Denali District needs your help with 2013 Fall Camporee and the Pioneering Merit Badge!
It is the intention of Denali District to present the Pioneering Merit Badge at the 2013 Fall camporee; to be successful, we need your unit’s assistance so we have enough Merit Badge Councilors in order to accommodate approximately 150 plus Scouts. Please bring this flyer to your Scout committee meeting AND kindly assist in signing up as many councilors as possible from your unit. Your unit will be responsible for training your Scouts on the knots and doing preliminary work on the Merit Badge in order for your Scouts to earn the badge at the Camporee.
In order for your Scouts to earn the Merit Badge, at the Camporee, please note the following:
- Please have your Scouts read the Pioneering Merit Badge book so they are familiar with the ins and outs of the Requirements.
- Each Scout will need to have a copy of the requirements at the Camporee – I suggest they have a copy of the current Merit Badge Worksheet that can be found on line.
- Each Scout needs a signed Merit Badge card provided by the unit.
- Each Scout will need a pen.
- Requirements will be covered as follows:
1)To be done at the Camporee
(a). This should be signed off by the Troop BEFOREthe Scout attends the Camporee
(b) To be done at the Camporee
(c) To be done at the Camporee
3)To be done at the Camporee
4)To be done at the Camporee
5)To be done at the Camporee – The Scouts should know how to do this BEFORE the Camporee
6)To be done at the Camporee
7)To be done at the Camporee on FRIDAY EVENING; 2 Scouts per model
8)To be done at the Camporee
9)To be done at the Camporee (Note – Please have your Scouts prepared - EACH Scout will be tested on their own; the District will provide the poles.
10)To be done at the Camporee - EVERY GROUP NEEDS PRE-APPROVAL FOR THEIR PROJECT. If you don’t have a counselor in your unit, you can submit to me and a Councilor will pre-approve. Your unit will need to bring their own materials for these projects.
The District has invited all Varsity and Venturing Units to help participate in assisting with the Merit Badge. If a Unit has an older Patrol that would also like to assist, please have the Scoutmaster contact me so assignments can be distributed.
Kristine Stoehner
Denali District Advancement Chair