Roni Strier. Ph.D.


Academic Director. Haifa Partnership Project for the eradication of poverty.

Area of Research: Poverty. Social exclusion. Fatherhood. Diversity. Community practice.


1. Strier, R. (2001). From social exclusion to community involvement. Society and Welfare, 21(2), 213-232. (In Hebrew).

2. Strier, R., Roer- Strier, D., Este, D., Shimoni, R., & Clark, D. (2005) Fatherhood and Immigration: Challenging the deficit theory. Child and Family Social Work. 10, 315-329.

3. Strier, R., & Roer-Strier D. (2005). Fatherhood and immigration: Perceptions of Israeli immigrant fathers from Ethiopia and the former Soviet Union. Families in Society, 86 (1), 121-133.

4. Strier. R. (2005). Gendered realities of poverty: Men and women’s view of poverty in Jerusalem. Social Service Review, 79(2), 344-367.

5. Strier, R., & Roer Strier, D. (2006). Immigrant fathers in Israel: From the deficit theory to the generative theory of fatherhood. Society and Welfare, 26, 405-432 . (In Hebrew).

6. Strier, R. (2007). Perceptions of poverty in Jerusalem. Society and Welfare, 27, 103-126. (In Hebrew).

7. Strier, R. (2007). Anti-oppressive social work research: A preliminary definition. British Journal of Social Work, 37, 857 - 871.

8. Strier, R. (2008). Community anti-poverty strategies: A conceptual framework for a critical discussion. British Journal of Social Work, 39, 6, 1063-1081.

9. Strier, R. (2008). Clients and social workers' perceptions of poverty: Implications for practice and research. Families in Society, 89, 466-475.

10. Strier, R., Biran, D. & Surkis, T. (2008). Neo-liberalism: Bottom-up counter-narratives. International Social Work, 51, 493-508.

11. Karnieli-Miller, O., Strier, R., & Pessach. L. (2008). Power relations in qualitative research: A developmental view. Qualitative Health Research, 19, 279-289.

12. Strier, R. (2009). Class competent social work. A preliminary definition. Journal of International Social Welfare. 18, 237-242.

13. Strier, R. & Abdeen Z. (2009). Women’s experiences of micro-enterprise: Contexts and meanings. Sex Roles.

14. Strier, R. (In press). Women, poverty, and microenterprise: Context and discourse. Gender, Work, and Organization.

15. Strier, R. & Benjamin, S. (In press). Developing anti-oppressive services for the poor: A theoretical and organizational rationale. British Journal of Social Work.

16. Ben-Ari, A. & Strier, R. (In press). Rethinking cultural competence: What can we learn from Levinas? British Journal of Social Work.

Chapter in Books

Roer-Strier, D., & Strier, R. (2006). The role of home and school in the socialization of immigrant children in Israel: Fathers’ views. In R. Kirova and Adams, L. (eds) Children in transition: Effects of global migration on the young, pp.103-120. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Strier, R. & Roer-Strier, D. (In press). Fatherhood and Immigration. In M. Lamb (ed.) The role of the father in child development. Fifth ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. 30 pp.