Concept Map
1st Grade Art
Performance Objective / Concepts / Skills / Content / Vocabulary / Assessment / ResourcesS1:C1.2:PO001 Identify and experiment with materials, tools and techniques appropriately in his or her own artwork.
S1:C1.2:PO002 Use materials, tools and techniques appropriately in his or her own artwork. S2:C2.2PO001 Identify the relationship between tools, materials, and/or techniques. / Be able to use materials appropriately and safely / Responsible use of materials / materials, tools, techniques, experiment, procedures / Observation and use in project /
game sites
S2:C2.5PO002 Demonstrate respect while responding to others' artwork. / Appreciate the creativity of others / Art World / respect, comment, critique / Observation and discussion
S1:C1.2:PO002 Use materials, tools and techniques appropriately in his or her own artwork. / Be able to clean up when finished creating art / Responsible use of materials / procedures, materials / Observation and use in project
S1:C1.3:PO001 Identify and use elements in his or her own artwork. / Introduce the elements of art (line (types and categories pluse how tools affect quality of line), shape, form, color (secondary, primary and warm and cool) and texture (rough and smooth) basic concept of movement) / Elements of Art / line,curved, straight, zigzag, thick, thin, short long / Observation and use in project
S1:C1.3:PO001 Identify and use elements in his or her own artwork. / Introduce pattern and repetition as it applies to pattern and be able to recognize and create patterns / Elements of Art / pattern, repetition / Observation and use in project
S2:PO2.1PO002 Discuss how an artwork is used to communicate stories, ideas and emotions. / Know that an artist may create a work of art to show feeling and emotion / Art World / feeling, emotion, stories / Observation and use in project
S1:C1.3:PO001 Identify and use elements in his or her own artwork. /
• Be able to recognize basic lines, shapes and colors / Elements of Art / line, shape, color / Observation and use in project
S1:C1.3:PO001 Identify and use elements in his or her own artwork. / Introduce/see the difference between light and dark and know how to use it / Elements of Art / value, light, dark, contrast / Observation and use in project
S2:C2.5PO001 Contribute to a discussion about why artworks have been valued within the context of the culture in which they were made. S2:C2.3:PO001 Identify visual/tactile charateistics of artworks from a diverse culture, different place, or time. / Introduce multicultural artwork. / Visual Arts and History/Culture / culture, world art, valued / Observation and use in project
S2:PO2.1PO002 Discuss how an artwork is used to communicate stories, ideas and emotions. / Introduce that art can tell a story. / Visual Arts and History/Culture / feeling, emotion, stories / Observation and use in project
S2:C2.4:PO001 Interpret meanings an/or purposes of an artwork using subject matter and symbols. / Be able to communicate an idea through a work ofart / Create and explain art / symbol, subject, communicate, idea / Observation and use in project
S3:C3.1:PO002 Distinguish art from other objects. / Know that art can be created to decorate objects / Decorating Objects / art, everyday objects / Observation and use in project
S3:C3.1:PO003 Discuss reasons why people value art"sentimental, financial, religious, political, and historical.) S2:C2.1PO001 Contribute to a discussion about who artists are, what they do, and why they create art. /
• Purposes of art – narrative, functional, expressive, decorative / Art Worlds / preservation, history, artist / Observation and use in project
S1:C1.3:PO001 Identify and use elements in his or her own artwork. / exposure to symmetric balance / Elements of Art Symmetry / symmetrical
S1:C1.1:PO001 Contribute to a discussion about ideas for his or her own artwork. S1:C1.4:PO001 Describe and explaing his or her own artwork. / Be able to plan, create and explain a piece of art / Create and explain art / discuss, explain / observation, discussion, sharing
S3:C3.1:PO001 Form and support opinions about art. S3:C3.2PO001 Describe the visual effects created by an artist's use of tools, materials, and techniques in an artwork. S3:C3.3 PO001 Identify and element in an artwork that supports its meaning and/or purpose. S3:C3.4:PO001 Discus how an artist communicates meaning and/or purpose in an artwork. / View various artists work and give opinions/compare / Create and explain art / view, discuss, compare, contrast / Observation and discussion
S3:C1.3:PO001 Identify and use elements in his/her own artwork. / Introduce that artworks should be pleasing to the eye / Elements of Art / organize, "pleasing to the eye," balanced / Observation and use in project
S3:C1.3:PO001 Identify and use elements in his/her own artwork. / Introduce how to organize paper space and placement of objects to balance artwork / Elements of Art / Balance, organize, space / Observation and use in project
S3:C3.5PO001 Compare an original artwork with a reproduction / Show an original compare it to a copy. Texture, 3-dimensionality, luminosity…. / Create and explain art / original, copy / Observation and discussion
BCESD #15 (5/2011)Grade 1 Art– Page 1 of 4