Santa Ana Unified School District
Single Plan for Student Achievement
Taft Elementary School
Taft Elementary School
Vision Statement
We believe that all students can and will learn. To ensure that our students achieve to their highest potential, our focus will be on Common Core State Standards and research based instruction, student motivation and parent involvement. Our teaching staff is dedicated to engaging all students in meaningful and rigorus curriculum that integrates literacy across all subject areas and promotes high-level critical thinking skills. Our school promotes opportunities for students to work together as a community of learners. We believe students need to become lifelong learners who are prepared to face the challenges of a technological and diverse society. Parents are integral members of our school team. All school staff along with parents, students and our community share the responsibility for implementing and accomplishing these goals.
Taft Elementary School
Mission Statement
Our mission is to raise student academic achievement and to address the educational and language needs of all students. To ensure students will achieve high standards of learning, we will facilitate effective collaboration and communication with all families and the community. Our focus is on school-wide learning: student learning, professional learning and organizational learning. We will develop students who have a lasting love of learning and who are well equipped to lead gratifying and productive lives in a technological and diverse society.
Data Summary
AYP / API / CELDTMet AYP Criteria (ELA):
Met AYP Criteria (Math):
Yes / 2011 API:
2010 Base:
2010-11 Growth:
788 / AMAO 1: Annual Growth
% w/ prior year data
# in Cohort 1
# met AMAO 1
% met AMAO 1
66.1 / AMAO 2: Proficiency
Less than 5 Years
# in Cohort 2
# met AMAO 2
% met AMAO 2
Target: 18.7
Met Target:
Percent proficient:
ELA: 50.4
No / API:
Percent proficient:
Math: 61.7
HS Grad Rate:
No / More than 5 Years
# in Cohort 2
# met AMAO 2
% met AMAO 2
Target: 43.2
Met Target:
Student Achievement Goals
Goal I: Vision and Standards: High Expectations, Culture and Leadership
School Goal:
In conjunction with the district's 'Seven C's for Sucess' focus, Taft School will continue to adhere to its clearly stated school-wide vision, based on local, state, and national standards. This vision drives all curricular and instructional activities, staff-development, time and resource allocation, and program development. Administration will continue to promote the data driven standards based focus of the school, empower the staff, promote community and staff member involvement and encourage ongoing communication, assessment and improvement. The school environment will be safe, clean, and orderly. All staff members will continue to share high expectations for all students and enhance student learning by promoting a climate of caring and nurturing.
To accomplish this we will:
High Expectations
Taft School will continue to adhere to its clearly stated school-wide vision, based on local, state, and national standards. This vision drives all curricular and instructional activities, staff-development, time and resource allocation, and program development.
School Culture
The school environment will be safe, clean and orderly. All staff members will continue to share high expectations for all students and enhance student learning by promoting a climate of caring and nurturing.
Taft will continue to recognize all students who attain proficiency and who make progress on their assessments.
Goal IIa: Reading Across the Curriculum
Elementary and Secondary Education Act - Goal I: All students will reach high standards, at minimum, attaining proficiency or better in reading by 2013-2014
School Goal:
Taft School will strive to ensure that a minimum of 79% of all 2nd - 6th grade students score Proficient/Advanced on the Spring 2012 CST examination. To qualify for Safe Harbor, the goal is to ensure that at a minimum, 10% of all students will increase their CST score by at least one proficiency level or more. Special education students will make adequate growth based on their IEP goals. Additionally, by the end of the 2011-2012 school year all groups of students will meet our school's API goal.
PALS and 6 Minute solution will be implemented as an intervention for students reading below grade level.
In addition our goal is to increase the number of students who read outside of the classroom. In understanding that students develop the majority of their new vocabulary while reading, Taft will continue to implement and refine a school-wide “Reading Campaign” to promote the love of reading. Teachers will monitor students' progress by keeping a class chart of those completing the reading logs in the month. All students will read for understanding and demonstrate comprehension by using age appropriate academic language and by writing age appropriate complete and coherent sentences.
Hispanic/Latino subgroup will increase percent proficient on CST ELA by:
Socio-economically disadvantaged subgroup will increase percent proficient on CST ELA by:
Students with Disabilities subgroup will increase percent proficient on CST ELA by:
School wide will increase percent proficient on CST ELA by:
To accomplish this we will:
In grades K-5, Taft school will strictly adhere to the District adopted Open Court Reading Program and ensure that all students are taught the Language Arts/Reading skills and concepts, aligned to the grade-level standards.
Teachers will utilize data to inform instruction.
Students will utilize technology to enhance classroom curriculum, learning and provide individualized instruction in multiple curriculum areas.
Taft will promote collaboration between teachers, provide multiple opportunities for professional growth in the area.
Taft will increase and improve communication between the school community and parents.
Teachers will be trained in PALS.
Taft will offer multiple, varied, and productive ways for our parents and community to feel that they are an integral part of the overall school plan for student success.
Goal IIb: Writing Across the Curriculum
Elementary and Secondary Education Act - Goal I: All students will reach high standards, at minimum, attaining proficiency or better in reading by 2013-2014
School Goal:
Taft School will strive for a minimum of 70% of all students to achieve a passing score on the final writing assessment of the school year and the remaining 30% show growth of at least one level. In addition, teachers will work collaboratively to analyze student work samples and discuss teaching effectiveness based on grade level standards. Teachers will also provide multiple opportunities for students to write across the curriculum and throughout the day.
To accomplish this we will:
A school wide writing campaign will be implemented promoting grade level specific writing across the genres and enabling students to become proficient writers.
Taft will support the school wide writing campaign by recognizing and celebrating writing.
Technology will be used to enhance and support writing instruction.
Teachers will be provided with a yearly plan and writing prompts for the various writing domains.
On site staff development and professional collaboration opportunities will be offered.
Goal IIc: English Language Development
Elementary and Secondary Education Act - Goal I: All limited English students will become proficient in English and reach high standards, at minimum, attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts by 2013-2014.
School Goal:
Through the full implementation of school-wide ELD groups and the Systematic ELD instructional program, Taft School will ensure that all students work towards reaching proficiency in English Language Development. The percentage of students making AMAO I target will increase by 14%. The number of students making the AMAO II will increase by 14% as well.
The goal at Taft is that 100% of English Learners will gain at least one level or more on the California English Language Development Test. In addition, Taft will increase by 9% the number of students that reclassify from English Learner to Fluent English Proficient (R-FEP).
To accomplish this we will:
Taft will provide access to professional development opportunities in the area of ELD instruction.
Taft will support EL's who need additional academic support through the use of Instructional Assistants, cross age tutors, student teachers and community volunteers.
Students will use computers in the classroom and in the computer lab as a tool to expand their English Language skills.
Taft will provide teachers with multiple opportunities for professional development and data analysis.
Taft will improve communication between the school, home and community by providing information via phone, print and internet.
Taft teachers will utilize SIOP, GLAD and Front Loading Strategies.
Goal IId: Mathematics
Elementary and Secondary Education Act - Goal I: All students will reach high standards, at minimum, attaining proficiency or better in mathematics by 2013-14.
School Goal:
Taft School's Mathematics goal is for a minimum of 79% of all students to score Proficient or above on the Spring 2012 CST examination. To qualify for Safe Harbor the goal is the ensure that 10% of all students will increase by at least one CST proficiency level or more.
Research based strategies will be utilized in mathematics, data chats with teachers concerning math progress based on students assessments will support the implementation of systematic teaching in order to raise students' proficiency. In addition the Mind Institute program, and implementation of the district Houghton Mifflin math series will enable students to connect prior knowledge, and comprehend mathematical grade level standards.
Students who need additional assistance will participate in the Symphony Math intervention program (tier II).
Hispanic/Latino subgroup will increase percent proficient on CST Mathematics by:
Socio-economically disadvantaged subgroup will increase percent proficient on CST Mathematics by:
Students with Disabilities subgroup will increase percent proficient on CST Mathematics by:
Schoolwide will increase percent proficient on CST Mathematics by:
To accomplish this we will:
Taft School will strictly adhere to the District adopted Houghton Mifflin and California Mathematics Math programs and ensure that all students are taught the mathematics skills and concepts, aligned to the grade level standards.
Teachers will anaylyze student data and develop lessons that support student learning.
By the end of 2011-2012 school year, 79% of students will meet Benchmarks in Mathematics and 70% of students in the primary grades who do not take the CST (K-1), will score at Proficient level on the District Benchmarks test in Mathematics.
Adminsitrative team will provide teaching staff information about professional development opportunities.
Homeschool connection with our parents in order to support our students' educational growth in mathematics. JiJI is accessible at home. Families are provided with a 'how to' use at home training.
Goal III: Parent and Community: Partnerships for Student Learners
School Goal:
Parents are offered a variety of options for contributing to school and student success and will participate as decision-makers on school leadership teams. Community members will be recruited as advisors who will also provide resources and services. Taft will continuously seek the participation and involvement of parents and the community as partners with the school in the positive and productive cognitive, social and emotional development of all of our students.
Taft will have an increase of 50% from last year in parent participation at school events and activities.
To accomplish this we will:
Increase and enhance communication with parents.
Taft School will involve parents in the education of their children and in the decision making process of the school.
Taft will offer American Sign Language classes to the community and parents of DHH students.
Taft will foster relationships with community and business partners.
Taft will assist parent in Adult English Classes on site.
Goal IV:
School Goal:
To accomplish this we will:
State and Federal Funding /Services provided by categorical funds to enable underperforming students to meet standards / Funding Source / 2012-13 Budget /
TOSA / Title 1, EIA-SCE, EIA-LEP / See Goal #1
Instructional Assistant Computer / Title I / See Goal #1
Before and after school tutoring / As funds become available / See Goal #1
Saturday academy / As funds become available / See Goal #1
Smartboards and other interactive technology / As funds become available / See Goal #1
Intervention teachers / As funds become available / See Goal #1
Teacher release days / As funds become available / See Goal #1
Instructional consultants / Title I / See Goal #1
Field trips / Title I / See Goal #1