Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company. Itshomepageis
Junior Data Reviewer with English and Italian
Job Location: Warszawa, mazowieckie
Job Number: 00510909
Accentureis a leadingglobalprofessional services company, providing a broadrange of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. Combiningunmatchedexperience and specializedskillsacrossmorethan 40 industries and all business functions—underpinned by the world’slargestdelivery network—Accenture worksat the intersection of business and technology to helpclientsimprovetheir performance and createsustainablevalue for theirstakeholders. With morethan 435,000 peopleservingclients in morethan 120 countries, Accenture drivesinnovation to improve the way the worldworks and lives. Visitusat
Accenture Operationshelpsclientsachievenewvalue and productivity from their business processes by applyinganalytics, processacumen and industryexpertise to the transactional data and processes we manage and operate on ourclients’ behalf.
Whatwillyou do?
Youwill be responsible for reviewing web data for our Client in a givenlanguage.
Mostly, youwill:
- Provideback-end support to ourclient'scustomer
- Review data according to Client guidelines
- Workwithin the agreedtimelines, quality and quantitystandards
- Need to keepup to date with eventshappenings in countries of the supportedlanguage
- Participate in generatingimprovementideas
What we expect from you:
- Fluency in English and Italian
- Strongknowledge of modern culturehistory in countries of the supportedlanguage
- 1+ year of workexperienceuniversityeducationwill be a plus
- Willingness to workrotatingshiftsacross 7-day workweek – mornings, eveningsnightsdepending on projectneeds
What we canoffer:
- Support for yourcareer and competences development – learning from colleagues, courses and trainings, allowingyou to boostyourskills and become #BEFUTUREPROOF
- Using foreignlanguage and newtechnologysolutionsdaily, cooperating with variousClients
- CSR activities and richsocial life – Book Club, International Cuisine Club, Accenture Runners Club, family events, culturalmeetings, photographyclasses, climbing, soccer, swimming
- Full workcomfort – privatemedicalcare, life insurance, access to MyBenefit platform
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