November 3, 2015
The Board of Davis County Commissioners met in room 303of the Davis County Administration Building, 61 South Main Street, Farmington, Utah on November 3, 2015 at 10:00 am. Members present were CommissionerP. Bret Millburn - Chair,Commissioner John Petroff, Chief Deputy Clerk/Auditor Heidi Voordeckers, Chief Deputy Civil County AttorneyNeal Geddes and Deputy Clerk/AuditorShauna Brady.
Meeting Agenda as posted:
Meeting Agenda as posted / PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Davis County Commissioners, Farmington, Utah, will hold a Commission Meeting at the Davis County Administration Building, 61 South Main Street, Room 303, Farmington, Utah, commencing at
10:00 a.m. on November 3, 2015.
Pledge of Allegiance – by invitation
  • Notice of Public Hearing and Bonds to be issued to finance the acquisition, renovation or construction, and equipping of a manufacturing facility for the manufacture of aerospace components and related products owned and operated in whole or in part by Ki Ho Military Acquisition Consulting, Inc. to be held
Nov. 17, 2015 at 10 am in Rm 303 of the Davis County Administration Building, 61 S Main St. Farmington
  • USDA Forest Service order to close Farmington Canyon Road effective Nov. 9, 2015 until further notice
Tanya Perkins, Davis County Children’s Justice Center Director, presenting:
Ratify agreement with the National Children’s Alliance (NCA) – Davis County acknowledges and agrees to
participate in the NCA accreditation process (n/a)
Dave Hansen, Davis County Legacy Events Director, presenting:
Agreement with American Martial Arts – rent exhibit building #1 for karate lessons (receivable)
Neka Roundy, Davis County Office of Tourism, presenting:
Agreement with Julie Zickefoose – participation in 2 field trips, 1 workshop and keynote speaker at 2016 Davis County Bird Festival (payable)
Agreement with James Currie – participation in 2 field trips, 1 workshop and guest speaker at 2016 Davis
County Bird Festival (payable)
Randy Cook, Davis County Office of Tourism, presenting:
Agreement with GBR Marketing LLC – independent contractor services as a Lead Generator Specialist for the Davis
County Conference Center and Legacy Events Center (payable)
Kevin Fielding, Davis County Sheriff’s Office, presenting:
Ratify agreement with AJ Mueller Photography – Davis County Sheriff’s Office will provide intermittent traffic
control services at Antelope Island State Park causeway (receivable)
Memorandum of Understanding with USDA Forest Service – grants law enforcement authority to designated
US Forest Service Law Enforcement Officers within the Davis County Sheriff’s Office jurisdiction (n/a)
Lewis Garrett, Davis County Health Director, presenting:
Agreement with Utah Department of Health – Enhanced Prion Disease Surveillance (receivable)
Agreement with Utah Department of Health – EPICC 1305 provides funding to promote physical activity, nutrition,
diabetes and heart disease related public health activities (receivable)
Amendment with Acumen Fiscal Agent, LLC – extend terms of contract for financial management services for Davis
County’s Veterans Directed Care program (payable)
Resolution authorizing the Davis County Health Director to sign certain agreements in which the Health Department
employees perform temporary assignments for the Federal Veterans Rural Health Resources Center (n/a)
Commissioner Millburn presenting:
Amendment with Utah Department of Health, Division of Substance Abuse & Mental Health – Mental Health Area
Plan funding allocation change for State FY2016 (receivable/pass-through to DBH)
Request for Approval of the Property Tax Register
Meeting Minutes - Public Meeting October 21, 2015
Check Registers
PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 Minutes per Person)
Heidi Voordeckers, Chief Deputy Clerk/Auditor, led the Pledge of Allegiance. All in attendance were invited to stand and join in.
Commissioner Smith excused / Commissioner Millburn welcomed Commissioner Petroff. He was not at last week’s Commission meeting because of back surgery and is doing well. Commissioner Smith was excused from today’s meeting. He is out of town visiting family. Heidi Voordeckers, Chief Deputy Clerk/Auditor, was welcomed. She is representing Clerk/Auditor Curtis Koch while he is out of town.
Voting Day update / Commissioner Millburn asked Heidi to give an update on how the voting is coming along. Heidi said they have received many more ballots than anticipated. It’s been a great turnout so far. It will be a busy day with a lot of excitement. Commissioner Millburn asked everyone to vote and to encourage their family and friends to vote. Last week he attended the Voting Process Open House hosted by the Davis County Elections office and found it interesting and informative.
Notice of Public Hearing and Bonds to be issued to financially assist Ki Ho Military Acquisition Consulting Inc. / Notice was given of Public Hearing and Bonds to be issued to finance the acquisition, renovation or construction, and equipping of a manufacturing facility for the manufacture of aerospace components and related products owned and operated in whole or in part by Ki Ho Military Acquisition Consulting, Inc., to be held November 17, 2015 at 10 a.m. in Room 303 of the Davis County Administration Building, 61 South Main Street, Farmington. Commissioner Millburn explained this is in regard to action taken in last week’s Commission Meeting. Ki Ho is a private entity located in Davis County that would like to utilize the County as a conduit to secure financing. They are hoping to consolidate and expand their operations through the help of these bonds.
Farmington Canyon Road closed / The United States Department of Agriculture – Forest Service issued by special order of the Forest Supervisor of the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest, Salt Lake Ranger District an order to close the access road going up Farmington Canyon effective November 9, 2015. This order is effective until further notice.
Ratified agreement #2015-542 with NCA for accreditation process / Tanya Perkins, Davis County Children’s Justice Center Director, presented ratified agreement
#2015-542 with the National Children’s Alliance (NCA) acknowledging Davis County will participate in the NCA accreditation process. There are no monies involved. The contract period is 5 years from date of signature.
Commissioner Petroff made a motion to approve. Commissioner Millburn seconded the motion. All voted aye. The document is on file in the office of the Davis County Clerk/Auditor.
Agreement #2015-543 with American Martial Arts for building rental for karate lessons / Dave Hansen, Davis County Legacy Events Center Director, presented agreement #2015-543with American Martial Arts for rental of exhibit building #1 for karate lessons. The receivablecontract amount is $4,800.00. The contract period is through July 1, 2016.
Commissioner Petroff made a motion to approve. Commissioner Millburn seconded the motion. All voted aye. The document is on file in the office of the Davis County Clerk/Auditor.
Commissioner Petroff asked about the Cutters show at the LEC this past week. Dave said they had a small show last weekend and have a larger show this Saturday that includes over 3,000 head of cattle, hundreds of cowboys and big rigs.
Neka Roundy, Davis County Office of Tourism, presented the following:
Agreement #2015-544 with Julie Zickefoose to participate in 2016 Great Salt Bird Festival / Agreement #2015-544 with Julie Zickefoose to participate in 2 field trips, 1 workshop and be the keynote speaker at the 2016 Great Salt Lake Bird Festival. Neka commented that Julie Zickefoose is a popular writer and artist. One of her sketches of the Franklin’s Gull will be used to advertise and promote next year’s Bird Festival. The payable contract amount is $1,700.00 plus food, lodging and travel expenses. The contract period is May 12-15, 2016.
Commissioner Smith made a motion to approve. Commissioner Millburn seconded the motion. All voted aye. The document is on file in the office of the Davis County Clerk/Auditor.
Agreement #2015-545 with James Currie to participate in 2016 Great Salt Bird Festival / Agreement #2015-545 with James Currie to participate in 2 field trips, 1 workshop and be a guest speaker at the 2016 Great Salt Lake Bird Festival. Mr. Currie is from South Africa, lives in Florida and is the host of Nikon’s Birding Adventure television show. He will present a free family program. The payable contract amount is $800.00 plus travel and food expenses. The contract period isMay 12-15, 2016.
Commissioner Petroff made a motion to approve. Commissioner Millburn seconded the motion. All voted aye. The document is on file in the office of the Davis County Clerk/Auditor.
Neka distributed a news release promoting the Bird Festival.
Agreement #2015-546 with GBR Marketing LLC for a lead generator specialist / Randy Cook, Davis County Office of Tourism, presented agreement #2015-546 with GBC Marketing LLC for independent contractor services with Gordon Ransom as a lead generator specialist for the Davis County Conference Center and Legacy Events Center. Mr. Ransom’s services were also used to sell sponsorships for the Tour of Utah held in August. The payable contract amount is $24,000 plus commission. The contract period is February 2015 through January 31, 2016.
Commissioner Petroff made a motion to approve. Commissioner Millburn seconded the motion. All voted aye. The document is on file in the office of the Davis County Clerk/Auditor.
Chief Deputy Kevin Fielding, Davis County Sheriff’s Office, presented the following:
Ratified agreement #2015-547 for DCSO officers to provide intermittent traffic control services / Ratified agreement #2015-547 with AJ Mueller Photography to have two (2) trained Davis County Sheriff’s Office law enforcement officers provide intermittent traffic control services while filming is completed at Antelope Island State Park causeway. The receivable contract amount is $1,000.00. The contract period was November 2, 2015 from 6 a.m. until noon.
Commissioner Petroff made a motion to approve. Commissioner Millburn seconded the motion. All voted aye. The document is on file in the office of the Davis County Clerk/Auditor.
#2015-548 with USDA Forest Service to grant law enforcement authority to forest service officers / Memorandum of understanding #2015-548 with USDA Forest Service granting law enforcement authority to designated U S Forest Service law enforcement officers within Davis County Sheriff’s Office jurisdiction. This gives the officers the authority to write citations on State and County Codes. Commissioner Petroff asked if the Sheriff’s Office sees the U S Forest Service law enforcement officers on the mountain. Chief Fielding indicated they rarely see them because they are usually involved in a lot of specialized enforcement for off-highway vehicles in state parks, such as the deer hunts, DUIs and registrations. Commissioner Petroff commented this is not something we see in rural areas. Chief Deputy Fielding said according to Sheriff Richardson, the need for USDA Forest Service law enforcement officers came about to resolve problems created by seasonal employees in the national parks. They would be deputized and then follow people outside the parks and write citations. Commissioner Millburn noted the Forest Service only has a small number of officers to cover an immense territory. There are no monies exchanged. The contract period is from date of signature through November 1, 2017.
Commissioner Petroff made a motion to approve. Commissioner Millburn seconded the motion. All voted aye. The document is on file in the office of the Davis County Clerk/Auditor.
Lewis Garrett, Davis County Health Director, presented the following:
Agreement #2015-549 with Utah Department of Health to fund Enhanced Prion Disease Surveillance / Agreement #2015-549 with the Utah Department of Health for funding of Enhanced Prion Disease Surveillance on all suspect prion disease cases to ensure that appropriate medical records are obtained for suspected cases. Lewis noted prionic diseases are very rare, but scary. A prionic disease is what took the life of House Speaker Becky Lockhart. Most prionic diseases are naturally occurring, but can also be a transmittable disease, such as Mad Cow disease. The receivable contract amount is $2,156.00. The contract period is August 1, 2015 through July 31, 2020.
Commissioner Petroff made a motion to approve. Commissioner Millburn seconded the motion. All voted aye. The document is on file in the office of the Davis County Clerk/Auditor.
Agreement #2015-550 with Utah Department of Health for EPICC funding / Agreement #2015-550 with the Utah Department of Health for EPICC (Environmental Policy and Improved Clinical Care) 1305 funding to promote physical activity, nutrition, diabetes and heart disease related public health activities to improve the health of the people located within the Davis County Public Health jurisdiction. The receivable contract amount is $63,733.00 to be used for DNPAO (Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity) and $1,000 goes toward diabetes. The period of contract is June 30, 2015 through June 20, 2018. These particular funds are to be used between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016.
Commission Petroff made a motion to approve. Commissioner Millburn seconded the motion. All voted aye. The document is on file in the office of the Davis County Clerk/Auditor.
Amendment #2015-159A with Acumen Fiscal Agent for financial management services for DC Veterans Directed Care program / Amendment #2015-159A with Acumen Fiscal Agent, LLC, to extend the original terms of service through December 31, 2016. Acumen provides financial management services for Davis County’s Veterans Directed Care program. The contract amount is as billed. The contract period is April 14, 2015 through December 31, 2016.
Commission Petroff made a motion to approve. Commissioner Millburn seconded the motion. All voted aye. The document is on file in the office of the Davis County Clerk/Auditor.
Resolution #2015-551 authorizing Health Dept. employees to sign certain agreements involving Federal Veterans / Resolution #2015-551 authorizing the Davis County Health Director to sign certain agreements in which the Health Department employees perform temporary assignments for the Federal Veterans Rural Health Resources Center. There are no monies exchanged. The period of contract is from date signed until terminated.
Commission Petroff made a motion to approve. Commissioner Millburn seconded the motion. All voted aye. The document is on file in the office of the Davis County Clerk/Auditor.
Amendment #2015-326B with Utah Department of Health-DSAMH increasing total funding of State FY2016 Mental Health Area Plan / Commissioner Millburn presented amendment #2015-326B with the Utah Department of Health, Division of Substance Abuse & Mental Health. This amends the Mental Health Area Plan funding allocation for State FY2016. The amount of change is $53,791.69, bringing the total funding allocation to pass-through to Davis Behavioral Health to $3,843,242.69. The contract period is July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016.
Commission Petroff made a motion to approve. Commissioner Millburn seconded the motion. All voted aye. The document is on file in the office of the Davis County Clerk/Auditor.
Move to BOE / Commissioner Petroff made a motion to move to Board of Equalization. Commissioner Millburn seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Property Tax Registers approved / Heidi Voordeckers, Davis County Chief Deputy Clerk/Auditor, presented for approval 3 veteran abatement corrections and 4 consecutive-year Greenbelt corrections.
Commissioner Petroffmade a motion to approve. Commissioner Millburn seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Reconvene Commission Meeting / Commissioner Petroff made a motion to reconvene Commission Meeting. Commissioner Millburn seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Public Meeting minutes approved / Commissioner Petroffmade a motion to approve the Commission Meeting minutes for October 21, 2015. Commissioner Millburn seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Check Registers approved / Check registers as prepared by the Davis County Clerk/Auditor’s Office were approved with a motion by Commissioner Petroff. Commissioner Millburnseconded the motion. All voted aye. The documents are on file in the Davis County Clerk/Auditor’s Office.
Commissioner Comments / Commissioner Comment:
Commissioner Petroff, Commissioner Millburn, Heidi and Neal: “Go vote!”
Meeting Adjourned
Clerk/Auditor Chair