Multi party
Sunday January 28, 2018
12:30 P.M.
Location: Adair Community Center, 103 S. 5th St. Adair Iowa, Exit 76 North 1 block (just north of Kum and Go)
Seated Auction with lunch available
Auctioneer Notes: Nice collection of Native American items, Wildlife art, Fish & Game enthusiasts items suitable for your "man cave or garage. Many outstanding movie memorabilia plus some good old miscellaneous items. Most are Antiques and Collectible items. Something to enhance all collections.
More photos are available on the website at
Advertising & Collectibles: Redwing Quail, Old Life magazines, Old Bottle, Western Spurs, Remington Cartridge poster, Fish Display by Gary Monson, Bronze "End of the Trail", 1874 baseball cards, Upper Deck Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth (one autographed) cards, Babe Ruth Mug, Remington UMC Bullet chart, 1920's canvas back wood duck decoy, Uni cycle, wooden elephants, Lamps, Hand carved blue gills, Military panoramic picture, Military scrap book, Cannon ball, Ebbert wooden wagon sign, Old photographs, wood duck decoys, 1968 Dupont calendar explosive calendar, Comic books, Ammo boxes, Audubon Society Bird prints, log stamp hammer, Massive collection oil prints and paintings, Movie theater lobby cards 1920--?, Movie Posters 2000-2016 Audubon movie theater.
Native American Items: Wooden Indian Bust, 1853 Franklin Pierce Peace Medal, Paper Mache life sized Indian, Fish spear, Hudson Bay Necklace, Navaho Doll, Native Bone necklace, Pipe, Rattle, Tomahawk,
Additional Consignment: Cast Iron Pans, Padlocks & keys, Sword, Spurs, Whip, 50 Cal. Blackpowder Gun & Brass Gun Powder Flask, Tools & Old Wrenches, Adv Pencils & Bullet Pencils, Old Toys, Costume Jewelry, Old Kitchen Utensils & Jars, Old Silverware, Pocket Watches & Costume Jewelry, Local Advertising, Old Postcard Album full of Postcards & several other postcards, Mantle Clock, Old tins, Fishing Lures, Quilts, Linens & Dollies, Antique Dolls, Baseball Bats & Gloves, Violin & other musical instruments, Child's Antique piano, Spinning Wheel working condition.
Household miscellaneous & Furniture: Bunn coffee maker, Rocking chairs,
Wedemeyer Auction & Realty LLC
Doug Wedemeyer Auctioneer Casey Iowa E-mail:
Website Office: 641-746-2720 or Cell: 641-740-0102