Eagle Mountain Middle Track and Field 2016
April 2016
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Your son/daughter has expressed and interest in joining the track and field team. Below you will find the practice schedule and list of coaches. Students are expected to attend all practices unless there is a valid excuse (illness, dr. appt, etc). A note from home would begreatly appreciated. If there is a conflict with another activity/event,students must personally inform their coach.
This year there are two mini meets after school: Wed April 27thth at Como Lake Middle Schooland Wed May 11th Eagle Mountain Middle(to be finalized). The meets start at 3:30 and end approximately at 5:00. We will need parent drivers for the Como Lake meets. It would be greatly appreciated if you can help out. Please note that all volunteers need to have a criminal record check done and a driver abstract on file in the school office. Please pick up the volunteer package from the office if you have not already done so. Parent drivers are asked to meet in the multipurpose room by 2:45pm. If you are taking your child home from the meet, please inform your child’s coach. Students will be returning to the school around 5:30pm.
The Coquitlam District Championships will be held all day at Coquitlam Town Centre on Wed May 18th.Each school may enter only 2-4 individuals per race in each event at the Districts. Selection of athletes will be based on attendance at practices and meets, attitude, effort, and mini meet results. An athlete may only be registered in a maximum of 3 events and 2 relays at the District Championships and must compete in all events for which they are registered for, or else the athlete will be disqualified from all events. The only exception is a doctor’s note.
Proper running attire (shorts, t-shirts, running shoes – no spikes allowed) is required at all practices and competitions. Please note there is an athletic fee of $10.00 dollars for each school sport season.If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Zubick(track and field coordinator)by email at .
We are hoping to facilitate high jump but no long jump this year due to inadequate facilities.
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayMorning
7:50 - 8:25 / Long Distance1500/800m / Sprints(400m) and relays
12:15 – 12:40 / Discus/Shotput / Discus/Shotput
After School
3:10 – 4:15 / Mini Meets and District Meet / Full team practice/all events / High Jump @Moody Middle(pending approval)
Coaches:Mrs. Zubick, Mr. Fong, Mr. Perko, Ms. Collingwood, Mrs. Parkes, Teacher Candidates, Parent Volunteers
Eagle Mountain Middle Track and Field 2016
My son/daughter ______in Grade _____, Team ______has permission to participate on the Track and Field Team at Eagle Mountain Middle and attend the mini meets at Como Lake Middle and Eagle Mountain Middle .
______I am able to drive students to and from the mini meet on April 27th
I am able to drive _____ students. Parent drivers need to meet in the multipurpose room at 2:45pm
______I have my volunteer form, criminal record check, and driver abstract on file with the school.
Parent SignaturePhone Number