Wednesday Community Meal
The community meal on October 12 will bepot roast,mashed potatoes, carrots, salad, bread and dessert.Library Team and spouses are scheduled for 10/12. Stephen Ministry, spouses and volunteers are scheduled on 10/19. All are welcome!
MEA Getaway for HS Youth
October 20 @ 3 pm to Sunday, October 23 @ 5 pm. 9th – 12th Graders – take MEA to get away, relax, enjoy the beautiful Detroit Lakes area, and have a faith-growing experience with kids from all across the Twin Cities. There is a weekend speaker, great music, good food, a fun program and time to be together. This is a top-notch youth gathering. Cost is $180/person. CTK will pay for transportation. Space is limited so registered ASAP! Additional scholarships are available. Registration deadline October 9.
Trunk ‘N Treat
All are invited to join us for Trunk-N-Treat on Wednesday, October 26.
5 – 6 pm Community Meal
5:55 pm – Worship Express
6 pm - Children & Youth games downstairs
6:40 pm – Costume Parade through the Social Hall (for All ages) & Trunkin’ for Treats
Adults and Youth are needed to help set-up, run games, direct the parade & hand out treats. Decorate your trunk and park in the West side lot to hand out candy/prizes to the “Trunk ‘N Treaters.” Feel free to wear a costume and join our parade! All are welcome to participate!
Faith Family Practice
Seniors & grandparents, godparents, aunts & uncles, mentors, neighbors & teachers: please join us for our monthly Intergenerational times of learning and relationship building. We come together during the education hour on 10/30 to learn, discuss, and celebrate Curiosity & Our Faith. All our welcome!
A Prayer for Leadership
Give us, O God, leaders whose hearts are large enough to match the breadth of our own souls and give us souls strong enough to follow leaders of vision and wisdom. In seeking a leader, let us seek more than development for ourselves—though development we hope for, more than security for our own land—though security we need, more than satisfaction for our wants—though many things we desire. Give us the hearts to choose the leader who will work with other leaders to bring safety to the whole world. Give us leaders who lead this nation to virtue without seeking to impose our kind of virtue on the virtue of others.
—First half of a prayer by Joan Chittister / Social Justice Team / Lois Torvik
Welcome to Christ the King
October 89, 2016