April 20, 2010
First Grader
Asiaun’s independent level in reading is primer. After doing her word recognition it clearly showed me where to start her reading. After finishing her reading I calculated her accuracy, which she scored a 97% which is great. Primer only needs to be at 87% to be proficient so she defiantly scored higher. She scored an 80% on the primer list for flash word recognition and 100% on untimed word recognition. I could tell that Asiaun was reading well but she was defiantly reading a little slow. Then I moved on to the rate. I was correct when I made the judgment while reading that she was reading slowly. I didn’t have to factor in her rate so that was not actually calculated. But I did time her. Comprehension was in the gray area, scoring 88% on that part. To be proficient in comprehension for primer she would have to be at 90%. So I felt like she was right there and she really did comprehend what the story was about.
Asiaun’s instructional level is late first grade. After finding that she did so well on primer I was anxious to see how well she would do at the late first grade level. First I looked at her accuracy. She was able to score 94% on accuracy which is great. Considering 90% is proficient she defiantly scored over that in accuracy. Then I looked at her word recognition which she scored 55% on flash and 90% on untimed. This showed me that Asiaun knows a lot of words but cannot recall them quickly; therefore her rate of reading will be slow until she is able to increase in that area. Next I went to rate. I knew that her rate was going to be low because just like her primer reading I noticed that she was reading slowly. Her rate was 28wpm which is extremely low considering 45wpm is proficient. So I went to comprehension. Asiaun scored 100% on comprehension. She was able to retain all that she read and answer all questions correctly. So I believe that Asiaun’s instructional level in late first grade.
Asiaun’s frustration level is second grade. Although I was suppose to stop after Asiaun’s rate was measured at 28wpm. I wanted to see how she would do at second grade reading. But by doing the reading it showed that yeah I should have stopped because second grade was her frustration level. After she had done so well in accuracy on primer and late first grade I was so interested to see how she would do on second grade in those areas. First looking at her accuracy she scored 82% which is defiantly in the frustration level. Her word recognition flash score was very low at 45% but her untimed is 80% which is okay. Then her rate was once again low placing her in the frustration level again. Her comprehension is 80% which fall at the instructional level. So taking all the data into consideration I believe that Asiaun frustration level in second grade.
Instructional Level
Late First Grade
Frustration Level
Second grade
Asiaun’s independent spelling level is late first grade. I only did two spelling test with Asiaun because of the three reading that I did with her only two of them required the spelling test. But I was able to clearly see that late first grade was her independent level. She only missed two words. She mistaken the word win with when. I actually said a sentence with the word. My sentence was, “When will I get to go home?” But she still made that mistake. Her other mistake was with a vowel. She used an a instead of the u to make the word bump. I noticed that when you say both words bamp and bump your mouth doesn’t move much. So a student that is just learning phonics can easily make that mistake.
Asiaun’s frustration spelling level is second grade. She got 7 words wrong and scored a 42. So that score is defiantly at the frustration level. She missed the vowel team in the word train. She made the mistake of using a soft c instead of the actual s in the word chase. Asaiun used the wrong consonant blend in the word trapped when she used ch. She also missed the double in shopping. As a teacher I need to make sure that I teach the one-one-one rule to her. That words with one syllable ending in one vowel and one consonant double the consonant before adding a suffix beginning with a vowel. This spelling test helped me to see what she needs to work on and also what I as a teacher need to make sure I include in a lesson or a minilesson.
Instructional Level
Late first grade
Frustration level
Second grade