Name: Apollo CSchool: N/A

Date of Birth:9/14/2000Date of Assessment: 10/20/04

Chronological Age: 4-1Date of Report: 10/22/04

Grade:preschoolExaminer: Izzy

Apollo was administered the The Battelle Developmental Inventory (BDI), a standardized battery of developmental skills. This instrument is used to identify children with disabilities, to assess school readiness, and to help plan and design educational programs. Apollo’s obtained results are below:


Standard Score (DQ)


Personal-Social Total

/ 98 / 46 / average
Adaptive Total / 96 / 39 / average
Gross Motor Score / 106 / 66 / average
Fine Motor Score / 107 / 68 / high average
Motor Total / 108 / 71 / high average
Receptive / 93 / 32 / low average
Expressive / 94 / 35 / low average
Communication Total / 96 / 39 / average
Cognitive Total / 98 / 44 / average
BDI Total / 99 / 48 / average

Overall, Apollo demonstrates age-appropriate skills across all domains assessed on the BDI. His mother reports that Apollo’s performance during the assessment was typical, and as a result the examiner believes these scores an accurate measure of Apollo’s skills.

Personal-Social: Apollo responds to social contact made by familiar adults, interacts well with peers, knows his first and last name, and participates in competitive play activities. He is inconsistent in complying with adult directives and in following rules in games.

Adaptive: Apollo serves himself when dining at home, and can button his clothes without assistance. He still needs assistance wiping after using the toilet, and often needs assistance in washing/drying his hands.

Gross Motor: Apollo can walk heel-to-toe, skips using alternate feet, and has excellent ball skills.

Fine Motor: Apollo excels in this area, demonstrating good scissor use, paper folding, and an emergent ability to tie his own shoes.

Receptive Communication: Apollo seems to understand a variety of questions and knows basic prepositions. Apollo has some problem with “where” and “when” questions, and sometimes doesn’t distinguish between real words and nonsense words.

Expressive Communication: Apollo is not yet demonstrating regular past tends of verbs (i.e., ending in –ed) and is inconsistent in asking “why” and “how” questions.

Cognitive: Apollo sometimes makes mistakes in sorting forms by shape, or identifying the concept of “longest.” He doesn’t like form puzzles, but does seem to have age-appropriate memory and basic academic skills.

In summary, Apollo is average in his development across developmental domains. He has strengths in his motor development, being slightly above his peers in most gross and fine motor skills. He is near the average range in his communication skills, with some developmental receptive and expressive skills now emergent.