Southbound morning service
All Virgin trains normally formed of 9-car or 11-car class 390 Pendolinos except for 08.23 and 08.47 ex Rugby, which are 10 car class 221 Voyagers.
The 06.03 ex Rugby may also be formed of a class 221 Voyager on some occasions due to engineering work.
All London Midland trains formed of 4 or 8 car class 350 ‘Desiro’ units.
VT / VT / VT / VT / VT / VT / VT / VT / LM / VT / VTFrom / Wolv. / Rugby / Mnchr / Lpool / Prestn / Mnchr / Mnchr / Shrws / Crewe / Holyhd / B’ham
Rugby / 06.03 / 06.20 / 06.32 / 06.54 / 07.08 / 07.30 / 07.54 / 08.23 / 08.34 / 08.47 / 09.23
Northampton / 06.40
Milton Keynes Cent. / 06.24 / 06.51 / 07.13 / 08.55
Watford Junction / 06.47
London Euston / 07.05 / 07.31 / 07.29 / 07.51 / 07.58 / 08.23 / 08.46 / 09.15 / 09.37 / 09.41 / 10.15
Northbound evening service
All Virgin trains normally formed of 9-car or 11-car class 390 Pendolinos except as follows:
The 16.33 from Euston is formed of a class 221 Voyager.
The 18.46 Fridays only from Euston may be formed of class 221 Voyager.
The 22.30 and 23.30 from Euston may be formed of a class 221 Voyager on some occasions due to engineering work.
All London Midland trains formed of 4 or 8 car class 350 ‘Desiro’ units.
VT / LM / VT / VT / LM / VT / VT / LM / VT / VTLondon Euston / 15.03 / 15.46 / 16.03 / 16.33 / 16.46 / 17.03 / 17.33 / 17.46 / 18.03 / 18.33
Watford Junction
Milton Keynes Cent. / 16.19 / 17.19 / 18.19
Rugby / 15.51 / 16.41 / 16.51 / 17.22 / 17.41 / 17.51 / 18.21 / 18.41 / 18.51 / 19.22
To / B’ham / Crewe / B’ham / Blkpl / Crewe / B’ham / Lpool / Crewe / B’ham / Lpool
VT / VT / LM / VT / LM / VT / VT / VT / VT / VT
London Euston / 18.46 / 19.03 / 19.46 / 20.03 / 20.46 / 21.03 / 21.10 / 22.00 / 22.30 / 23.30
Watford Junction / Fridays
only / 21.25 / 22.45
Milton Keynes Cent. / 20.19 / 21.19 / 21.35 / 22.40 / 23.29 / 00.28
Rugby / 19.40 / 19.51 / 20.41 / 20.51 / 21.41 / 21.56 / 22.03 / 23.02 / 23.58 / 01$00
To / Prestn / B’ham / Crewe / Wolv. / Crewe / Wolv. / Prestn / Mnchr / Wolv. / Wolv.
$ Arrives 01.05 on Friday night/Saturday morning.
LM London Midland VT Virgin Trains
Trains which are overtaken by faster trains are not shown.
All services subject to alteration.
For further details see and select ‘plan your journey’, from which these details were compiled.