Tooele County Proposition #14
Form of Government Appointment Council
January 18, 2017 – 8:00 p.m.
Appointment Council Members in attendance: Chair Kim Halladay, Robert Gowans, Tracy Shaw, Scott Rybarik, and Charlie Roberts (Mr. Rybarik was in attendance via telephone.) County Attorney Scott Broadhead was also in attendance.
Dr. Halladay called the meeting to order at 8 p.m.
Minutes of the January 17, 2017, meeting were reviewed. A motion to approve the minutes with corrections was passed 5-0.
Council members also approved 5-0 to have Ms. Shaw send letters to appointed members, those who were not selected, and to those who were disqualified because they were either public employees or elected officials.
The Council discussed the definition of “public employee” with County Attorney Broadhead. Mr. Broadhead pointed out that Utah Code Title 67 “State Officers and Employees” specified the definition of a public employee. “Public employee" means a person who is not a public officer who is employed on a full-time, part-time, or contract basis by the state or any of its political subdivisions.” Mr. Broadhead advised that while it includes contract employees, it would not include employees of those contractors and therefore the names of those people could be considered by the Appointment Council.
The names of Scott Pehrson and Robert Davis were disqualified since they were classified as “public employees.”
The Council voted 5-0 to discuss the names of the following people whose applications had not been reviewed by the Council: Amy Paulik, Amanda “Mandy” Brown, Raymond Dixon, Brian McFadden, Robert Pitt, Douglas Timmerman, Gary Wheeler, Marilyn Christiansen, Gwen Ruebush, Marti Munn, and Steve McCurdy. These candidates were discussed individually based on information from their application and personal knowledge of individual Council members.
Dr. Halladay invited those in the audience whose names were being considered to make a brief statement to the Appointment Council. The following citizens addressed the Council: Robert Clausing, Kalem Sessions, Brett Coombs, Jon McCartney, Gary Walker, Robin Douglas, Brenda Faddis, and Toby Dillon.
The Council agreed to name 11 candidates to the study committee.
Appointment Council – page two
January 18, 2017
Votes were cast for candidates by Council members as outlined on the chart below:
Round One(Appointment Council - Proposition #14)
Gowans / Halladay / Roberts / Rybarik / Shaw
Brett Coombs / X
Whitney Cook / X / X / X / X
Erik Gumrecht / X / X
Joe Johnston / X
Richard Mitchell / X
Daniel Pacheco / X / X / X
Silas Smith / X
Maria Sweeten / X / X / X
Scott Pehrson / X
Howard Murray / X / X
Brenda Faddis / X / X / X
Kalem Sessions / X
Robin Douglas / X
Robert Davis / X
Jon McCartney / X
Ron Allen
Appointment Council – page three
January 18, 2017
The Council voted 5-0 that applicants receiving a majority of three or more votes be placed on the Proposition #14 study committee. Those people included Whitney Cook (4), Brenda Faddis (3), Daniel Pacheco (3), and Maria Sweeten (3).
Since Dr. Halladay would be unable to attend the scheduled Tuesday, Jan. 24 meeting either in person or by phone, Mr. Roberts made a motion that the Council take a 10-minute break and continue. The meeting recessed at 9:40 p.m. and reconvened at 9:51 p.m.
In Round Two, each Council member made seven choices among the following candidates, with total votes listed parenthetically: Howard Murray (3), Richard Mitchell (3), Rob Clausing (3) Kent Sagers (5), Kalem Sessions (1), Jon McCartney (2), Amie Paulik (1), Brett Coombs (3), Erik Gumbrecht (3), Robin Douglas (4), Ron Allen (4), Joe Johnston (1), and Silas Smith (2). All voting was done verbally by individual Council members.
The Council approved candidates receiving either five or votes be named to the study committee: They included Kent Sagers, Ron Allen, and Robin Douglas. This brought the total number of study committee members to seven.
These candidates who received three votes each and advanced to the third round: Rob Clausing, Brett Coombs, Erik Gumbrecht, Richard Mitchell, and Howard Murray.
In the third round, each Council member cast four votes among the five candidates. Here are the final votes: Rob Clausing (5), Brett Coombs (4), Erik Gumbrecht (4), Richard Mitchell (4), and Howard Murray (3). Mr. Clausing, Mr. Coombs, Mr. Gumbrecht, Mr. Mitchell will be appointed to the study committee.
Dr. Halladay complimented all the applicants and those attending the meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 10:27.
(Council note: Mr. Allen was disqualified later that week because he was a part-time adjunct professor for Utah State University. The Council met on Jan. 24, 2017, to select the 11th member.)