June 2012
Dear Parent/Guardian and Future student:
To promote student literacy and to provide the opportunity to read and enjoy literature during the summer to all students, I am pleased to introduce the summer reading program for all students entering English 10 this year. Students will provided the book, The City of Ember, and the assignment prior to summer break and are asked to read and complete the assignment by September. A more specific date will be announced upon return to school in the fall. It will count towards the project portion of the 1st quarter grade. There are usually one to two projects a quarter.
Periodically over the summer I will be checking my school email and will get back to you as soon as I can with a response to any questions you or your student may have. Therefore, that will be the best, and only, way to reach me with questions about the book or the assignment. There will also be a few days from when the students return from the summer break and when the assignment is due to ask some clarifying questions if needed. You may also choose to join your student in the reading of the book, so as to better assist with the completion of the assignment.
The assignment will need to be typed. If there is trouble typing the project the student should have it hand written by the time he/she returns to school and then he/she may stay after school and type it before the due date. Or, the student may visit the local public library and use the community computers.
I thank you in advance for your cooperation on your end and look forward to teaching your student this next school year.
Mrs. Rebecca Rampp
English Department
“In a very real sense, people who have read good literature have lived more than
People who cannot or will not read.” -S. I. Hayakawa
Name: ______
Mrs. Rampp
English 10
Summer Reading Assignment
The City of Ember
(100 points)
Due in September 2012
Assignment: The assignment is composed of two parts. The first part is a written portion and the second part is a project. Both are to be completed after reading the entire novel, although you may want to make notes along the way with ideas of how to complete both. Refer to grading rubric attached for exact guidelines.
· Written portion: (40 points) You are to choose ONE of the following to answer. Do NOT answer both and think I will choose the best one to grade. It needs to be typed and double spaced in Times New Roman, 12-point font.
1. Greed – How does greed escalate to conflict? Trace incidents of greed by both townspeople and politicians as the characters progress from the beginning to end of the novel. Write a one-page paper that (1) discusses what the ultimate message about greed is? What is the message about (2) humankind, (3) corruption, and (4) power? (5) Are the events of this novel a realistic reflection of human nature?
2. Community Leadership – Write a one-page paper discussing the (1) role of community leadership in the City of Ember and (2) whether the leaders acted as good role models. (3) Which characters provided true leadership for the town? When times were tough, (4) how did the leaders of Ember provide for the citizens fairly?
· Project Portion (60 points)– Must complete this part; make sure you include references to the text. Neatness counts; you do have ALL summer to do it.
Create a travel brochure that may have been used to lure people to the City of Ember. You may create it by hand or use a computer program like Microsoft Publisher or Pages. It must be a tri-folded 8x11 paper. Every side of every page must have information on it. It must contain at least one picture or graphic on each page. Cite lines from the text and incorporate accurate details that describe what it’s like to live in Ember. Use elements of descriptive language like imagery, simile, and metaphor in your writing.
Grading: This will count as a project grade for the first quarter. There are usually one to two projects a quarter.
Questions: Periodically over the summer I will be checking my school email () and will get back to you as soon as I can with a response. Therefore, that will be the best and only way to reach me with questions about the book or the assignment. There will also be a few days from when you return from the summer break and when the assignment is due to ask some clarifying questions if needed. If you are having trouble typing your project you should have it hand written by the time you come back to school and then you may stay after school and type it before the due date. Or, you may visit your local public library and use the community computers.
Rubric for Written Portion:
8 / Sharp, distinct
point made
about a single
topic with
awareness of
task / Substantial,
specific; and/or
development and
ideas / Sophisticated
arrangement of
content with
evident and/or
subtle transitions / Precise,
illustrative use
of a variety of
words and
structures to
writer's voice
and tone / Evident control
of grammar,
spelling, usage
and sentence
6 / Apparent
point made
about a single
topic with
awareness of
task (mode) / Sufficiently
content with
elaboration or
explanation / Functional
arrangement of
content that
sustains a logical
order with some
evidence of
transitions / Generic use of
a variety of
words and
structures that
may or may not
create writer's
voice and tone
appropriate to
audience / Sufficient
control of
spelling, usage
and sentence
4 / No apparent
point but
evidence of a
specific topic / Limited content
with inadequate
elaboration or
explanation / Confused or
arrangement of
content with or
without attempts
at transition / Limited word
choice and
control of
structures that
inhibit voice
and tone / Limited control
of grammar,
spelling, usage
and sentence
2 / Minimal
evidence of a
topic / Superficial
and/or minimal
content / Minimal control
of intent
arrangement / Minimal
variety in word
choice and
control of
structures / Minimal control
of grammar,
spelling, usage
and sentence
Rubric for Project Portion:
12 / The project is neatly completed with superior effort and has the realistic look of a real travel brochure. / Substantial,
specific; and/or
that refers to the novel and events in the novel / Sophisticated
arrangement of
content arranged in a tri-folded manner. / There is at least one image, picture, or graphic on each one of the pages. / No mistakes in grammar,
spelling, usage
and sentence
10 / The project is neatly completed with expected effort and has the realistic look of a real travel brochure. / Sufficiently
content with
elaboration or
explanation that refers to the novel and events in the novel / Functional
arrangement of
content that
sustains a logical
order arranged in a tri-folded manner. / Brochure is missing 1-2 pictures. / Less than 4 mistakes in
spelling, usage
and sentence
8 / n/a / Limited content
with inadequate
elaboration or
explanation that refers to the novel and events in the novel / Confused or
arrangement of
content arranged in a tri-folded manner. / Brochure is missing 3-4 pictures. / 5- 7 mistakes in grammar,
spelling, usage
and sentence
6 / The project is not neatly completed or is done so with minimal effort and/or doesn’t have the realistic look of a real travel brochure. / Superficial
and/or minimal
content that refers to the novel and events in the novel / Minimal control
of intent
arrangement or not arranged in a tri-folded manner. / Brochure is missing 5 or more pictures. / 8 or more mistakes in grammar,
spelling, usage
and sentence