellenic delegate
Section 2. Requirements for Officers
A. A member shall meet the conditions for eligibility and qualifications to be an officer as stated in the Kappa Alpha Theta Bylaws, Article IV, Section 3, B.
B. Scholastic Requirements
(1) Officers shall have a 2.7 GPA cumulative. However, in special circumstances of severe illness, family emergency, etc. a member may hold office if documentation is provided and approved by the Advisory Board.
(2) A chapter officer may be removed from office for the failure to maintain the required officer GPA. Removal of officers shall be conducted in accordance with Kappa Alpha Theta Bylaws, Article IV, Section 3, E.
Section 3. Elections
A. Elections shall be held annually by the end of fall quarter.
B. Nominating Procedures
(1) An elected nominating committee consisting of 2 representatives from each college class (or 1 representative if approved by the Administrative District Director) and the chairman of the advisory board, serving as committee chairman without voting privileges, shall meet to prepare the report of the nominating committee which shall be presented at the following chapter meeting. The retiring president shall serve ex officio but she shall only have voting privileges in the event of a tie. The retiring vice-president administration shall serve ex officio without a vote.
(2) The nominating procedures shall be in accordance with The Administrative Section of the College Chapter Handbook, 2007 edition,..
C. Elections shall be according to the procedures in the The Administrative Section of the College Chapter Handbook, 2007 edition.
Section 4. Deputy Officers
A. Deputies of chapter officers shall be appointed at or before the first chapter meeting following the election of officers.
B. Deputies are appointed by the president with the approval of the advisory board chairman and executive committee.
C. A deputy is required for the vice president finance.
D. A deputy is appointed for the vice president education.
Section 5. Installation of Officers
A. Transition and installation of elected officers shall take place in accordance with Administrative Section of the College Chapter Handbook, 2007edition., and Kappa Alpha Theta Ritual Book, 2006 edition.
B. Newly installed officers shall assume their duties no later than March 1 in accordance with Kappa Alpha Theta Bylaws, Article IV, Section 3, D.
Section 6. Duties of Officers
The duties of college chapter officers are stated in the Administrative Section of the College Chapter Handbook, 2007 edition.
Section 7. Term of Office
The term of office for all officers shall be for one year or until a successor is duly elected and installed.
Section 8. Vacancy in Office
A. In the case of a vacancy in any office, a successor shall be elected or appointed according to the procedures outlined in the Administrative Section of the College Chapter Handbook, 2007 edition.
B. In the event the president is unable to complete her term of office, the vice-president administration shall serve as president until a successor is duly elected and installed.
C. In case of a vacancy in any other office, the deputy officer shall carry on the work of the office until a successor is duly elected and installed.
Section 9. Removal from Office
A chapter officer shall be removed from office only in accordance with Kappa Alpha Theta Bylaws, Article IV, Section 3, E.
The Chapter shall have the following standing committees: executive committee, member development committee, risk management team, bylaws committee, finance committee, member education committee, executive recruitment board, scholarship committee, service committee, and social committee. These committees shall conduct their business in accordance with Leadership for a Lifetime, 2007 Edition.
Section 1. The business and affairs of college chapters shall be under the ultimate supervision and control of Grand Council. Chapters shall manage and conduct their business in conformity with such rules and standards as Grand Council will establish. Chapters shall not reply to any general or specific requests, from any source, for the Fraternity Constitution and Bylaws. Chapters immediately shall refer the person making the request to the Fraternity president. Generally, only Grand Council has the authority to bind the Fraternity; therefore, a member of a college chapter may not sign a relationship statement or other agreement which would attempt to obligate or bind the Fraternity.
Section 2. Meetings
A. Meetings shall be held during the regular school terms to transact the business of the chapter, to counsel together for the best interest of the group, and to enhance the spirit of Fraternity loyalty through participation in Fraternity ritual in accordance with Kappa Alpha Theta Bylaws, Article IV, Section 5.
B. The Chapter shall meet once a week during each college quarter at 6:15pm on Monday
in the Chapter room of the facility.
C. Special meetings may be called by the president, by executive committee initiative, by request of three members, or by request of the advisory board chairman or a Fraternity officer. Written notice of the time, place, and exact purpose of the special meeting must be sent to all members by mail or email at least two days in advance of the meeting.
D. Chapter meetings may be only postponed or omitted with the approval of the advisory board chairman and only in an emergency.
Section 3. Quorum
Two-thirds of the active college members shall be present in order to conduct chapter business. The chapter may still hold chapter meetings without quorum, but all chapter business, such as voting, requires quorum.
Section 4. Parliamentary Authority
The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the authority for procedures in all meetings in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and the Fraternity laws.
Section 5. Order of Business
Song; Preamble; Moral Code; Roll Call by Greek Names; Minutes of the Last Meeting; Administrative Secretary's Report; Vice-President Finance's Report; Reports of Standing Committees; Unfinished Business; New Business; Member Education Program; Scholarship Program, Good of the Order; Adjournment; Chain Song. (Administrative Section of the College Chapter Handbook, 2007 edition).
Section 1. Dues and Fees
A. The Fraternity initiation fee of one hundred seventy-five dollars ($175) shall be paid by each new member.
(1) Payments to the college chapter by the members shall be in accordance with a schedule to be developed by each college chapter; however, payments must be completed by the end of the academic year in which the woman is initiated. (Kappa Alpha Theta Bylaws, Article VII, Section 2,A,1.a)
(2) The chapter shall be responsible to the general Fraternity for the payment of the initiation fees of the members within 48 hours of initiation or in accordance with a schedule developed by the Fraternity vice-president finance & facilities in conjunction with each college chapter. Chapters with unusual circumstances may petition the Fraternity vice-president finance & facilities for special consideration in payment to the Fraternity. (Kappa Alpha Theta Bylaws, Article VII, Section 2,A,1.b)
B. The Fraternity annual per capita fee is one hundred five dollars ($105). The college chapter shall collect the per capita fees from its members and shall remit such fees to Fraternity headquarters each fall in accordance with the schedule determined by Grand Council. (Kappa Alpha Theta Bylaws, Article VII, Section 2,A,2)
C. Chapter member dues shall be $280 per quarter.
D. Chapter new member dues shall be $280 per quarter.
E. Facility fee as set by the facility corporation board shall be $625 per member payable at the following schedule:
(1) $125 to be paid per quarter beginning the 1st quarter immediately following initiation or affiliation.
(2) Total amount of the Facility fee to be paid by an affiliated member shall be
(a) 4 quarters or $500 for each sophomore affilitate
(b) 3 quarter or $375 for each junior affiliate
(c) 1 quarter or $125 for each senior affiliate
(3) The Facility fee is payable in full within two years of pledging or affiliation or whenever a member leaves school, whichever is sooner, and it is not refundable.
F. Panhellenic Dues shall be $0 per quarter for all active members and new members.
G. Off-campus fee shall be $0 per quarter for all members enrolled in school but studying off-campus or abroad.
Section 2. Financial Restrictions
A. Special assessments shall not be levied on college chapter members unless permission is obtained from Grand Council. (Kappa Alpha Theta Bylaws, Article VII, Section 2.A.5)
B. College chapter officers shall not receive remuneration in wages, room, board, or dues and shall not receive compensation in any form from suppliers. (Kappa Alpha Theta Bylaws, Article IV, Section 3.F)
C. Expenditures which exceed $1,000 (one thousand dollars) shall be approved by the alumna financial advisor.
Section 3. Fines
A. A listing of fines adopted by the chapter shall be provided to each member in written form by the member development committee and be listed in the member development manual.
B. All fines shall be placed on the bills of members and shall be collected in strict accordance with the procedures of Kappa Alpha Theta.
Section 4. Late Charges and Insufficient Funds
A. Bills not paid by the due date, two weeks after billing, are subject to a late charge of 10% of the total bill. The charge shall be in addition to the Fraternity’s disciplinary procedures relating to financial delinquency.
B. Members whose checks are returned for insufficient funds shall pay a fee of $20 per check returned.
C. Members whose checks are returned for insufficient funds twice must pay all future chapter bills via money order or cashier’s check.