Fall Meeting

National Bivocational Ministry Coordinating Council

And Executive Committee

August 29-30, 2006

Tennessee Baptist Convention Building

Brentwood, Tennessee

The Ministry Coordinating Council and the Executive Committee met from 2:00, Tuesday, until 12:00 noon, Wednesday, August 29-30, 2006, for their regular fall meeting. The meeting was held at the TBC Building in Brentwood, Tennessee, just outside Nashville.

Members Present: Adolphus Cleveland, Larry Orange, Lester Evans, Ray Gilder, Bob Ray, Tom and Brenda Echols, Henry Luckel, Ron Ward, Raymond O’Quinn, David Sandifer, Lloyd Elder, Joyce Byrd. Guest: Mitch Martin, LifeWay.

Ray Gilder, Chairman of the Coordinating Council, presented a written agenda outline and presided over the meeting. Prayer concerns were mentioned including Gary Mitchell in the death of his father; Rosalind Ray with back problems; Janet Orange in the illness of her mother; David Sandifer facing several surgeries; Dan Mullins in his health and work needs; prayer concerns of a friend of Brenda Echols; John and Ann Hall in John’s illness; and others unable to be with us at this meeting. Spoken prayer was led by Lester Evans.

Regional Resource Centers: Ray reported on recent dialogue with Tom Kinchen, president of Baptist College of Florida. Kinchen, Gilder, Elder, and Byrd had met at the TBC the previous day to discuss the status of our work with them to be our first Regional Resource Center. Kinchen was very interested but not clear on what we would like. Several ideas were explored:

· Classes or curriculum for bivocational church staff

· Area designated for materials

· Hosting regional conferences where his area (FL, GA, AL) could bring in leadership

· Be listed as a regional resource center; Web link to us; be a player with us

· Publish a national communications piece as both a promotion piece for his campus but include promotional pieces for us as well (we would provide database)

Kinchen will formulate something in writing as to what commitment he can make and get back with Gilder within 10 days.

After Gilder’s report, discussion from Council members included both ideas and needs for resource centers:

· Standards and agreements—a profile

· Housed by our institutions that already have a bivocational ministry and are an advocacy for bivocational ministry

· Each one different—according to their specific “curriculum lab” approach

· A specific contact person

· Presence on our web site that goes directly to their bivocational ministry area with a summary of what they provide for bivocational ministry

· Our publications would list them as a resource for bivocationals

· Has the SBBMA stamp of approval as a Regional Resource Center

· Affiliated with the schools but not controlled by the schools

· Key word is networking

· Reviewed every 3 years against a known core of expectations

· Each institution possibly have some membership fee for a sense of ownership.

Gilder appointed Lloyd Elder, Larry Orange, and David Sandifer to work on some guidelines and report the next morning.

Coordinator Search Team Report: The committee appointed earlier by Adolphus was Ray Gilder, Bob Ray, Dale Holloway, Gary Mitchell, and Lester Evans. Holloway spoke with Gilder in detail by phone; Bob Ray, Lester Evans, and Ray Gilder met this morning (Gary was unable to attend due to his father’s death). Several ideas were discussed: NAMB might put this back on the table in light of the recent resolution and letter to trustees (letter and trustee addresses distributed), but we should not wait on that; concern that we do not have any support money for our regional consultants; Mitch Martin’s name was suggested if LifeWay could adjust his employment status to handle this added responsibility; the primary thing we need is continuity and momentum.

Mitch responded that he was flattered but, in light of his current assignments, not sure exactly what we would want him to do. However, he is very willing to do all he can to help in a specific area of need.

Bob Ray suggested that we ask Ray Gilder to be our Acting Coordinator as an intentional interim until we can get ready to have someone on board in a more full-time capacity. Sandifer moved that this be sent to the Executive Committee as a recommendation for their approval with the added suggestion that we not call it interim but make it for a specific term. Gilder responded that he could agree to a two-year term. All favored sending this to the Executive Committee for approval. We will also request that a letter be sent to Mitch’s boss thanking him for all Mitch is doing to help us (Ray will send this).

Our Direction:

A few minutes were spent in brainstorming our sense of direction as an organization and where we are going. Our greatest strengths have been: networking, affirming, resourcing, regional support in bivocational work. We need more time for networking together and sharing, also building relationships. Networking should be our focus—not builders, even though that is very good. Not all of us can be builders, so we need to think carefully about our program structure and time frames when we are together in order to build on our strengths.

Research—Mitch Martin: Mitch shared some research from an online survey on his LifeWay bivocational web site. Though not verified or for publication, it seemed to indicate there are many more people in SBC ministry doing two jobs than those doing one. He also reported on a meeting held at LifeWay with selected research employees, Ray Gilder, Lloyd Elder, and Joyce Byrd. They worked at ideas for putting together a proposal for getting LifeWay to do a research on bivocationals. Mitch later completed that proposal and has sent it to his supervisor in hopes that he will get it up-line for approval to be added to the list of LifeWay research projects.

LifeWay no longer has the traditional winter meetings, but they meet out in regions. Each state convention drives the agenda, so if you want bivocationalism talked about, you need to have your state convention tell that to LifeWay. Mitch posed the possibility of coming up with a name other than “bivocational,” which seemed to be a negative term to a lot of people. This was discussed briefly by the group, but most seemed to feel bivocationals had made some ground in being recognized, and to change the term at this point would be a setback.

Break for supper:

A buffet barbecue meal was provided in the dining room by the Moench Center and School of Religion, Belmont University (Ray will send Dean Darrell Gwaltney a letter of thanks).

National Spring Meeting:

Several minutes were spent in talking about what we wanted our national meeting to be like:

· Time of celebration

· Focus on our location and what’s happening there; affirm them

· Fellowship

· Testimonies from local people

· Sufficient time for separate meetings of Coordinating Council, Executive Committee, Resource Network, P.A.L.S. and Educators

· Brochure and publicity needs to be ready soon

· Theme: “Celebrating Bivocational Ministry A Mile High—Connecting and Encouraging Bivocational Ministers.”

· Special recognition of a bivocational pastor from that area (Henry has one)

· Some focus on resort ministries

· Mitch Martin to be a speaker on Saturday

We decided to talk about a general outline the next morning.

Report on SBBMA luncheon at the SBC:

Adolphus reported an attendance of 23 and a good time of fellowship. He is working on something similar for Monday, June, 11, 2007. Wayland Baptist University will be host and take care of the expenses for the lunch; there would only be a $5 registration fee. Rick Warren has been invited to speak, but his calendar is not confirmed yet that far ahead.

Adjourned for the evening with prayer by Raymond O’Quinn.

Wednesday, 8:30 a.m.—meeting resumed with a devotional by Lester Evans taken from Genesis 12.

Financial Matters:

We briefly reviewed the financial report sent to Ray Gilder from Dave Warton, our treasurer; the balance is $5,214.99. (This includes $1500 sent by NAMB to help defray expenses of our annual meeting in Mississippi.) In Dave’s e-mail to Ray, he expressed his willingness for someone else to take over the SBBMA treasurer’s duties since his work duties at the Ohio Convention Building were quite heavy. Ray recommended the bank account be moved to Nashville and that Joyce become the treasurer since she and Ray are easily accessible to one another. This was unanimously agreed by all those in attendance; the Executive Committee will take action on it, and Ray draft a letter to Dave Warton thanking him for his work as Treasurer. Following Executive Committee action, Adolphus will write Dave and ask him to close the account immediately and send the balance to Joyce Byrd for setting up the account in Nashville. Any monies for SBBMA should be sent to Joyce at 5111 Marc Ct., Nashville, TN 37211.

Ray will be a second signatory on the account, and we will develop guidelines establishing a voucher for all check requests. Joyce will send out quarterly financial reports to the Council to keep them informed of our status. The books will be audited annually by the Audit Committee as required in the Constitution; their report will be made at the annual national meeting.

Our need for funds was discussed briefly and the possibility that, in light of our recent events and the surge of moving forward with some specific ideas for the future, the state conventions might have some funds they would be willing to invest in our work. Ray will draft a letter that could be used.

Incorporation Papers:

Lloyd reported he has verified that we are registered as a nonprofit corporation in MS. He will send information to the directors for them to check into any annual reporting we should be doing.

Future Dates:

The established council meeting dates were changed as follows:

Ministry Coordinating Council—August 28-29, 2007

Ministry Coordinating Council—August 26-27, 2008

Both of the meetings will be held in Brentwood at the TBC Building.

Ray reported on an invitation extended by Dr. Tom Kinchen to host the spring annual meeting in 2008 in Graceville, Florida. This was warmly received and unanimously approved.

April 27-28, 2007, Annual Meeting:

Henry Luckel led in a discussion of plans and tentative schedule for the meeting in Denver. A tentative program outline follows:

Friday—morning meetings of ministry groups

(Resource Network, P.A.L.S., Educators)

2:00—4:00 p.m.: Coordinating Council & Executive Committee meeting

Friday 6:00 opening session

Colorado BGC welcome

Worship music

H. B. London, guest speaker, on the family and home

President’s address (Adolphus Cleveland)

Saturday 8:30 a.m.


Special music

Mitch Martin, LifeWay, “Setting Up Bivocational Teams”


Business session

Guest speaker for P.A.L.S. (suggested but not yet confirmed)

Guest speaker for others (suggested but not yet confirmed)

12:00-- Lunch

1:00-- Local testimonies

2:00—Adjournment and possible local tours

Henry will confirm program personalities and get the information to Joyce.

(Bivo Builders project—April 23-27 and April 30-May 4)

Henry Luckel and Ron Ward are working out details for this.

Meeting location is:

Cornerstone Baptist Church

9941 Lone Tree Parkway

Lone Tree, CO 80124-8948

Lodging suggestion:

Bradford Suites

7150 South Clinton

Centennial, CO 80112

(mention CBGC to get special rate of approx. $55—single; $65--double)

Watch web site—www.sbbma.org--for other information as it is available.


Ray expressed appreciation for the good attendance and participation. The group expressed appreciation to Ray and Joyce for taking on added responsibilities and to Lloyd for all his help and encouragement.

The meeting adjourned with prayer by Raymond O’Quinn. The next meeting of the Council is scheduled for 2:00 on Friday, April 27, 2007, in Denver, Colorado.

Joyce Byrd, Secretary

Ministry Coordinating Council

Executive Committee meeting followed. At the request of Rosalind Ray, Executive Committee secretary, notes from that meeting taken by Joyce in Rosalind’s absence are being sent to the Coordinating Council along with these minutes.