High Confidence Program Audit Guide
(Formerly QMP)
10 CFR Subpart B, Parts 35.40 and 35.41
[10 July 2003]
NUREG-1556, Vol. 9, Appendix S (Post 10 CFR Part 35 Changes)
[October 2003]
NEHC - Model Medical Permit Audit - Annual Radiation Protection Medical Permit Audit [December 2003]
Permittee (Name and Address):NRMP Permit No.: ______
______Most Recent Amendment No.: ______
______Date of Last Amendment: ______
______Date of This Audit: ______
Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)Date of Last Audit: ______
______Date of Next Audit: ______
Type of Inspection: ( ) Announced( ) Unannounced
( ) Routine( ) Special
( ) Initial( ) Reinspection
Summary of Findings and Actions: ( ) No Deficiencies
( ) Deficiency or Deficiencies
( ) Follow-up on Previous Deficiencies
Comments: ______
Auditor:Management Review:
(Name) (Name)
(Signature) (Date)(Signature) (Date)
Audit History
Nuclear Medicine
/2 - 6
/7 - 12
(NAVENVIRHLTHCEN – High Confidence Program Audit Guide; Dec 03)
High Confidence Program Audit Guide
Audit History
A. Were previous audits conducted annually or conducted as a component of previous audits of the permittee’s medical permit [10 CFR 20.1101]?
( ) Y ( ) N
B. Were records of previous audits maintained for 3 years [10 CFR 20.2102]? ( ) Y ( ) N
C. Were any deficiencies identified during previous audit? ( ) Y ( ) N
D. Were corrective actions taken and were they effective? (Look for repeated deficiencies).
( ) Y ( ) N
Modalities of Use (Check all that apply)
_____ a. Therapeutic radioiodine > 30 microcuries
_____ b. Other therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals?
Specify: ______
Periodic reviews shall be conducted of each applicable program area. Is the below criteria being used for their sampling?
( )Yes ( ) No
Total Written Directives / Representative Sampling1 to 20 / All (100 %)
20 to 100 / 20
Over 100 / 20 %
Year: _____ Total Number Written: _____ Number of Written Directives Reviewed: _____
Year: _____ Total Number Written: _____ Number of Written Directives Reviewed: _____
Year: _____ Total Number Written: _____ Number of Written Directives Reviewed: _____
Introduction: For any administration requiring a written directive, the permittee shall develop, implement, and maintain written procedures to provide “high confidence” that the requirements and objectives in10 CFR 35.40, 10 CFR 35.41 and 10 CFR 35.63 are met. Theses items are outlined below.
A. A written directive must be dated and signed by an authorized user (AU) before the administration of I-131 sodium iodide greater than 1.11 Megabecquerels (MBq) (30 microcuries (µCi)) or any therapeutic dosage of unsealed byproduct material [10 CFR 35.40(a)]?
( ) Yes ( ) No
B. If, because of the emergent nature of the patient's condition, a delay in order to provide a written directive would jeopardize the patient's health, an oral directive is acceptable. The information contained in the oral directive must be documented as soon as possible in writing in the patient's record. A written directive must be prepared within 48 hours of the oral directive [10 CFR 35.40(a)(1)]?
( ) Yes ( ) No
C. The written directive must contain the patient or human research subject's name and the following information [10 CFR 35.40(b)]:
1. For any administration of quantities greater than 1.11 MBq (30 µCi) of sodium iodide I-131: the dosage;
( ) Yes ( ) No
2. For an administration of a therapeutic dosage of unsealed byproduct material other than sodium iodide I-131: the radioactive drug, dosage, and route of administration?
( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) N/A
D. A written revision to an existing written directive may be made if the revision is dated and signed by an authorized user (AU) before the administration of the dosage of unsealed byproduct material [10 CFR 35.40(c)]?
( ) Yes ( ) No
E. If, because of the patient's condition, a delay in order to provide a written revision to an existing written directive would jeopardize the patient's health, an oral revision to an existing written directive is acceptable. The oral revision must be documented as soon as possible in the patient's record. A revised written directive must be signed by the authorized user (AU) within 48 hours of the oral revision [10 CFR 35.40(c)(1)]?
( ) Yes ( ) No
F. A permittee shall retain a copy of each written directive as required by 10 CFR 35.40 for 3 years [10 CFR 35.2040(d)]?
( ) Yes ( ) No
G. For any administration requiring a written directive, the permittee shall develop, implement, and maintain written procedures to provide high confidence that [10 CFR 35.41(a)]:
1. The patient’s or human research subject’s identity is positively verified before each administration; and
( ) Yes ( ) No
2. Each administration is in accordance with the written directive?( ) Yes ( ) No
H. At a minimum, the procedures required by item G above must address the following items that are applicable to the permittee’s use of byproduct material [10 CFR 35.41(b)]:
1. Verifying the identity of the patient or human research subject;( ) Yes ( ) No
2. Verifying that the administration is in accordance with the treatment plan, if applicable, and the written directive; and
( ) Yes ( ) No
3. Instructing all workers to seek guidance if they do not understand how to carry out the written directive, to help ensure that all personnel involved in the treatment fully understand instructions in the written directive or treatment plan.
( ) Yes ( ) No
I. A permittee shall retain a copy of the procedures required by item G above for the duration of the permit [10 CFR 35.2041(c)]?
( ) Yes ( ) No
Review of Nuclear Medicine Administrations Requiring a Written Directive
Remarks: Conduct periodic reviews of each applicable program area, e.g., radiopharmaceutical therapy, high-dose-rate brachytherapy, implant brachytherapy, teletherapy, gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery, and emerging technologies. The number of patient cases to be sampled should be based on the principles of statistical acceptance sampling and be representative of each treatment modality performed in the institution, e.g., radiopharmaceutical, teletherapy, brachytherapy and gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery. If feasible, the persons conducting the review should not review their own work. If this is not possible, two people should work together as a team to conduct the review of that work. Regularly review the findings of the periodic reviews to ensure that the procedures for administrations requiring a WD are effective.
As required by 10 CFR 35.41, a determination will be made as to whether the administered radiopharmaceutical dosage or radiation dose was in accordance with the WD or treatment plan, as applicable. When deviations from the WD are found, the cause of each deviation and the action required to prevent recurrence should be identified?
( ) Yes ( ) No
Modalities of Use (Check all that apply)
_____ a. Brachytherapy [10 CFR 35.400]
_____ b. Sr-90 eye applicator
_____ c. Intravascular Brachytherapy [10 CFR 35.1000] (See procedure-specific audit guide)
_____ d. Other therapeutic sealed source administrations?
Specify: ______
Periodic reviews shall be conducted of each applicable program area. Is the below criteria being used for their sampling?
( )Yes ( ) No
Total Written Directives / Representative Sampling1 to 20 / All (100 %)
20 to 100 / 20
Over 100 / 20 %
Year: _____ Total Number Written: _____ Number of Written Directives Reviewed: _____
Year: _____ Total Number Written: _____ Number of Written Directives Reviewed: _____
Year: _____ Total Number Written: _____ Number of Written Directives Reviewed: _____
Introduction: For any administration requiring a written directive, the permittee shall develop, implement, and maintain written procedures to provide “high confidence” that the requirements and objectives in10 CFR 35.40, 10 CFR 35.41 and 10 CFR 35.63 are met. Theses items are outlined below.
A. A written directive must be dated and signed by an authorized user (AU) before the administration of therapeutic dose of radiation from byproduct material [10 CFR 35.40(a)]?
( ) Yes ( ) No
B. If, because of the emergent nature of the patient's condition, a delay in order to provide a written directive would jeopardize the patient's health, an oral directive is acceptable. The information contained in the oral directive must be documented as soon as possible in writing in the patient's record. A written directive must be prepared within 48 hours of the oral directive [10 CFR 35.40(a)(1)]?
( ) Yes ( ) No
C. The written directive must contain the patient or human research subject's name and the following information [10 CFR 35.40(b)]:
1. For high dose-rate remote afterloading brachytherapy: the radionuclide, treatment site, dose per fraction, number of fractions, and total dose;
( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) N/A
2. For all other brachytherapy, including low (LDR), medium (MDR), and pulsed dose rate (PDR) remote afterloaders:
(a) Before implantation: treatment site, the radionuclide, and dose; and
( ) Yes ( ) No
(b) After implantation but before completion of the procedure: the radionuclide, treatment site, number of sources, and total source strength and exposure time (or the total dose)?
( ) Yes ( ) No
D. A written revision to an existing written directive may be made if the revision is dated and signed by an authorized user (AU) before the administration of the brachytherapy dose, the gamma stereotactic radiosurgery dose, the teletherapy dose, or the next fractional dose [10 CFR 35.40(c)]?
( ) Yes ( ) No
E. If, because of the patient's condition, a delay in order to provide a written revision to an existing written directive would jeopardize the patient's health, an oral revision to an existing written directive is acceptable. The oral revision must be documented as soon as possible in the patient's record. A revised written directive must be signed by the authorized user (AU) within 48 hours of the oral revision?
( ) Yes ( ) No
F. The permittee shall retain a copy of the written directive for 3 years in accordance with 10 CFR 35.2040?
( ) Yes ( ) No
G. For any administration requiring a written directive, the permittee shall develop procedures to provide high confidence that [10 CFR 35.41]:
1. The patient’s or human research subject’s identity is positively verified before each administration; and
( ) Yes ( ) No
2. Each administration is in accordance with the written directive?( ) Yes ( ) No
H. At a minimum, the procedures required by item G above must address the following items that are applicable to the permittee’s use of byproduct material [10 CFR 35.41]:
1. Verifying the identity of the patient or human research subject;( ) Yes ( ) No
2. Verifying that the administration is in accordance with the treatment plan, if applicable, and the written directive;
( ) Yes ( ) No
3. Checking both manual and computer-generated dose calculation; ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) N/A
4. Verifying that any computer-generated dose calculations are correctly transferred into the consoles of therapeutic medical units authorized by 10 CFR 35.600; and
( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) N/A
5. Instructing all workers to seek guidance if they do not understand how to carry out the written directive, to help ensure that all personnel involved in the treatment fully understand instructions in the written directive or treatment plan?
( ) Yes ( ) No
I. A permittee shall retain a copy of the procedures required by item G above for the duration of the permit [10 CFR 35.2041]?
( ) Yes ( ) No
J. For sealed sources inserted into the patient’s body, radiographs or other comparable images (e.g., CT) will be used as the basis for verifying the position of the non-radioactive dummy sources and calculating the administered dose before administration (Note: Not required for fixed-geometry applicators) [NUREG-1556, Vol. 9, App. S]?
( ) Yes ( ) No
K. Dose calculations will be checked before administering the prescribed therapy dose, preferably by someone who did not make the original calculations, and the therapy dose will be manually calculated to a single key point and compared to computer-generated dose calculations [NUREG-1556, Vol. 9, App. S]?
( ) Yes ( ) No
L. Acceptance testing will be performed by a qualified person (e.g., an AMP), prior to the first use, on each treatment planning or dose calculating computer program that could be used for therapy dose calculations [NUREG-1556, Vol. 9, App. S]?
( ) Yes ( ) No
Review of Brachytherapy Administrations Requiring a Written Directive
Remarks: Conduct periodic reviews of each applicable program area, e.g., radiopharmaceutical therapy, high-dose-rate brachytherapy, implant brachytherapy, teletherapy, gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery, and emerging technologies. The number of patient cases to be sampled should be based on the principles of statistical acceptance sampling and be representative of each treatment modality performed in the institution, e.g., radiopharmaceutical, teletherapy, brachytherapy and gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery. If feasible, the persons conducting the review should not review their own work. If this is not possible, two people should work together as a team to conduct the review of that work. Regularly review the findings of the periodic reviews to ensure that the procedures for administrations requiring a WD are effective.
As required by 10 CFR 35.41, a determination will be made as to whether the administered radiopharmaceutical dosage or radiation dose was in accordance with the WD or treatment plan, as applicable. When deviations from the WD are found, the cause of each deviation and the action required to prevent recurrence should be identified.
( ) Yes ( ) No
(NAVENVIRHLTHCEN – High Confidence Program Audit Guide; Dec 03)