Project-Based Lesson Plan
Project Title: Who Am I? What Have I Done? Where Am I Going?
Course: Career Tech Student Organization
Unit: Career Portfolio
Content Standards: 2008 Career Tech Course of Study
Overview/Annotation: This is a project-based lesson plan designed to guide students through the creation of a digital career portfolio. This lesson is only a guide based on the requirements from a CTSO Competitive Event.
Approximate Duration of Time: 20 hours
Essential Question: (from POI) What should be included in a Career Portfolio and what are the advantages of using a Career Portfolio?
Procedures/Activities: (for the student)
The teacher should discuss with students the CareerPortfolioRubric (see below) which will be used for all evaluations throughout this project. After the discussion, students should be given time to determine the items that will be included in the portfolio. Suggestions include;;; Resume; Research on Specific Career; Awards and Honors; Community Service; Volunteerism; Conferences; Workshops; Training; Leadership development; Specific Skills; and Samples of Work (i.e. web sites, research papers, other documents, etc.)
Refer to attached project (Who Am I? What Have I Done? Where Am I Going?)
Materials, Equipment, and Technology Resources: (for the teacher)
· Pen/Pencil
· Paper
· Computer
· Scanner
· Printer
· Internet
· Presentation Software
· Interactive White Board
· CD/DVD Burner
· Flash drive (optional)
· Word-Processing Application (optional)
Background Preparation: (for the teacher)
· Students should have a working knowledge of basic word processing and presentation software and how to format common business documents. They should also be familiar with the use of all equipment.
· Students should also have access to various employment documents such as, resume, career objectives, documentation of previous accomplishments and experiences.
Assessment Strategies:
· The same rubric will be used periodically during checkpoints for the duration of the project and as a final assessment. A checkbox is located at the bottom of the rubric table to verify the type of evaluation. (Self, Peer, Adult, or Teacher)
Excellent (3) / Satisfactory(2) / Needs Improvement (1) / COMMENTSPROGRAM: Program loads, starts and runs efficiently.
MULTIMEDIA: All animation plays properly
LINKS: Links are clearly visible to viewer and works properly.
VISUAL APPEAL: Portfolio has professional appearance, appropriate for career objective; visually consistent and appealing throughout; easy to read and understand.
NAVIGATION STRATEGY: Clear and consistent navigational system throughout presentation. There is a clear method for moving to next page, home and table of contents page.
USABILITY: The portfolio follows a logical order. Information is accurate and error free.
USE OF TECHNOLOGY: Portfolio plays on the computer with CD/DVD drive. No error message when viewing portfolios
ORGANIZATION/STRUCTURE: Subject headings and slide content is presented in a logical order.
GRAPHICS: Images are clear, appropriate for career objective and of excellent quality
DEMONSTRATION OF TECHNOLOGY SKILLS: Excellent level of skill in planning, organization, preparation, writing, graphics, etc.
Disc: Disc is properly labeled with name, contact information.
0Self Evaluation 0Peer Evaluation 0Adult Evaluation
Comments/Suggestions: ______