DATE: 6-14-2016 TIME: 5:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Greg Kenning, Chair; Jerry Parker, Vice Chair; Steve Siegel, Supervisor;

Lynette Seigley, DNR; Danielle Weller, Elections Deputy; Jennifer Vitko, Community Services; Mark Newman, Courier; Mike and Samantha Grooms; Pam Norton, Auditor’s Clerk.

Chair Kenning opened the meeting. Supervisor Siegel moved, seconded by Vice Chair Parker to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Vice Chair Parker moved, seconded by Supervisor Siegel to approve the minutes of the June 9, 2016 Board meeting. Motion carried.

Lynette Seigley, Iowa DNR, spoke to the Board about “Project Aware”, clean up of the Des Moines River and the coming river trail. She said they’ve been doing this since 2003 and had 433 volunteers throughout the week last year. The dates this year are July 11th through 15th and it’s open to anyone who’s interested. The deadline to register is this coming Friday, June 17th.

CANVASS OF THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD 6-7-2016. Elections Deputy Danielle Weller read the results of the canvass. The following persons were nominated at the June 7, 2016 Primary Election:

Board of Supervisors – R. Brian Morgan, Democrat

Board of Supervisors – Mike Grooms, Republican

Auditor – Kelly Spurgeon, Democrat

Sheriff – Mark Miller, Democrat

Vice Chair Parker moved, seconded by Supervisor Siegel to accept the results of the canvass and declare the candidates duly nominated to these offices on the General Election ballot.

Vice Chair Parker moved, seconded by Supervisor Siegel to approve the annual payment for the Sheriff Reserves. Motion carried.

Vice Chair Parker moved, seconded by Supervisor Siegel to approve a tax suspension under Iowa Code 427.8. Motion carried.

Vice Chair Parker moved, seconded by Supervisor Siegel to approve a change of employment for Lee Ann Criswell from Clerk II to Clerk III in the Community Services Office, change date 7/1/16 to a new hourly rate of $15.89. Motion carried.

Supervisor Siegel moved, seconded by Vice Chair Parker to approve a tax suspension under Iowa Code 427.8. Motion carried.

5:54 p.m. Supervisor Siegel moved, seconded by Vice Chair Parker to adjourn. Motion carried.



Kelly Spurgeon Gregory M. Kenning, Chair

Wapello County Auditor Board of Supervisors