Financial Literacy- Student Expectations
Ms. Turner
Warren Hills Regional High School
Course Objectives:Will be listed daily on the board and/or projector screen.
Course Procedures:In addition to the guidelines and procedures listed in the Warren Hills Regional High School handbooks, you are required to abide by the following classroom procedures:
- Entering OUR classroom: Learning begins the minute you walk in the door. Finish all socializing before you enter our classroom. Be seated, check the daily agenda, sign onto YOUR assigned computer (if on agenda) and begin the warm-up assignment by the time the bell rings.
- If you are tardy:
Excused: Place your pass on my desk and take your seat quietly and begin working.
Unexcused: Sign your name to the detention list, take your seat to begin working. See me after class to discuss.
- If you finish classwork early: You may work on unfinished business assignments, read WSJ or other financial periodical or review for quizzes/tests. NO COMPUTER GAMES
- If you are absent: You are responsible for work missed during your absence. Upon returning to class, please check the ‘missed work’ folder in the front of the classroom. Homework is due the day you return to class. If you are turning in a homework assignment, please write “Absent” and the date of your absence, so you will receive full credit. If you missed a test or quiz, please see me the day you return to schedule a make-up opportunity either at lunch or after school. If you are absent on the day of the test/quiz only, be prepared to take the test or quiz on the day you return. If you are absent for several days before a test/quiz, you will have one week to make up the work and test you missed.
Excused absences for school activities:Inform me of your scheduled absence BEFORE you actually miss class. I will prepare the work you will miss ahead of time.
Scheduled appointments (Guidance, School-Based etc):Notify me of your appointment before class begins and present your pass. At the designated time, pack your materials quietly, signal to me that you will be leaving the classroom and exit quietly.
- If I am absent: The same classroom procedures apply whether I am in class or a substitute is in my place. All work assigned in my absence will be collected and graded.
- If you need to use the restroom or see the nurse: I would prefer you use the restroom before class begins. If you experience an emergency, quietly complete your passbook in INK, and bring it to me for signature.If you need to see the nurse because you are ill, I will call down to make sure you made it there safely.
- Classroom Discussions: Please participate in all classroom discussions. Please keep all comments and questions RELEVENT to the current lesson. If you would like to ask a question that is off-topic, please write it down and see me after class. Treat your classmates with respect and dignity at all times. There is a zero tolerance policy for foul language, harassment, intimidation or bullying.
- Class Dismissal: The teacher dismisses you. Not the bell. Do not start packing up prior to the end of class. I will officially dismiss you with, “Have a good day!”
- Emergency Procedures: Our evacuation route is out the classroom and to the right. I will cover all emergency procedures, in detail on the first full day of class.
Computer Cart Procedures:We are privileged to have use of our classroom computer cart and must take excellent care of the equipment.
- Only use your ASSIGNED computer. (see binder for laptop assignments)
- Inspect the computer and IMMEDIATELY report any damage to the teacher. Do not wait until the end of class. You could be charged for damage if it is not reported in a timely fashion.
- Sign on with YOUR assigned login and work within the guidelines in our school’s technology policy.
- At the end of the period, log off and place your computer in its original slot in the cart and plug in the power cord.
- Failure to follow these procedures will result in loss of computer privileges.
Necessary Materials: All students are required to have:
- 1 ½ inch, 3-ring binder
- loose leaf paper
- at least one sharpened pencil or pen
- flash drive (may be shared with other classes)
Evaluation Scale:
- Tests and Quizzes count as 50% of your grade
- Projects count as 30% of your grade (a project is assigned for most chapters)
- Classwork/Homework count for 20% of your grade
All work will be assigned a point value, based on the length and difficulty. Grades will be posted on Genesis. If extra time is allowed for tests/quizzes/assignments as stated in a 504 plan or IEP, please schedule this extra time the day the test/quiz/assignment is given.
Extra Help: I am available in Room 316for extra help, most days during lunch (except for NHS meeting days) and before/after school by appointment. DO NOT LET YOURSELF FALL BEHIND!! Please take advantage of these opportunities.
Following these procedures will result in:
- Verbal acknowledgement
- Stress-free learning
- A pleasant and orderly atmosphere
Failing to follow these procedures will result in:
- 1stoffense: Verbal warning and documentation
- 2nd offense: Lunch detention and parental contact
- 3rd offense: Discipline referral
Should you have further questions, please see me after class, during lunch, or email me at the following address:
** Students: Please utilize your Warren Hills email when communicating with Ms. Turner **
I am looking forward to a successful semester with you
in class!
-Ms. Turner
Detach and return the following:
I have read the Financial Literacy Student Expectations and agree to the policies and procedures.
Student Name (please print): ______
Student Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Parent Email: ______