Course Outline for Spanish 50A, Page 2
Fall 2007
ChabotCollegeFall 2007
Course Outline for Spanish 50A
Catalog Description:
50A – Spanish Conversation and Culture I2 units
Development of a basic understanding of spoken Spanish through pronunciation, vocabulary, and applied grammar, and an introduction to the everyday culture of Spanish-speaking people. 2 hours.
[Typical contact hours: 35]
Prerequisite Skills:
Expected Outcomes for Students:
Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:
- demonstrate a practical knowledge of the Spanish conversational patterns presented;
- ask and answer questions dealing with everyday situations in the present tense;
- use active vocabulary, idiomatic expressions and basic grammar to engage in routine conversational interactions in the target language;
- demonstrate a basic understanding and appreciation of the cultures and peoples of the Spanish-speaking world.
Course Content:
Functional vocabulary and grammar to allow students to:
1.speak on a basic level about themselves, their family and work in the target language;
2.converse in Spanish in areas of immediate needs and on familiar topics: order food and drink in restaurants and buy food in shops and markets, greet others, make introductions, take leave, and express appreciation;
- give and get information, make hotel and travel reservations, order meals;
3.pronounce Spanish words using correct intonation and stress;
4.identify and use Spanish vocabulary in interrogative and declarative sentences by using the present tense and the immediate future.
Methods of Presentation:
- Introduction and discussion of Spanish conversational methods
- Choral/individual repetition of model speech
- Simulation by instructor and re-creation of dialogues and improvisation
- Small group activities leading skits, dialogues, etc.
- Use of supplementary materials such as audio and visual
Typical Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
- Typical Assignments:
aPrepare a skit reflecting a social situation in a culturally appropriate manner for example, greetings and introductions.
b.Read and present a brief newspaper or magazine article.
c.Watch short film clips or listen to audio material and summarize to the class.
- Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
- Class participation and homework assignments
- Oral reports
- Quizzes, written in Spanish on the materials covered in class
- Periodic oral tests
- Final examination
Textbook(s) (Typical)
Con Mucho Gusto, Jean Valetta, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1999 or latest edition.
Lab manual optional
Lab cassettes optional
Spanish-English dictionary
Special Student Materials:
dk 10/19/06
C:\Curriculum 2006-07