ADSHE Midlands Regional Meeting

18th November 10.00 am – 3.00 pm

Birmingham University


Vikki Anderson, Sue Onens, Tina Horsman, Jackie Hatfield, Jo Hancock, Frances Godley, Claire Graham, Lynette Outram, Judy Feesey, Lindsay Nova, Christine Chadwick, Hilary Hague, Linda Kirkham & Pauline Drummond


Alison Earey, Caroline Kordecki, Barbara Kelly, Christine Carter, Karisa Krcmar, Sally Freeman, Donna Melia, Claire Trott, Siobhan McNiff, Sandra Rose, Barbara Taylor, Joan Knight, Pauline Killoran, Stephanie Stark and Jacqueline Szumko


  1. Sue gave an introduction to the day. ‘The Student Voice: Learning through lived experience’. A variety of students had been invited and given the opportunity to present to the group in whatever way they wished. Sue explained that she and her team were interested in, and encouraged us to be too, what the lived experience means to us and how it adds to our practice.
  1. Sue gave an overview of her institution, University of Birmingham. She explained that they had recently moved buildings and services had been centralised into the Student Hub. Whilst this meant services were easier for students to access it also meant that staff did not have separate offices, so it was a challenge to adapt to a new working pattern e.g. they no longer had resources on hand to use with a student
  1. Sue discussed that most lectures within the institution were being recorded and students could access them through the virtual learning environment (VLE).
  1. Sue and Vikki’s next project is looking at ‘lecture flipping’. She explained how it works and told us about the trial they are going to run. They are looking for volunteer students to participate in the study. They need to be studying bio sciences and ideally they are looking for a student with dyslexia who also has a friend that does not have dyslexia. The study will look at process and outcome and will be designed to inform learning. If you have any volunteers please speak to Sue or Vikki.
  1. Information was given out with regards to the next meeting at The University of Nottingham on Wednesday 27th January, 12.30 pm – 3.45 pm. Session1: The issue of placements – Will give an overview of a recent staff training workshop. Please feel free to share any relevant materials you have found helpful with this issue. Session 2: The 7 underlying principles of ADSHE. Please bring and share any resources which address any part of the principles. More details soon.
  1. Five students presented over the course of the day. Each had a different profile and a different story to tell. Some chose to talk whilst others were interviewed by Sue or Vikki. All gave a very professional account and were very open and honest in both their presentation and when answering questions from the floor.

The messages from these case studies and the subsequent discussions highlighted the importance of listening to students and probing for evidence and indicators during screening/assessment.

  1. Jackie closed the meeting and gave thanks to all the students and Sue and Vikki. Reminded that the next meeting is 27th January at Nottingham (half day).