Candidate Name: ______...... Awarding Body: OCR/WJEC
(please circle)
C3.1 Speaking and Listening / Discussion 1 / Discussion 2 / (Discussion 3) / PresentationC3.1.1
Understand and respond to spoken language on a range of topics and in a range of contexts.
Evidence may be in various forms, including audio/visual clips and witness statements.Evidence may be generated in the context of a discussion for C3.1.3(a) or a question-and-answer session following the short talk/presentation in C3.1.3(b). However, evidence may also be generated in less formal situations in everyday life and work.
Contexts must include at least one face-to-face conversation or discussion. / face to face?
general / face to face?
general / face to face?
general / can use Q&A after discussion as 3rd discussion(complete column 3 with this information)
C3.1.2Speak to communicate: information, feelings, opinions, questions and instructions on a range of (i.e. 3 or more) familiar and unfamiliar topics, using appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication, in a range of contexts.
Evidence may be in various forms, including audio/visual clips and witness statements.Evidence may be generated in the context of a discussion for C3.1.3(a) or a question-and-answer session following the short talk/presentation in C3.1.3(b). However, evidence may also be generated in less formal situations in everyday life and work.
Contexts must include at least one face-to-face conversation or discussion. / information
complex instructions
familiar topic? / information
complex instructions
familiar topic? / information
complex instructions
familiar topic? / can use Q&A after discussion as 3rd discussion(complete column 3 with this information)
C3.1.3(a)Take part in formal discussionswith two or more people (must not include assessor).
(b)Give a talk/presentation of at least 8 minutes.
There must be evidence of at leastTWOdiscussions; at least one of these must be face-to-face.
Preparatory notes for each discussion must be included. / Page no. for observation
Page no.(s) for preparatory
notes and any other evidence: / Page no. for observation
Page no.(s) for preparatory
notes and any other evidence: / Q&A after talk?
Page numbers for any evidence: / Page no. for observation
Page no.(s) for preparatory
notes and any other evidence:
C3.2 Reading / Reading Document 1 / Reading Document 2
Read, understand and synthesise information from at least TWO documents about the same subject.
Each document must be at least 1000 words long
At least one must contain reasoningorcomplex informationand at least one must contain an image.
There should be clear evidence of how the image was used to aid understanding.
The documents must be of different types (i.e. informative, instructional, persuasive etc).
The documents may be included on a reading list or may be identified by the candidate, depending on the context of the work.
The candidate must work independently to select material from the documents in order to meet the purpose of their task.
The candidate must not be given detailed page references.
Much of the evidence that the candidate has demonstrated the required skills may be implicit in the work produced for C3.3.1 (a) and/or C3.1.3 (b) but this must be identified in the portfolio.
Evidence may be supported by photocopies of documents and/or images annotated by the candidate. / Document title:
with image?
with reasoning?
with complex information?
(must be 1000+)
Type of document:
(different to 2nd)
Purpose of reading
the document:
Page no. of printout or
photocopy of document:
Page no.(s) for evidence
of reading the document: / Document title:
with image?
with reasoning?
with complex information?
(must be 1000+)
Type of document:
(different to 1st)
Purpose of reading
the document:
Page no. of printout or
photocopy of document:
Page no.(s) for evidence
of reading the document:
Were the documents selected from a reading list (if so what is the page no. for the list)?
C3.3 Writing / Written Document 1 / Written Document 2
C3.3.1WriteTWOdocuments ofdifferent types, each one givingdifferent information to different audiencesabout complex subjects in appropriate formats and using language that is appropriate to your purpose and audience.
One document must beat least 1000 words long. Evidence of the required skills must be demonstrated in both documents.
For each document, evidence must include notes of planning and at least one draft, with evidence of checking.
In final work, sentences must be formed correctly, with correct punctuation, spelling and grammar. Paragraphing must be appropriate.
Evidence may be produced electronically, provided that it is authenticated as the candidate’s own work. / Type of Document:
1000+ words?
Page no. for planning notes:
Page no. for draft(s):
Page no. for evidence of checking:
Page no. for final document (no errors): / Type of Document:
1000+ words?
Page no. for planning notes:
Page no. for draft(s):
Page no. for evidence of checking:
Page no. for final document (no errors):
Candidate Declaration
I have acknowledged any help I have received from anyone other than my tutor or trainer along with any information taken from books, leaflets, videos, software packages and the internet. I have read and understand the above information and confirm that the work I have submitted is my own. / Assessor Declaration
I confirm that the above candidate’s work has ‘passed’ the internal assessment. I also confirm that every reasonable step has been taken to ensure that the work presented is that of the candidate. / Quality Assurance Declaration (if portfolio has been sampled)
I confirm that this portfolio was sampled as part of the centre’s internal quality assurance procedures and that relevant records, including feedback to the assessor, have been kept.
Assessor: / Internal Verifier/Moderator:
Candidate Signature: / Signature: / Signature:
Date: / Date: / Date:
Level 3COMMUNICATION – C3.1(a) Speaking and Listening
Candidate name: ...... Date of discussion: ......
Subject of discussion: ......
Related to: (please circle): programme of study, work, area of interest, general
Number in the group(at least 3): …………
Discussion 1 or 2 (please circle)
I confirm that the candidate has presented preparatory notes for the discussion (tick box to confirm)
The assessor will look for evidence that you can: / / Assessor’s comments on how assessment criteria were metC3.1.1 Understand and respond by:
- recognising the speaker’s intentions
- responding constructively
- using strategies to show you are listening
C 3.1.2 Speak to communicate on familiar or unfamiliar topics:
- information
- feelings
- opinions
- questions
- complex instructions
give constructive feedback to others /
C3.1.3 Discussion:
- make clear and relevant contributions
- develop the points with a sensitive awareness of others
- encourage others to contribute
(The candidate must attach a copy of preparatory notes made for the discussion)
Signed by candidate: ………………………………….. Date: ……………………………………
Signed by assessor: …………………………………… Date: ……………………………………
Level 3COMMUNICATION – C3.1(a) Speaking and Listening
Candidate name: ...... Date of discussion: ......
Subject of discussion: ......
Related to: (please circle): programme of study, work, area of interest, general
Number in the group(at least 3): …………
Discussion 1 or 2 (please circle)
I confirm that the candidate has presented preparatory notes for the discussion (tick box to confirm)
The assessor will look for evidence that you can: / / Assessor’s comments on how assessment criteria were metC3.1.1 Understand and respond by:
- recognising the speaker’s intentions
- responding constructively
- using strategies to show you are listening
C 3.1.2 Speak to communicate on familiar or unfamiliar topics:
- information
- feelings
- opinions
- questions
- complex instructions
give constructive feedback to others /
C3.1.3 Discussion:
- make clear and relevant contributions
- develop the points with a sensitive awareness of others
- encourage others to contribute
(The candidate must attach a copy of preparatory notes made for the discussion)
Signed by candidate: ………………………………….. Date: ……………………………………
Signed by assessor: …………………………………… Date: ……………………………………
Level 3COMMUNICATION – C3.1(b) Speaking and Listening
Candidate name: ...... Date of presentation:......
Subject of talk/presentation: ......
Related to: (please circle): programme of study, work, area of interest, general
Duration of talk: ……………… Number in the audience (at least 3): …………
Description of the image used or other support material: ……………………………… ………………………
Is this talk/presentation linked to C3.2 (reading) or C3.3 (writing)? YES/NO
If YES, please explain briefly: ……………………………………………………………………… ………………..
I confirm that the candidate has presented preparatory notes for the discussion (tick box to confirm)
The assessor will look for evidence that you can: / / Assessor’s comments on how assessment criteria were metSpeak clearly by:
- articulating your words clearly
- use a style of language to suit the subject and purpose
- adapt the volume, pitch and pace of your speaking
- take account of the status of your audience(assessors must look for evidence that the audience has followed the talk with little difficulty)
- vary your tone
Structure your talk/ presentation by:
- having a clear sequence
- using cues to signal key points or change of track to enable the audience to follow you
- using varied techniques, including images or other materials
(The candidate must attach a copy of preparatory notes made for the talk/presentation)
Signed by candidate: ………………………………….. Date: ……………………………………
Signed by assessor: …………………………………… Date: ……………………………………