Office of the Coordinator

201 N Washington St

Alexandria, VA 22314-2539

Tele: 703-838-5807 FAX: 703-838-8173

Corporation President:Herb Rosenbleeth, JWV, 202-265-6280

Corporation Secretary: Phil Odom, MOAA, 703-838-8534

Co-Chairmen: Vacant

Morgan Brown, AFSA, 301-899-3500 x227

Coordinator:Jamie Naughton, MOAA 703-838-5807

Acting Treasurer:Randy Reid, USCGPOA 703-941-0395


125 N West St Alexandria, VA 22314

1. The monthly TMC meeting was called toorder by Co-ChairmanBrown.Allmemberorganization representatives were present except:AAAA and MOPH

a.Pledge of Allegiance:Co-Chairman Brown

  1. Introductions:FRA introduced Brian Condon and AFSA introduced Jennifer Davis
  1. Presentations: none
  1. Minutes approved for the September meeting.
  1. The Acting Treasurer’s report approved.

2. Co-Chair Discussion Items: Co-Chair Brown (AFSA) presented an award to LtGen Olmstead (MCL) at his last official TMC meeting.
Brown provided an update on the defense bill, a continuing resolution, and a new budget agreement that will hopefully be completed by Veteran’s Day that will increase spending caps.
The TMC NDAA matrix was distributed.

3. Coordinator Announcements:no report

4. CommitteeCo-Chairs briefed onkeyissues since the last TMC meeting. Highlightsare noted below.

a. Awards. Co-chair Hauck (NMFA) thanked Judy Rensberger (COA) and Bill Rausch (IAVA) for their work on the TMC awards receiption

b. Guard and Reserve.Bob Norton (MOAA) announced that the committee will set its annual goals at its next meeting.
The next committee meeting will be Oct. 8 at FRA at 10:00 AM.

c. MilCon/MWR.Co-chair Holleman (TREA)is coordinating committee goals.

d. MilPersonnel/Compensation/Commissaries.Co-Chair du Teil (USAWOA) provided details on the final NDAA: BAH cuts, active duty pay raises, and prescription fee increases. The committee is preparing a health care survey for TMC organizations to use.

e. Retired Affairs.Co-Chair Davis (FRA) provided additional information on the blended retirement system. The committee is coordinating next year’s goals.

f. Survivor Benefits.Co-Chair Odom (MOAA)provided details of a technical correction in the NDAA to former spouse coverage.
Rick Jones (NAUS) provided details of a provision in the NDAA saying that, in the event of death during a humanitarian mission, next of kin will receive transportation reimbursement.

g. Taxes, Social Security.Co-Chair Odom (MOAA) announced a TMC letter on the tax extenders.

h. Veterans. Co-Chair Brown (AFSA) said that the committee will be meeting with HVAC professional staff to discuss pending legislation.

Co-chair Norton (MOAA) said that the next big challenge for the VA will be reducing pending appeals. There are currently 415,000 pending appeals awaiting adjudication.

i.Health Care.Morgan Brown (AFSA) provided details on prescription fee increases, changes to mail order pharmacy coverage, a new joint formulary with the VA, and an urgent care pilot.

j.Membership and Nominations.Co-Chair Rosenbleeth (JWV) called for the positions of Treasurer and TMC Co-Chair to be filled at today’s meeting. Rosenbleeth made a proposal to have Randy Reid (USCGPOA) officially serve as TMC Treasurer. The nomination was approved by unanimous consent.
Jack du Teil (USAWOA) nominated Steve Strobridge (MOAA) to serve as TMC Co-Chair. Mike Waite (NGAUS) nominated Susan Lukas (ROA) to serve as TMC Co-Chair.
Co-Chair Brown (AFSA) said that he preferred that the position be elected and filled today. Kristine Robbins (AFA) submitted a motion to delay the vote until the November meeting. The motion passed.
Co-Chair Rosenbleeth reminded organizations that TMC reps, not organization CEOs, will vote on the TMC Co-Chair position at the November meeting.

k.Website.No report.

5. Old Business.VVA encouraged organizations to support to Agent Orange Toxic Exposure Act.

6. New Business:Diane Zumatto (AMVETS) asked about organizations being approached by the National Cemetery Administration regarding lawn care maintenance.
ROA announced there will be an Arlington Cemetery Committee meeting regarding reservists and burial rights.

7. Good of the Order.FRA will host its national convention in October in Spokane, Washington. AMSUS announced it will host its annual meeting December 1-4 in San Antonio, Texas.
COA announced that the president gave an award to the PHS for its efforts in combating Ebola in Africa.

a. Appreciation was extended to FRAfor hosting today's meeting.The next TMC meeting will be10:00AM, November 5, 2015atAFA 1501 Lee Hwy Arlington, VA 22209.

8. Adjournment: 11:30 AM this date.


Jamie Naughton, Coordinator