Procurement Services Contracting Briefing Paper

Contract Details

Contract Title:
Contract Duration:
Contract Date:
Estimated Annual Value:
Estimated Total Value:
Responsible Contracts Officer:
Lead Body LHB or Trust:
Contracts Officer Contact Details: / E-mail address & phone number

Contract Overview

Snap shot from contract plan

Market Research

Summarise information from contract plan to include:

Market research

Other UK Practice


Themes of SRA

SWOT Analysis

Strengths / Weaknesses
Opportunities / Threats

Private Sector Procurement Rationale

This is the explanation as to why the goods / services were sought from private sector, rather than in-house NHS delivery. The purpose of this section is to explain what options were considered including in-house delivery and reasons for private sector procurement e.g. value for money, service quality, capacity etc.

The degree of detail required here will range dependant upon the goods or services being procured. If the contract is for the provision of goods which can only be bought from the private sector the rationale for private sector procurement is straightforward – as the only source of the goods is the private sector.

If the contract is for example for the provision of homecare services, or services that may historically have been delivered by frontline healthcare professionals, or in a hospital / clinic setting, a more detailed explanation will be required setting out what options were considered for delivery within the NHS, and the improved outcomes ( quality, cost, value) achieved by private sector procurement. If such a contract is being pursued under a strategy or policy direction this should be cited in the rationale.

Contract Analysis / Proposal

Provide details of contract strategy

Pricing strategy

Expected benefits - Savings / Standardisation / price containment

Contract Proposal

  1. Tender Type
  1. Term of the Contract
  1. Supplier Selection
  1. Award Criteria
  1. Timeframes

Provide indication of key dates

Contracting Stage / Anticipated Date/Timescales / Responsibility
Briefing paper / Estimates return
Supplier Selection Shortlist
Tender Return
Ratifications Out / Return
Publish Award
Contract Start

Contract Management



Please confirm your acceptance to participate in this procurement and your agreement to the proposal either by e-mail or by signing and returning this briefing paper.

Prepared by: / Date:
Contract briefing presented/ circulated to: / Date:
Response required by date:
Trust agreement to participate:
Trust decision maker:
Agreement to proceed
(if different from above):

Approved by J ScottPage 1 of 4
