Questions for Salaried GP interviews
- Why did you choose General Practice?
- On a professional basis, how do you think a colleague would describe you?
- How would you describe your consultation style?
- What skills do you think you could bring to this Practice?
- Do you have clinical areas of interest beyond traditional general practice work (if not evident from application form)? How would you hope to pursue these alongside practice commitments?
- How do you work within a team?
- How do you see the role of the Practice Nurse?
- What aspects of your job do you enjoy most?
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- What has been your toughest personal challenge in your training and career to date?
- A couple of prescribing scenarios:
- First, it is Friday evening, about 6.20pm. The phones are due to go over to Out of Hours in 10 minutes, and you have three patients still to see. A 21-year-old woman rings up, she has completely run out of her contraceptive pills, she should start a new pack tonight and is planning to visit her boyfriend at university for the weekend. You look at her notes, she hasn't had her blood pressure checked for over a year, and her medication review is long overdue. What do you do?
- Second, you have just finished dealing with the patient above, andthe phonerings again. A 35-year-old patient who has a methadone prescription fortnightly needs a prescription. You have never met this patient. What are the issues here? You notice that the patient missed their last appointment with the Drugs Counsellor, which is part of their methadone contract. The patient is getting irate and wants a prescription now. How would you deal with this?
- What is your attitude to complementary therapies?
- How do you react to change? Please give an example of changes to working practice in which you have been involved or even responsible.
- Would you imagine taking a lead in a clinical area, e.g. developing protocols, liaising with nurses, as a salaried GP?
- Are there areas of practice management (non-clinical matters, e.g. staff or premises) that you would be interested in taking a role in?
- What would you consider the greatest challenge facing General Practice at present?
- What practice characteristics would most attract you to a permanent position, even a partnership, in general practice?
- The current vacancy is part time, are you looking for increased hours/partnership in the future?
- Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?