Proceedings of the Regular Meeting
Clark County November 18, 2016
The regular meeting of the County Board met November 18 at 8:00 A.M. and was called to Order by Chairman John Hammond. County Clerk Carrie Downey led the pledge of allegiance.
Rex Goble District #1 Mike Brandenburg District #2
Jim Bolin District #3
John Hammond District #4
Susan Guinnip District #5
Todd Kuhn District #6
Mike Parsons District #7
Motion by Mike Brandenburg and second by Jim Bolin to approve the minutes of the October 21, 2016 Board meeting. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted.
Motion by Mike Parsons and second by Susan Guinnip to approve the General Claims. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted.
Motion by Jim Bolin and second by Susan Guinnip to approve the County Highway Claims. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted. (See attached).
County Highway Engineer, Dallas Richardson, went through his agenda. He reported that the Cline Orchard Road is near completion. The Sugar Creek Bridge project, they are finishing up the dirt work today and the guard rail should be here Monday. It will be probably be open by Thanksgiving with approach work still needing to be complete. He will have signs put up to slow residents down before crossing. They are half way done with mowing. Black top should be complete as long as the weather holds. A service truck was purchased, Dallas traded a Gooseneck trailer to Derby Hill making the cost $12,000 after trade in.
Motion by Mike Parsons and second by Mike Brandenburg to pay Feutz Contractors’ pay estimate #4 in the amount of $188,374.42. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted. (See attached).
Todd Kuhn asked if the selling of Yargus Manufacturing would affect the Grant that was issued. Dallas said it should not.
Motion by Rex Goble and second by Jim Bolin to accept all Office Reports for October 2016. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”, except District 2 abstained. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted. (See attached).
Motion by Mike Brandenburg and second by Susan Guinnip to approve the State’s Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor Resolution. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted. (See attached).
Motion by Mike Parsons and second by Todd Kuhn to adopt the Delinquent Tax Resolutions (with three exceptions: 03-11-19-20-401-018, 13-05-32-04-401-004 and 09-12-07-20-401-016) selling properties: 03-11-19-16-402-009 to Stephen Castleman; 03-11-19-16-402-034 to Don Padrick; 03-11-20-13-303-016 to Glen C. Isley; 03-11-20-13-303-031 to Casey VFW Post 5762; 03-11-20-13-304-018- to Stephen Castleman; 08-18-13-20-404-013 to Gary D. Claypool; 09-12-08-00-100-013 to Jordan Perisho; 09-12-08-00-100-014 to Jordan Perisho; 09-12-08-09-102-014 to Gary D. Claypool; 09-12-08-09-102-028 to Jordan Perisho; 14-01-30-19-401-011 to Kirk Upton; 14-01-31-08-202-002 to Stephen Castleman. . The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted. (See attached).
Motion by Susan Guinnip and second by Rex Goble to appoint Bradley E. Burns to Mill Creek Conservancy District. This is a 5 year term beginning December 3, 2016 and ending December 3, 2021. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted. (See attached).
Motion by John Hammond and second by Rex Goble to adopt the County General Tax levy in the amount of $520,000. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted.
Motion by Rex Goble and second Mike Brandenburg to adopt the County Highway Tax Levy in the amount of $192,000. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted.
Motion by Mike Brandenburg and second by Jim Bolin to adopt the Aid to Township Bridges Tax Levy in the amount of $96,000. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted.
Motion by Jim Bolin and second by Todd Kuhn to adopt the County Aid to Federal Roads Tax Levy in the amount of $96,000. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted.
Motion by Todd Kuhn and second by Susan Guinnip to adopt the Federal Social Security Insurance Program Tax Levy in the amount of $270,000. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted.
Motion by Mike Parsons and second by John Hammond to adopt the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Tax Levy in the amount of $652,000. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted.
Motion by Susan Guinnip and second by Mike Parsons to adopt the Board of Health Tax Levy in the amount of $145,000. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted.
Motion by Mike Parsons and second by John Hammond to adopt the Extension Education Program Tax Levy in the amount of $96,000. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted.
Motion by John Hammond and second by Rex Goble to adopt the Community Mental Health Fund Tax Levy in the amount of $220,000. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman
Motion by Rex Goble and second by Mike Brandenburg to adopt the County Ambulance Fund Tax Levy in the amount of $230,000. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted.
Motion by Mike Brandenburg and second by Jim Bolin to adopt the Liability Insurance
Fund Tax Levy in the amount of $280,000. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted.
There were no Committee Reports.
Public Comments: Deby Veach addressed the Board in regards to a Noise Pollution Ordinance. She gave the Board a list of complaints from Auburn residents. Steve Shaffer spoke about other noises in Auburn Township such as trains, four wheelers, etc. Deby also addressed the issue that Yargus would be grandfathered in, there were two residents at this meeting who have lived there 60 plus years. Todd asked if she had brought this up to the Township Board, she stated that she had but they told her to come to the County Board. Auburn Township meets at 5 Points Christian Church on Tuesday at 7:00 P.M. John Hammond offered to go to the township meeting. Penny Veach mentioned that the new Semi Drive-thru can’t be driven through. Steve Shaffer said until the road is complete they cannot use it. Two more weeks and the road should be done, but it will take a couple of weeks to get everything moved.
Motion by Todd Kuhn and second by Rex Goble to enter into Executive Session at 8:32 a.m. to discuss Ambulance personnel. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted.
Motion by Todd Kuhn and second by Mike Brandenburg to come out of Executive Session at 9:07 a.m. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted.
Motion by Mike Parsons and second by Mike Brandenburg to change Jordan Wilhoit to Assistant Coordinator at $15,000 plus $6,000 for clerical duties. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted.
Motion by Jim Bolin and second by Mike Brandenburg that Preceding bills be approved. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted.
Motion by Jim Bolin and second by Mike Parsons to approve one day and mileage claims. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted.
Motion by Susan Guinnip and second by Rex Goble that the meeting be adjourned until the December 5, 2016 Organizational Meeting at 8:00 a.m. The Chairman put the question and upon the roll being taken all members present voted “aye”. Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion adopted. The meeting adjourned at 9:12 a.m.
IN ATTENDANCE: Sheri Higginbotham–Treasurer; Dallas Richardson–Highway Engineer; Ami Shaw–Circuit Clerk; Jerry Parsley–Sheriff’s Department; Jason Wimbley–Ambulance Coordinator; George Macey–Marshall Ambulance; Mike Bridges–Marshall Ambulance; Auburn residents Scott Payne, Otto Veach, Penny Veach, Deby Veach and Alan Veach; Anthony Duvall–Clark County Ambulance; Diane Moore–Treasurer’s Office; Steve Shaffer–Yargus Manufacturing.