Clinical Quality Information WG Meeting

March 14th 2014 1:00 – 3:00 pm ET


Name / Affiliation / Email
Anne Phillips / NQF /
Anne Smith / NCQA /
Aziz Boxwala / Meliorix /
Ben West / Epic /
Bryn Rhodes / Veracity Solutions /
Chris Melo / Phillips /
Chris Millet / NQF /
Crystal Kallem / Lantana Consulting Group /
Daniel Antohe / Siemens Healthcare /
Floyd Eisenberg / iParsimony, LLC /
Gaye Dolin / IMO /
Jason Mathews / MITRE /
Keith Boone / GE /
Kendra Hanley / AMA-PCPI /
Kimberly Smuk / AMA-PCPI /
KP Sethi / Lantana Consulting Group /
Marc Hadley / MITRE /
Patty Craig / The Joint Commission /
Rosemary Kennedy / eCare Informatics /
Rute Martins / The Joint Commission /
Ryan Knepp / Epic /
Stan Rankins / Telligen /
Vaspaan Patel / NCQA /


·  Conference call minutes

o  The committee reviewed meeting minutes from the February 28th conference call. Not ready to be voted on

o  The committee reviewed meeting minutes from the March 7th conference call.

Chris moved to approve and Crystal seconded

Opposed: 0; abstentions: 0; approved: 17

·  Voluntary 2015 Edition EHR Certification Criteria NPRM (Federal Register copy)

o  Ben created a draft document for CQI’s response based on last week’s discussion. The document was posted to CQI’s wiki:

o  HL7’s Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) will coordinate HL7’s response with all workgroups and the Executive Committee (EC). To accommodate ONC’ April 28, 2014 comment deadline, the PAC needs all workgroups input by March 26.

o  CQI discussed the NPRM

§  Concerns were raised that there would not be enough time to test the proposed 2017 requirements such that comments could be fully informed from a technical perspective.

·  Harmonization of Health Quality Information Models – Review/approve PPS updates

o  The Steering Division has requested that we remove a reference to building FHIR profiles until after the ‘for comment only’ May ballot. If the comments in May support building FHIR profiles, CQI can update the PSS and add FHIR at that point.

o  CQI will discuss and vote on the minor change to the PSS next Friday 3/21.

·  S&I Clinical Quality Framework Initiative

o  The draft scope of the S&I workgroup will be:

§  Identify, define, and harmonize electronic standards that promote integration between CDS and eCQM in the areas of metadata, patient data model, and logical expression language.

§  Refactoring existing CDS and eCQM standards to utilize the harmonized standards.

§  To the extent possible, to pilot the standards and refine them accordingly.

§  To engage the clinical quality community to optimize the rigor and usability of harmonized CDS and eCQM specifications.

o  The stated purpose for community involvement in the harmonization of the eCQM and CDS standards is to give participant the ability to accelerate the standards development process and early access to standards under development for internal prototyping, etc.

o  Kickoff for the workgroup will be on 3/21/14 from 12-1pm ET.

§  URL:

§  Web meeting Dial In: 1-650-479-3208 Access code: 669 782 317

o  On-going calls will occur on 11-12:30 ET on Thursday, April 3rd.

·  Quality White Paper

o  Final documents must be sent to HL7 by Sunday, March 23rd.

o  After walking through the current status of the Whitepaper workgroups, CQI discussed the reality of having the document completed next Tuesday (3/18) for group review next Friday (3/21) so that it could be submitted to HL7 by Sunday (3/23). Based on that discussion, CQI voted to withdrawal our NIB for the May ballot cycle.

Keith moved to post-pone the May ballot and Chris seconded

Opposed: 0; abstentions: 0; approved: 21

o  CQI is committed to completing the Whitepaper and work will continue. A future discussion will occur to determine if CQI wants to request an out-of-cycle ballot.

·  Metadata Ballot Reconciliation

o  Items #41, 42, and 43 were reviewed and voted on.

§  Items #41 and 42 were found to be Persuasive.

§  Item #43 was found to be Persuasive with Mod.

o  The individuals that submitted the remaining outstanding ballot comments need to be reached out to as they have not been attending the CQI calls.

Crystal moved to approve these reconciliation dispositions and

Keith seconded

Opposed: 0; abstentions: 0; approved: 21


o  Aziz has completed the modeling portions of the document. Still doing general cleanup of the document and updating several remaining issues.

§  The document is missing some examples for how measures could use specific care plan and patient experience data.

§  Aziz is planning on sending out a draft next Tuesday 3/18 so it can be discussed for approval next Friday 3/21.

§  The document is due to HL7 next Sunday 3/23 to be in the May ballot cycle.

o  In addition, an informative ballot for the Common Logic Model of Clinical Quality Measures and Decision Support will also be discussed for approval next Friday 3/21. The document is due to HL7 next Sunday 3/23 to be in the May ballot cycle.

§  The informative ballot will explore whether FHIR can fulfill the data modeling requirements of CDS and CQM. In the document, a mapping between QIDAM and FHIR is presented, along with a discussion of the architectures that might leverage the FHIR standards, how data references might be expressed using FHIR, and conclusions and recommendation related to data model convergence and enhancements to the FHIR model.

§  A draft of the ballot document was uploaded to the CQI page on Friday 3/14.

·  Next call: Friday, March 21st, 1:00 – 3:00 pm ET

Adjourned at 2:35pm ET