(Appendix 8)

Module 5: Availability for Learning


Use the following self-checks to reflect on your own progress with a module instructor or as a part of your own self-study.

Module 5: Intervener Journal Entries (Pre and Post Reflections- Only one form submitted):
The module participant watches the introductory video, the inquiry challenge video and uses the intervener journal form to respond to the self-assessment questions at the beginning and at the end of the module. Only one intervener journal form needs to be submitted.
Module Participant: Overall: _T, GT, NR__
Content / Thoughtful / Getting There / Needs Review
Answers questions related video both before and after taking module. / Answered all the questions. Answers show thoughtful responses. / Answered all of the questions, but wrote short or incomplete responses. / Didn’t answer all questions.
Cites or notes specific resources in the module readings or videos. / Showed knowledge gained by citing materials and resources in the module. / Cited only one source in the module. / Didn’t use resources in the module to support answers.
Module 5: Simulation Discussion Board and Simulation Form.
In Learning Activity 1, the participant goes through a simulation of vision and hearing loss and submits her notes and participates on a discussion board. Please share your reflections on the discussion board and respond to at least two other participants’ posts.
Module Participant: Overall: T, GT, NR___
Content / Thoughtful / Getting There / Needs Review
Posts commentary reflecting knowledge of the assignment. / Provided a thoughtful response and a relevant real-life example. / Provided a response, but it lacked insight or relevance. / Did not provide a response.
Writes thoughtful reflections of other participants’ posts. / Commented on at least two other participants’ posts. / Commented on one other participant’s posts. / Did not comment on others’ posts.
Module 5 Internal and External Factors Interactions Quiz
In Learning Activities 2 & 3, the participants watched three slide presentations and read “Stress- Good Cop or Bad Cop” as well as reviewed the External and Internal Factors Handout.
Use this information to take an open-note quiz.
Module Participant: Quiz: / _10___
Content / Thoughtful / Getting There / Needs Review / Score
Quiz using notes from “Internal and External Factors” presentation and Reading. / 9 to 10 correct answers / 7 to 8 correct answers / 6 or fewer correct answers
Module 5 Becoming an Observer: Identifying Internal and External Factors
In Learning Activity 4, participants choose one of three assignments: biobehavioral state form, use of sensory channels form, or likes and dislikes form. After reviewing all presentations, the participant selects one and follows the instructions provided on each form to conduct her observations and make notes.
Module Participant: Overall: _T, GT, NR__
Content / Thoughtful / Getting There / Needs Review / Score
Answers show that the participant applied her knowledge to the activity. / Answered all the questions. Answers show thoughtful responses. / Answered all of the questions, but wrote short or incomplete responses. / Didn’t answer all questions.