AP English Language
Syllabus 2012-2013
Mrs. Letitia Hughes
Barren County High School
School #: (270) 651-6315
Best time to contact: Any time other than 8:00 to 9:45 a.m.
Textbooks: The Language of Literature: American Literature (McDougal Littell 2006), The Prentice Hall Reader AP Edition, and various novels listed below.
Course Description (including writing requirements): This course has an emphasis on a survey of American literature. The selections and accompanying assignments within the units will provide students practice in critical reading of complex texts, as well as critical thinking, speaking and writing skills as they analyze various plays, poems, short stories, novels, and numerous works of non-fiction such as speeches, essays, news articles, etc. Students will also write analysis essays which will evaluate an author’s purpose and use of literary and rhetorical devices as well as argument and synthesis essays. Students will also enhance their grammar, writing, and vocabulary skills in relation to the course literature as well as in preparation for the ACT and AP Language exam.
Units of Study:
In this class, we will use the American literature and AP textbook as well as individually assigned novels and other supplemental texts in order to complete an intense study of rhetorical analysis, synthesis and argumentation through the study of the following works:
- F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby (summer reading)
- Early American Literature “From Colony to Country”
- Arthur Miller’s The Crucible
- Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter
- Emerging America Literary Selections
- Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird as part of a Civil Rights Unit
- Literature Circles which focus on contemporary nonfiction works
- American and Southern Gothic Literature to include Short Stories (various ones selected by teacher)
- Historical speeches and documents from both primary and secondary sources
- Contemporary Essays organized by Rhetorical Modes (WKU ENG 100 syllabus and AP Text)
- Visual rhetoric resources (political cartoons, advertisements, photographs, etc)
Grammar, diction, syntax and vocabulary study will also be utilized throughout the course.
EXPECTATIONS FOR CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: My primary goal is to ensure that all students will have the opportunity to learn in a mutually respectful classroom. I have high expectations for all of you to succeed not only on the AP exam scheduled for Friday, May 10, 2013 but in the course and work to the best of your ability. I will do everything in my power as your teacher to ensure your success in this class and on the AP exam as long as you put forth the necessary effort.
1.) Be on time, in your seat, and ready to work when the bell rings.
2.) Be prepared with paper/pen and all needed materials EVERY day.
3.) Be respectful to yourself and others.
4.) Follow all school rules and procedures.
5.) Have a positive attitude and come to class everyday ready to learn!
1.) Individual warning from teacher
2.) Discipline referral/ write-up
3.) Write-up and telephone call/email to parent or guardian
4.) Write-up and Teacher/Parent/Student conference (appropriate measures will be agreed upon)
Materials Needed for Class:
1.) Spiral or composition notebook for bell work, writer’s notebook/ journal writing, and/or notes
2.) A 1 ½’ three-ring binder for handouts, writing assignments, etc. with dividers for units
3.) Blue or black ink pens ONLY and/or number 2 pencils
4.) Textbooks and/or books (bring appropriate ones when asked)
5.) *Although not required, a flash drive may make the school to home transition easier when we are working on our writing pieces.
Class Procedures:
*Arrival and Dismissal: When the bell rings, you should be in your seat and should begin working on your bell work posted at the beginning of class each day. You may NOT pack your things up early. This is a pet peeve of mine. Remain seated until the bell rings. You are NOT to stand at the door and wait for the bell to ring. If it is a problem, all backpacks, etc. will be stored in the front of the room till class is over. 45 minutes is not long for an AP class and I don’t want to waste a minute of class. The more we do in class the less you do out of class.
* Bell Work: Every day there will be an assignment ready for you to begin when you enter the classroom. This assignment will be bell work such as journal writing, ACT Prep, a grammar exercise, reading response, etc. You should begin this assignment as soon as you enter the classroom. These activities will be frequently checked at the teacher’s discretion and given periodic daily grades.
* Make-Up Work: If you missed a test or quiz, you may make it up before or after school. Work should be made up within the same number of days as missed or as scheduled by the teacher, as allowed by the Student Handbook. It is YOUR responsibility to find out what you have missed when you are absent. Check the corresponding file folder labeled While You Were Out for the classwork you missed before you come and ask me.
* Late Work: Daily grades are not accepted late. If, for some reason, you are unable to turn in a major project, paper, etc. on time, I will allow you to turn it in late with a ten point per day late penalty.
* Cell Phones: If I see you using them inappropriately in class, I will confiscate them.
* Participation: You will be expected to participate in class everyday. Occasional participation grades will be given, and you may or may not know when I will take a participation grade. The more you are involved in your education, the more you will learn.
* Hall Pass: You will not be allowed to leave the classroom without a hall pass. Only one person will be allowed out of the classroom at any given time unless there is an emergency. Take care of all your personal business during passing time. Do NOT ask to leave class to get your materials or print assignments that are due in class because you will NOT be permitted to do so.
* Final Exam Policy: All BCHS students will take the semester exam and it will count 10% of your final grade.
* Plagiarism/ Academic Dishonesty Policy: Plagiarism and academic dishonesty are serious offenses. The academic work of a student is expected to be his/her own effort. Students must give the author/s credit for any source material used. To represent ideas or interpretations taken from a source without giving credit is a flagrant act. To present a borrowed passage after changing a few words, even if the source is cited, is also plagiarism. Students who commit any act of academic dishonesty will receive a failing grade in that portion of the course work. Acts of academic dishonesty will be reported to the administration.
Assigned Reading and Time Management: As class time will be dedicated to discussion and instruction, students will be required to read works of fiction (short stories and novels) and non-fiction independently, which means that you MUST read these assignments on your OWN time. Advance notice of lengthy reading assignments will be given. Time management and dividing lengthy reading assignments into manageable sections over multiple days will be your best choice; procrastination will be your worst enemy in this class. Most homework assignments in this course will be to read and prepare for in class essay writing and activities.
Outside Reading Quarterly Projects:
Note: When assigned to read a book of your choice, you may not choose books that are also movies without teacher approval.
First Nine Weeks: Non-fiction Panel Books
Second Nine Weeks: Non-fiction Panel Books
Third Nine Weeks: Columnist Project
Fourth Nine Weeks: Whole Class Read (likely To Kill a Mockingbird)
Prep Sessions:
Students are encouraged to participate in the three Saturday Prep Sessions (September 15, January 12 and March ?). The first one is a general prep session to be held at Bowling Green High School, the second is a mock exam to be given at BCHS and the third is analysis of mock exam scores to be held at a school in our region. Research shows that students who participate in the prep sessions are more than likely to pass the AP exam than students who do not participate.
Most colleges award three credit hours for a qualifying score of 3 on the AP exam. The qualifying score varies by college so check with the university you plan to attend. Scores are reported in early July.
Grading Policy:
You will be graded based on a point system. Each assignment, test, and piece of writing will be given a point value. Most quizzes will be worth 50 points, tests will be worth 100 points and major writing assignments will be worth 150-200 points, with other daily assignments varying. Cheating is not acceptable. Anyone caught cheating or aiding another student in cheating will receive a zero and parent notification will be made.
The following grading scale represents an AP curve which is applied to the course average at the end of each nine weeks.
AP Grading Scale:
100 = 100
96-97= 98
No curve is applied to averages below 75.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the syllabus’ requirements and /or course information please contact me via email
Please return this portion of the syllabus & book rental contract for a 10 point grade on the first nine weeks.
I have read the syllabus for Mrs. Hughes’ AP English Language course and I understand the expectations and requirements for this class.
Student Signature Student E-mail Date
Parent Signature Parent E-mail Date
The teacher reserves the right to alter this syllabus at any time.