8th Grade Literature/ELA

Our Lady of MercySchool


Teacher: Ms. Darlene D’Astolfo

Classroom: 201


Course Description: In the Literature section of the course, students will be reading various fiction and non-fiction pieces written by a variety of authors. These include, but are not limited to: novels, short stories, poetry, plays, novellas, newspaper articles and informational texts. Students will use these texts as a vehicle for developing various skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. The ELA section of this course will focus on building vocabulary, grammar/mechanics, spelling and writing skills. Students in ELA/Lit will be expected to think critically about selected texts and demonstrate a deep understanding of central themes and ideas within the texts.

Attendance: Absent notes must be handed in the day your child returns to school. Students are responsible for any missed assignments, tests or quizzes. They will have an extra day to complete missed assignments.

Conferences: My preferred method of contact is email. If you have a question or concern, the quickest way to get in touch with me is through my school email at . If you wish to meet in person, we can set up a conference time via email.

Evaluation: Every assignment that is turned in will be graded. The effort that each student puts into this course will determine each student’s success. Grades are based on the following: Tests, Homework, Quizzes, Essays, Projects, Oral Presentations and Class Participation.

Tests: All tests are announced. Tests are based on any readings done in class, homework, class notes, handouts, and class discussions. Due to the nature of the subject matter, students are tested on certain skills that pertain to English (Ex: comparing/contrasting, making inferences, identifying vocabulary in context).

Library: Assignments given in Library class with Mrs. Oliver will count as an ELA grade.

Homework: All homework assignments are due the day after they are assigned, unless a specific due date is given. Homework is collected at the start of class and will not be accepted late. Assignments will not be accepted at dismissal.

Writing Assignments: Students will be required to complete many writing assignments throughout the course of Literature and ELA. These include, but are not limited to: in-class writings, short responses and typed essays. All writing assignments will be accompanied by guidelines.

OralPresentations: Students will be asked to prepare and deliver oral presentations throughout the year. Students will be given ample time to plan, prepare and practice presentations before they are due. Presentations will be accompanied by a rubric to give students guidelines for the assignments.

Quizzes: All quizzes will be announced. There will be weekly quizzes based on vocabulary, spelling, readings, etc. Students who actively participate in class and complete homework assignments will be prepared for weekly quizzes.

ClassParticipation: Participation is essential for success in the ELA/Literature class. Students will be expected to engage in meaningful discussions and actively participate in group work. Participation includes: positive classroom behavior, participation in class discussions, and completion of classwork.


(3)composition marble notebooks

(1)2-pocket folder

(1)Pocket dictionary

(1)Pocket thesaurus

RECOMMENDED: 1 ½’’ or 2’’ 3 ring hard covered binder and post-it notes


To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

The Pearl by John Steinbeck

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain

ExtraHelp: Extra help is available and it is the students’ responsibility to seek it out. I will provide extra help during lunch periods and before or after school. I will always find a way to accommodate students for extra help, especially before an upcoming test, quiz or project.

I look forward to getting to know all of you and help you to do your best! Remember, I am here to ensure that you are provided with everything that you need to succeed. Do not hesitate to ask for help.

Please tear off the statement below, sign and return to me by Wednesday, September 10th.


I have read the above course syllabus for 8th grade ELA/Literature. I am aware of all requirements necessary to succeed in the course.

Student Name (Print) ______Class______

Student Signature ______

Parent Name (Print) ______

Parent Signature: ______