HVSPD Subcommittee Meeting
September 11, 2003
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IEEE PES Surge Protective Devices (Main) Committee (3.0) Meeting Minutes
May 25, 2012 – Chateau on the Lake, Branson, MO
Innsbruck Room – 10:05-12:00
Last Name / First Name / Affiliation / Status / Present / Absent /Brown / Kenneth / Leviton / Past Chair / x
Haa / Andrea / Quality Plus / Member / x
Hill / Ray / NEETRAC / Member / x
Hotchkiss / Ron / Surge Suppression Incorporated / Secretary / x
Maytum / Mick / Independent / Member / x
Mossop / Carey / Schneider Electric / Secretary / x
Oertel / Wolfgang / Bourns / Member / x
Wilson / Jim / Independent / Member / x
Champagne / Michael / Entergy / Member / x
Field / Tom / Entergy / Member / x
Odenberg / Richard / Transtector/Smith Industries / Member / x
Surtes / Tony / ISKRA Protection USA / Member / x
Hemphill / Matt / Alltec / Member / x
1. The meeting was called to order.
2. The agenda was reviewed and approved. Andi Haa moved, Ray Hill second
3. The previous meeting minutes from the Spring 2011 were reviewed. The secretary will email the membership regarding the approval of the minutes from previous meeting. There are a total of 94 members in the Main Committee with 13 members present, therefore an in person vote to approve the minutes was not possible. Members will be asked to approve or disapprove with non-responses taken as approval.
4. Previous action item to improve recognition of IEEE standards versus UL Standards– Tony Surtes reported that no formal action had been taken. Discussion - Ken reported at UL1449 straw poll to remove VPR was voted down 9-4. Ken reported IEEE is not part of the WTO and the IEC is and that this might have some effect on the lower acceptance rate of IEEE standards. Mick Maytum reported that China has adopted 20,000 IEC standards. Richard Odemberg discussed that the IEC has a broader coverage than IEEE as far as the number of countries represented. Mick suggested looking at niche markets and producing application guides that focus on particular areas of interest to increase recognition of IEEE, focus on areas that UL does not focus on.
5. Previous action item Andi Ha and Sue Vogel to communicate with Jodie Haaz on how to promote IEEE standards globally – Andi has tried to contact but has not been able to do so yet.
6. Subcommittee Reports
- Administrative and Standards Section (SC 3.1) Report – 3.1 meeting to be held after 3.0 meeting, therefore no report available.
- Secretaries Report – Ron Hotchkiss. Ron reported that the Committee is doing well financially. Saved approximately $1500 versus budget for the spring meeting. This allowed us to have coffee, expand hospitality and cover speaker expenses. Committee is in good financial shape.
- Most people using online registration. Only 1 paid in person.
- Bibliography (SC 3.2) Report, Andi Haa– Nine of thirteen members present. Andi reported that it is better to have Bibliography meeting later in the week so that can cover items that come up during the week. Highlights: Mick has done a lot of work on the web site. Old SPDC Glossary will be superseded by Mick’s database. Will include historical references. In light of new style guide, will be reflected online. Also looking at tutorials on the web. Worked on symbols library in Visio. Worked on a new symbol that represents a generic SPD. Adding definitions for new technologies.
- High Voltage Sub-Committee Report, SC 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 - Mike Champagne reported for Steve Henesly. See attached report.
- Low Voltage Sub-Committee Report, SC 3.6 – Ray Hill.
- Discussion -Many of the working groups had a number of new interested parties. Tony mentioned that new topics such as PV, Wind, Smart Grid and EV are adding interest.
- Smart Grid paper in final stages, editor of T&D magazine has been contacted
- Web and Electronic Documentation, SC 3.7 – Mick Maytum See attached report. Only 4 people attended the session, part of this may be due to the schedule of the meeting since the time is in competition with the hospitality suite
7. Standards Reports
- High Voltage Standards report - Jim Wilson. See attached report.
- Low Voltage Standards report - Ray Hill. See attached report.
- WG chair has option of checking or unchecking interest groups – suggest that keep all checked
- WG chair has option of adding interest groups
8. IEC Liason D Reports
- IEC/SC37A – Joe Koepfinger was not present. Joe’s report was displayed and discussed. See attached. Richard Odenberg gave additional insight.
- IEC/TC37 – Mike Comber not present no report given
- IEC/SC37B – Mick Maytum. Mick commented that there has been delay in getting things done due to departure of Scott Choinski from NEMA.
- IEC/TC81 – Tony Surtees. See attached report. Discussion:
- Richard asked why not there is not a liason from WG5. Tony replied that the request must come the other way, IEC must request to IEEE. Action item – Tony to contact WG5
9. Other Liaison Activities
- ITU-T SG5 – Mick Maytum. See attached report
- Standard 4 – HVTT (High Voltage Testing Techniques) – Ray Hill gave a verbal report.( 1978 and 1995 standards are both active. New standard coming out by the end of the year.
10. Old Business – None reported
11. New Business - Some interest expressed in having the High Voltage subcommittee meet with the Substation Committee. Discussed that the intent is not doing this in lieu of the current meetings, but in addition to existing meetings by interested parties. This could be a one time event. Substation Committee Meeting typically occurs in January. Some of the working groups might do this occasionally to try and pick up more members. Action – Mike Comber and Tom Field to get back with Ron to see if Ron wants to make contact.
12. SPDC Future Meeting Locations and Schedule
- San Diego, CA, Bahia Resort, October 15-18, 2012
- Branson, MO, Chateau on the Lake, May 19-24, 2013
13. Adjourn
Action items:
Action – Mike Comber and Tom Field to get back with Ron Hotchkiss if there is an interest in the HV Committee meeting at the Substation Committee meetings and Ron will make contact.
Action item – Tony to contact IEC WG5 to see if they want to request a liaison from the IEEE.