Please send your information and abstract or proceedings to .

Information of Presenter

Job Title
(50 words)
  1. Presentation Abstract

Title of presentation
Presentation Style / ☐ Oral ☐ Poster ☐ Either
Paper Style / ☐ Abstract (1 page) ☐ Proceedings (maximum 4 pages)
Session / Please check the session at which you wish to make apresentation.
☐“Latest Trends in Multi-GNSS Technology and Research”
☐“Multi-GNSS Industrial Developments and Applications”
☐“Multi-GNSS Applications in Indonesia and in the Asia-Pacific Region”(Those who wish to make a presentation at this session, please check one of the boxes below.)
☐“Precise Positioning (PP)”
☐“Intelligent Transport System (ITS)”
☐“Disaster Mitigation and Management (DMM)”
☐“Location Based Service (LBS)”
Requests to the Secretariat


" Title "

Author A Full NAME*, Author B Full NAME**, and Author C Full NAME***

*Department, Affiliation, Nationality, E-mail address of the corresponding author

**Department, Affiliation, Nationality

***Department, Affiliation, Nationality


Title of the abstract should be written with 12 pt Bold typeface. In title, capitalize all the words with 4 characters or longer. Author’s family names should be written in capitals. Main body of the abstract must be single spaced, fully justified, and must use 12 pt Times New Roman font. There is no indentation at the beginning of each paragraph. There must be one empty line between successive paragraphs.

Please underline the Corresponding Author’s name and include the email address in the affiliation information below the author’s names. If references are included, they must be indicated in the text in brackets [#] and listed at the bottom following the format indicated. Authors are encouraged to supply web URLs that link to any additional information relevant to the paper.

Abstracts will be printed out in a black/white mode and distributed to all the participants. At the meeting, you will receive a programme book, in which all the presentations and authors are listed with presentation schedule.

The entire abstract is limited to one page and you can insert graphics (in JPEG or PNG format) and tables. Abstracts must be submitted as WORD (.doc or .docx) files not exceeding 5MB in size. Additionally, please name your file according to the following convention: lastname_firstname_abstract.docx

Keywords (3-5 words):

keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, keyword4, keyword5


[#] A. A. Author of article. “Title of article,” Title of Journal, vol. #, no. #, pp. page number/s, Month year. (Journal Article)