Cycle: 2
Grade: 4th
Unit: 3. Block A / Weeks: 1-3
Days: 1-8
Social Practice of the language: Play with words, and read and write for expressive and aesthetic purposes.
Specific Competency: Recreate language games to recite and write tongue-twisters.
Environment: Literary and ludic.
Product: Tongue-twister contest.
1. Choose some tongue-twisters.
Decide on the criteria of the contest; for example, who says more tongue-twisters faster, who says the tongue-twister more fluently, etc.
Make a list of the contestants and determine their order of participation. / Doing with the language
*Identify the two words forming up the name of this game: tongue-twister.
*Identify purpose.
* Identify graphic distribution.
*Identify textual components.
*Identify the number of words in tongue-twisters.
*Associate the reading and writing of words to each other.
*Clarify the meaning of new words.
Knowing about the language
*Purpose of a tongue-twister.
*Textual components and graphic distribution of tongue-twisters.
*List of suitable words.
*Word division into syllables.
* Phonemes in minimal pairs.
*Spaces between words.
Being through the language
*Language as a means of entertainment.
*Use word games as a form of healthy interaction among people. / *Identify the number of words in a tongue-twister. / Bimestrial evaluation report
Think aloud / 3sessions
2.Choose tongue- twisters for the contest and practice them. / Doing with the language
*Read tongue-twisters aloud.
*Listen to and identify a number of words with specific sounds (t-th, f-ph, -ugh, etc).
*Repeat the pronunciation of specific sounds several times.
*Practice the fluent pronunciation of words.
*Spell the words of a tongue-twister.
*Dictate and/or complete the written form of words in a tongue-twister.
*Identify the spaces between written words based on their beginning and ending.
Knowing about the language
* Textual components and graphic distribution of tongue-twisters.
*Musical elements of literary language: rhyme and repeated sounds.
*Acoustic characteristics.
*List of suitable words.
*Word division into syllables.
* Phonemes in minimal pairs.
*Spaces between words.
Being through the language
*Language as a means of entertainment.
*Use word games as a form of healthy interaction among people. / *Spell words.
*Dictate and writes words.
*Read tongue-twisters aloud. / Bimestrial evaluation report
Self assessment products / 3sessions
3.Participate in the tongue-twister contest. / Doing with the language
*Read the tongue-twisters aloud.
Knowing about the language
* Textual components and graphic distribution of tongue-twisters.
*Musical elements of literary language: rhyme and repeated sounds.
*Acoustic characteristics.
*List of suitable words.
*Word division in syllables
* Phonemes in minimal pairs.
Being through the language
*Language as a means of entertainment.
*Use word games as a form of healthy interaction among people. / *Read tongue-twisters aloud.
*Notice pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. / Bimestrial evaluation report
Oral presentations / 2sessions