Quarterly Newsletter—April, May & June, 2018
Editor, Linda Olson
E Mail:
Happy Spring! It is spring, isn’t it! Despite the chilly temps and snow on the ground, it is the season weall look forward to! Soon we will be cleaning the yards, putting docks in the water, planning the vegetable and/or flower gardens. And don’t forget about ‘Opening Day’ (fishing that is), it’s just around the corner.
If you haven’t stopped in the Post lately, come on in--it does seem there is something happening almost every day! It might be Bar Bingo, drink specials or First Friday Dinner. There’s a rumor going around that something fun is being planned for Mondays! So, watch for the announcement! And check out the new bar stools, ceiling tiles and more!
As April turns into May we remember all our veterans who have served in the military. Our annual Poppy Distribution will start on May 10 & 11. Post members will be distributing Poppy Cards to the businesses along the north side of Hiway 210 on those days. Please think about volunteering to help accomplish getting a Poppy Card in every single business in Aitkin. Don’t forget on May 25 the Auxiliary and Legion will be selling brats at the Courthouse, you’ll help is needed. Contact Commander Bob Carlson at the Post about your availability. This year Memorial Ceremonies will be held at the VFW.
On May 1 (May Day) at the VFW our Color Guard and Legion Members will be doing a Flag Retirement Ceremony. Should you have any dirty or tattered American Flag please drop them off at the Legion prior to May 1.
Ladies—Please note the information in the Auxiliary Report.
Happy Spring,
Linda Olson, Editor
Commander’s Report:
Happy Easter to all fellow Legionnaires. Welcome back to all the snow birds that have returned. As much as I hate to say it, you came back to soon. Looks like winter will be with us for quite awhile yet. Last year at this time boats and docks were in the water and the golf courses were open. Being Minnesotan's though we will get through it and make the best of it because we can snowmobile and ice fish a little longer. Be safe though and watch for thin ice.
May will be the end of my term as Commander and this will be my last newsletter. Being Commander has been a learning experience (a good learning experience). The last 2 years have gone by fast, seems like just the other day I was asking how to conduct a meeting. I want to thank Lori and her staff, Harvey and all of the committee chairs and their staff for all they did to make my job as simple as possible and such a success. With a great staff, great things happen. We accomplished many things in the last 2 years that hopefully made this a better Post. We still have things to do and I'm certain the new regime will be able to accomplish this with our help. Remember all Posts need volunteers to help make things happen. The club is now open on Mondays again and if you haven't been there in awhile come check out new bar stools, table top coverings and ceiling tiles in the bar area.
Nomination of Post officers was conducted at the March meeting, and election of Post officers will be at the April meeting (April 12th). All members are urged to attend and participate at this meeting to elect our new officers who will be sworn in at the May meeting (May 10th)
May is poppy month and we will need volunteers to distribute poppy cards to the local businesses on the north side of why 210 on Wednesday May 3rd. We will distribute poppies to the general public on May 10th and 11th. On Friday May 25th the Legion will be sponsoring the Memorial Day brat sale at the court house, again volunteers are needed. Memorial Day activities are scheduled to be at the VFW this year. May 1st is May Day and there is a scheduled Flag retiring ceremony at the VFW, the Color Guard and all Post members are welcome.
DUES-DUES-DUES Remember your 2018 dues must be paid by the end of the year or you will lose all your consecutive years. 2019 dues will be due starting in July, please pay them as soon as possible if you haven't done so yet. It's been many years since our Post has been at 100% paid membership, let’s make 2018 the start of a new era.
It has been my honor to be your Commander the last 2 years. I could not have asked for any better Officers to work with. Have a great spring and summer and thanks again to all of those who help make this a great Post. Remember our goal is helping all Veterans that served our country proudly and to take a minute to remember our Fallen Comrades. Don't forget to check the calendar for all the daily events and specials. God Bless Our Post and God Bless America.
Commander: Bob Carlson
Dear Ladies of the Auxiliary,
Today the weather is cold and snowy and I am trying to create happy thoughts of Spring.
We have started working on our Annual Reports and we will need to have these done by the 15thof April. Our Community Service Chairman, Linda Amundson, has a notebook at the Post to add all of your community service hours. You can update them at our next meeting, or you can get them to Linda A. so that she can start compiling the information early.
Spring is also the time to start thinking about Girls State which is open to all High School Juniors. The dates this year are June 10-16th. More information will be shared as we get closer.
One of our biggest fund raisers for our unit is the Poppy Distribution. We really need everybody to help us with this event. The Legion Auxiliary, with the help of our Legionnaires, is scheduled for Memorial Weekend and that will include the Brats at the Courthouse on that Friday, May 25th, 2018. The funds raised with this event all help our Veterans and their families.
Important Notice
This is a notice that our dues are being raised at National which affects all of us. At this time, Unit 86 will be raising our unit dues to $30.00 for Seniors and $5.00 for Juniors starting in 2019. We have tried to keep the Juniors as low as possible because we know that many of the parents and grandparents pay for the Juniors, and they are our future. This might be a good time for some of you to consider a “paid up for life” membership. If this is something that you might be interested in, please contact me, and I can give you an accurate one time fee. Please keep in mind that your dues need to be up to date.
We are keeping the information for the National Website in our newsletter, there is a lot of current information available to you as members. Check out the National website: and Minnesota’s at email address is:.The web site for the Aitkin Lee Post 86 Please share this information.
Membership: Sandi DeLoach
Please check your dues card. Have you moved?Please make sure that I have your current address and emailif it applies to you.
Taps: None at this time.
Stay healthy everyone!
Post 86 COLOR GUARD.....
We have honored the following veterans at funerals for EARL SMITHSON, ALUIN LINN and MARTIN BUTCHER.
We presented the Colors at the AHS home games of boys basketball, girls basketball and wrestling.
We also hosted the March Walleye Dinner at the Post! Thanks to all who came.
Respectfully Submitted,