Lyman Orchards Thursday Golf League Newsletter – June 23rd
Weather: Overcast and Gray, But no rain!
Participation: We used 14 subs and had 100% participation on week #11.
Both the Monday & Thursday leagues have now played a combined 21nights of golf and we are still running at 100% participation.We are up to 2,016 rounds of golf played so far and everyone has had an opponent! Please advise Early if you need a sub on June 30thor any other upcoming date!
Birdies: The league recorded 17 Birdies on Thursday night!
Bruce Howard and Dennis Sandacata each had two birds in their rounds.
Jones Course
Dennis Sandacata11, 18
Bruce Howard12, 15
Dave Bodner2
John Whitcomb3
Jon Daley6
Phil Mazeski7
Ray Bahr8
Dave Javor9
Jeff Barton12
Player Course
Lou Lastrina1
Greg Millett2
Dan Reynolds3
Jeff Passante4
Fred Heiman7
Mike Cassidy11
Best Rounds:
Once again the Thursday night league had some very nice rounds turned in last night!
Pete Reynolds36 Gross
Jeff Passante38 Gross
Dan Reynolds39 Gross
Greg Millett39 Gross
Shawn Campbell39 Gross
Joe Forrester39 Gross
Greg Baker39 Gross 32 Net
Joe Langella29 Net
John Brady32 Net
Bob Malchiodi30 Net Player Back
Mike Cassidy33 Net Player Back
Dave Javor39 Gross 31 Net
Bruce Howard39 Gross 33 Net Jones Back
Dan Griffin30 net
Morgan O’Brien31 Net
Paul Tomasko32 Net
Dave Bodner32 Net
Joe Dupuis30 Net
Closest To The Pins
Player #4Jeff Passante1’ 4’’
Jones #7Ray Ficorilli6’ 0’’
FYI: A Few Notes……
1)If you have any issues regarding the golf course, either bring it to me,your league representative or contact the GeneralManager during business hours. Do not vent on the staff behind the pro shop counter. I will be more than happy to take your calls or emails and discuss them with the proper course personnel.
2)Rules - we are eleven weeks into the season and its become more obvious that not everyone has read the rules. It would be in everyone’s best interest to review the rules which can be found on the Lyman Web Site above our league stats. Follow the information below.
3)4th league installment is due July 14th.
4)Next week the league will play the front and back nine’s of the Player course. There is a shotgun tournament on the Jones in the afternoon.
5)Scoresheets: Yowza, lots of missing info tonight! I have missing team numbers, no course selected, first names only, points not added up, adjusted gross scores with net totals In it and worst of all, no Sandbag adjustments…….. We really need to do a better job so Pete’s hair doesn’t turn totally gray by August!!!!!!!! TY
Web Site:
The Thursday Standings, Stats & Schedules are posted! Handicaps to follow!
To Access- Go To Click on Leagues Scroll down to League Information
These are Excel and Word Docs Files and will download to your computer when opened.
Pete Glenewinkel