Structures and Futures of Europe
17th Annual Conference of the Hungarian Political Science Association (Budapest)
Central European University, 20-21 May 2011
Conference programme
20 May 2011, Friday (Károlyi Palace – 8th district, Múzeum St. 17.)
09:30 Registration - Hall
10:00-10:15 Opening remarks: Zsolt Enyedi (HPSA/CEU) - Ballroom
10:15-11:15 Andrew Moravcsik (Princeton University) Are Criticisms of Europe’s “Democratic Deficit” Consistent with Basic Political Science?- Ballroom
11:15-12:15 Philippe C. Schmitter (European University Institute) The Future of Democracy in Europe and in the European Union - Ballroom
12:15-13:15 lunch break - Conference Hall
"Integration Theory, European Governance and Theoretical Analyses of Policy Areas" - Ballroom
Chair: István Hegedűs (Hungarian Europe Society)
Judit Keller
The Europeanization of sub-national governance: whom to empower in a multi-level system (the case of Hungary)
Boglárka Koller (King Sigismund College)
The takeoff after Lisbon. The practical and theoretical implications of differentiated integration in the EU
Gergely Romsics (Hungarian Institute of International Affairs)
The "actorness debate" revisited: what kind of actor? (the EU as a single foreign policy actor)
Elina Brutschin (Institute for Advanced Studies)
Analyzing the European Union from a Social Network Perspective: Trends and Pitfalls
István Hegedűs (Hungarian Europe Society)
Partisanship in the EU Decision-making Process
"National responses to the financial crisis" - Auditorium
Chair: Lászlo Csaba (Central European University)
Feliciana Rajevska (Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences) and Laura Romanovska
Crisis impact on social policy in Latvia
Vytautas Kuokstis (Vilnius University)
Trust and Taxes: Explaining Estonia's Fiscal Success
Irene Kyriakopoulos (National Defense University, Washington)
EMU Economic Governance: A post-crisis assessment
Dusan Soltes (Comenius University)
Euro Crisis and the EU Response
Anna Visvizi (DEREE - The American College of Greece)
The Greek crisis and the question of economic governance in the EU
“EU Foreign Policy” – Csekonics Room
Chair: Michael Merlingen (Central European University)
Aurel Sari (University of Exeter)
The Progressive Europeanization of Foreign Policy Cooperation: A Union on the Loose?
Derya Ozveri (Kocaeli University)
Quest for a Security Governance in European Union
Krisztina Juhász (University of Szeged)
Theoretical Approaches of the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy
Steven Blockmans (T.M.C. Asser Institute & Leuven University)
Aiming for consistency in EU external assistance towards neighbouring countries: legal and bureaucratic constraints
Victor Negrescu (National School of Political and Administrative Studies)
European development cooperation policy
"Is there a specific Central European Approach to European Integration?" - Karolyi Room
Chair: Karin Liebhart (University of Vienna/University of Innsbruck)
Discussant: Anton Pelinka (Central European University)
Anton Pelinka (Central European University)
Austria's accession - the first Central European EU member
Karin Liebhart (University of Vienna/University of Innsbruck)
Austrian, Slovenian and Czech EU presidencies - a comparative view
Olga Gyarfasova (Comenius University)
EU agenda in the political competition. Slovak and Czech societies in a comparative perspective
Pawel Olszewski (Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Science)
European Union and the Balkans. Enlargement or regionalization?
"Politikai elemzők etikai dilemmái"
Nyitott fórum az MPTT Elnökségének készülő állásfoglalásáról - Wekerle Sándor Emlékszoba
Házigazdák: Tóka Gábor (Central European University) és Kumin Ferenc (Századvég)
15:30-17:00 Roundtable on political parties in the European Union (sponsored by the CEU Center for European Union Research) – Csekonics Room
Robert Ladrech (Keele University/College of Europe)
Kenneth Benoit (London School of Economics)
Jacques Thomassen (University of Twente)
“At the intersection of actors and institutions in the EU” - Auditorium
Chair: Gabriella Ilonszki (Corvinus University of Budapest)
Áron Buzogány (German Public Administration Research Institute)
Legislative-Executive Relations and the Parliamentary Scrutiny of EU Policies: A comparative view
András Bíró Nagy (Corvinus University of Budapest)
Party cohesion in the European Parliament after enlargement
Anna Zayats (Belarusian National Technical University)
Belarus with European Union: objective reality or utopia?
Ákos Kopper (Eötvös Loránd University)
Recasting the Public in Europe?
“Human Rights in the context of Structural Transformation of the European Union” - Ballroom
Chair: Andrey Shcherbovich (State University - Higher School of Economics)
Discussant: Alexander Sungurov (National Research University - Higher School of Economics)
Andrey Shcherbovich (State University - Higher School of Economics)
Changes of the ground of European Human Rights ideology caused by development of the Internet
Leonid Issaev (National Research University - Higher School of Economics)
Evolution of the European policy: from Eurocentrism to New Eurocentrism
Anna Batalina (Russian State University for Humanities)
Fighting against corruption for maintaining human rights
Itir Aladag Görentas (Kocaeli University)
Ius Gentium: A Solution for Human Rights
"Constitutionalism and Human Rights in Europe at the Turn of the Century" – Csekonics Room
Chair: Ágnes Lux (ELTE Faculty of Law)
András Jakab (Pázmány Péter Catholic University)
Full Parliamentarisation of the EU without Changing the Treaties. Why We Should Aim for It and How Easily It Can be Achieved
Máté Szabó (Parliamentary Commissioner for Civil Rights) and Júlia Sziklay (Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Civil Rights; Ph.D. Candidate - University of Pécs)
Basic rights institutions working on European Union level
Petra Bárd (Central European University)
Challenges of EU accession to the ECHR
Dana Dumitru (National School of Political and Administrative Studies)
Aspects and Limits of European Charter of Fundamental Rights
Ágnes Lux (ELTE Faculty of Law)
Does Europe need a Constitution?
“Comparing Political Communication in European Union Countries” – KÁrolyi Room
Chair and discussant:
Rita Figueiras (Catholic University of Portugal)
Rita Figueiras (Catholic University of Portugal)
Press Pundits and Portuguese Society
Norbert Merkovity (University of Szeged)
The Development of Party Websites in Hungary and the UK
Barbora Petrova (Masaryk University)
Professionalization of political parties’ communication in the Czech Republic?
Vita Dreijere (University of Latvia)
Political communication culture: the interaction between the journalists of national daily newspapers and the political parties represented in the parliament of Latvia
Gabriella Szabó (Institute for Political Science, HAS)
"Trends in political communication: a post-socialist experience in 20 years after the fall of dictatorship in Hungary"
19:00 Dinner at Pesti Lámpás Restaurant (5th district, Károlyi Mihály St. 12.)
21 May 2011, Saturday (CEU – 5th district, Nádor St. 9.)
"Main EU Actors in the Post-Lisbon Treaty Era" - Popper room
Chair: Zoltán Horváth (Budapest College of Management)
Jose M. Magone (Berlin School of Economics and Law)
Centre-Periphery Conflict in the European Union? The Southern European Model and the Eurocrisis
Monica Oproiu (National School of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest)
The creation of the European External Action Service: an institutional battle for the future of the EU's foreign policy apparatus
Cristea Rodica-Corina (National School of Political and Administrative StudiesNational School of Political and Administrative Studies)
The Lisbon Treaty, a new step to federalism?
Dorota Szeligowska (Central European University)
The European Citizens' Initiative - empowering European citizens within the institutional triangle
“Fenntartható Európa?” - Gellner room
Panelvezető: Pánovics Attila (Pécsi Tudományegyetem)
Antal Attila (ELTE ÁJK; Energiaklub Szakpolitikai Intézet; Méltányosság Politikaelemző Központ)
Fenntartható hálózatok
Glied Viktor (Pécsi Tudományegyetem)
Változó világ, európai válaszok
Horváth Norbert (Pécsi Tudományegyetem)
Az ivóvíz szolgáltatás közpolitikája Magyarországon a fenntarthatóság oldaláról
Nagy Roland (Pécsi Tudományegyetem)
A fenntartható fejlődés dilemmái
Tarrósy István (Pécsi Tudományegyetem)
Fenntarthatóság és Európa a Dél-Dél dinamikák és függőségek mentén - Az EU-Afrika reláció
“Governance in Borderlands: Actors and Structures” - MB 201
Chair: Sara Svensson (Central European University)
Yvonne Brodda (Hungarian Nonprofit Ltd. for Regional Development and Town Planning)
Governance in the Austrian – Hungarian border region: the role of EU funding and managing structures
Andrey Demidov (Central European University)
Civil society organisations as drivers of cross-border interaction: On whose terms, for which purpose?
Dániel Hegedűs (Eötvös Loránd University Budapest)
Critical Analysis of the EGTC Regulation’s European and Hungarian Supervision from the point of view of the Implementation’s Experiences
Jaroslaw Janczak (Collegium Polonicum: Adam Mickiewicz University, European University Viadrina)
Cross-border governance in border twin towns. Central European case.
Sara Svensson (Central European University)
The Diversity of Euroregional Initiatives in Central and Eastern Europe (paper is co-written with Gergo Medve-Balint)
“Post-Enlargement Europeanisation“ - MB 202
Chair and discussant: Rafal Riedel (University of Oslo)
Anna Paczesniak (Wroclaw University)
The institutional model of political party in Central and Eastern Europe as a factor of their Europeanization
Luca Sabina-Adina (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu) and Bogdan Gheorghita
Young People in Romania after the European Integration. Civism and Political Participation.
Miroslav Beblavy (Comenius University)
There and back again? EU influence on corruption in Slovakia before and after the accession
"The Hungarian-Romanian reconciliation as a regional diplomatic model” (Roundtable) - MB 203
Chair: Péter Balázs (Central European University, Center for EU Enlargement Studies))
Smaranda Enache (Pro Europe League)
Ádám Szesztay (Hungarian National Assembly Office for Foreign Relations)
Mihai Titienar (UniversityofLjubljana)
Dragos-Lucian Ivan (National School of Political and Administrative Studies)
Áron Szele (Center for EU Enlargement Studies)
Zoltán Kántor (Hungarian Institute for International Affairs)
11:00-11:30 Coffee break – Foyer, in front of the Gellner Room
“The future of cohesion and regional policy” - Popper room
Chair: Ilona Kovács Pálné (University of Pécs, Department of Political Studies)
Svetlozar Andreev (Committee of the Regions, Brussels)
Regional cooperation mechanisms and Europe 2020 - the case of EU's new Member States and their immediate neighbours
Anna Molnár (University of Pannonia)
Macro-region or region in the Mediterranean Area
Christoph Schnabel (Universitaet Tuebingen)
Subsidiary with the Lisbon Treaty. Implications for Multi-Level Governance & Regional Policy
Ilona Kovács Pálné (Centre for Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
The future of cohesion policy and the local governance in CEE
„Európák: Identitás, politikaelmélet és repolitizáció” - Gellner room
Panelvezető és discussant: Horváth Szilvia (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem ÁJK)
Mráz Ágoston Sámuel (ELTE ÁJK Politikatudományi Intézet)
Kereszténység és Európa
Gyulai Attila (MTA - Politikatudományi Intézet)
Az Európai Unió külső identitása és belső különbségei
Tuka Ágnes (Pécsi Tudományegyetem)
Kísérletek az európai identitás növelésére
Böcskei Balázs (ELTE ÁJK /Intézet a Demokratikus Alternatíváért IDEA)
Európa mint poszthegemonális Birodalom? Európaiság a reflexív modernitás értelmezésében
Juhász Attila (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem TáTK)
Bevándorlás-ellenesség és európai identitás-formálódás
“Theoretical Approaches to the European Union: Differentiated Integration as a New Paradigm?” - MB 201
Chair: István Hegedűs (Hungarian Europe Society)
Krzysztof Iszkowski (Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities)
The Dynamics of European Integration in the Light of Economic Theory of Constitutions
Henri Aaltonen (Univeristy of Tampere)
European integration process – supranational or intergovernmental or a mixture of both?
Nikolay Kaveshnikov (Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Science / Moscow State Institute of International Relations)
Differentiated Integration in the EU: Toward a Conceptual Framework
Stefana Ignea (Babes-Bolyai University)
Prospects on European citizenship
Imre Lévai (Institute for Political Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Differentiated Integration: The Evolution of European Regional Governance
"Have Our Dreams Come True? A Comparative Analysis of Central Eastern European Civil Societies I." - MB 202
Chair: Krisztina Arató (ELTE Faculty of Law / Civil Europe Association)
Krisztina Arató (ELTE Faculty of Law / Civil Europe Association)
Have Our Dreams Come True? Research Plan and Methodology
Peter Nizak (Eötvös Loránd University Budapest)
Have Our Dreams Come True? Hungary
Jiri Navratil (Masaryk University)
Have Our Dreams Come True? Czech Republic
Zsolt Boda (Institute for Political Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Institutional trust in Hungary in a comparative perspective: an empirical analysis
Grzegorz Makowski (Institute of Public Affairs, IPA)
Have Our Dreams Come True? Poland
"The Global Financial Crisis and EU Economic Governance" - MB 203
Chair: Uwe Puetter (Central European University)
Europe's new deliberative intergovernmentalism - the role of the European Council and the Council in EU economic governance
Discussant: Dorothee Bohle (Central European University)
Richard Meyer-Eppler (University of Muenster)
The Political Economy of Rebalancing in the Eurozone – Wither German Trade Surplus?
Zbigniew Truchlewski (Central European University)
The Institutional Dynamics of EMU
Brigitte Young (Political Science, WWU-Muenster)
The European Sovereign Debt Crisis and the Asymmetries in the Eurozone: Is Germany to Blame?
Stavros Tombazos, Savvas Katsikides, Demetrios Nicolaides (University of Cyprus)
The Socio-Political Impact of the Single Currency in Southern Europe: The Crisis of Cohesion in the Euro Area
13:30-14:30 Lunch break – Foyer, in front of the Gellner Room
“Europe 2020 Strategy, towards the policy coherence in the EU” - Popper Room
Chair: Attila Ágh (Corvinus University of Budapest)
Peter Baum (European Commission - Joint Research Centre)
A Market for Integrated Personal Health/Care Services personalised health and social care (IPHS) -a solution to demographics?
Violaine Hacker (Paris Sorbonne University)
Europe 2020 and the Medias in the Globalization
Attila Ágh (Corvinus University of Budapest)
Bumpy Road or Rocky Road to the “Cohesive Europe”?
Ozgur Erkan (Washington University in St. Louis)
How did Turkey Adopt EU-related Reforms and Democratize? A Mechanism of Domestic and External Pressures
“Presidential Politics in Italy” (Roundtable) - Gellner Room
Chair: Mauro Calise (University of Naples Federico II)
Annarita Criscitiello (University of Naples Federico II)
Musella Fortunato (University of Naples Federico II)
Fanni Mandák (Florence University)
Mauro Calise (University of Naples Federico II)
“Comparative Public Opinion: The Role of Institutions” - MB 201
Chair: Paul Weith (Central European University)
Zoltán Fazekas - Paul Weith (Central European University)
Determinants of overreporting differences between first and second-order elections; A comparative analysis of the 2004 European Election Survey and CSES Module II
Diana Burlacu (Central European University)