MONDAY / TUESDAY / WEDNESDAY / THURSDAY / FRIDAY – //for next Monday 10/24
Do Now
(Motivate/Hook) / Ch.4 Review - Succession / Ch.4 TCAP Review – Land Biomes / First 10 min - Study for TEST / TCAP Review question(s) / TCAP Review question(s)
(Objective) / I can differentiate between the Freshwater Aquatic Biomes / I can differentiate between the Saltwater Aquatic Biomes . / Students will test for master of Chap. 4 concepts / Students will create a booklet on “My Organism” / or will present AE Biome PPT projects to group / Students will experience Career Day
(Strategies for Involvement) / Students to review using QUIZIZZ and review over mostly missed concepts from Game / Students to compare and contrast fresh- and salt-water biomes.
If time – I Have Who Has Activity or QUIZIZZ / Students will test for master of Chap. 4 concepts / Students will select an organism to research specific information // Students will determine illustrations and specific information to go into booklet / Students will move from classroom to classroom to hear special speakers regarding possible Careers.
Practice to
Product / Students to do modified Jigsaw – individual section and then teach their group.
Bill Nye Wetlands video / Students to do modified Jigsaw – individual section and then teach their group. / Students will test for master of Chap. 4 concepts / Students to put information into a given booklet format //Students will complete booklet with illustrations and information / Students will move from classroom to classroom to hear special speakers regarding possible Careers.
Enrichment) / Teacher to monitor comprehension. / Teacher to monitor comprehension. / Test will be teacher graded / Teacher observation.
PPT projects – students will grade each other. / Students will move from classroom to classroom to hear special speakers regarding possible Careers.
Reflect Now
(Exit/Connections) / Choose 2 of the 3 Freshwater Biomes (eg:Lakes&Rivers) to compare & contrast. Create a Venn diagram and list as many facts as you can. / Elaborate on why estuaries are important to the life cycle of organisms!? / Turn in completed TEST / CHOOSE which Biome you would want to sent your worst enemy to and elaborate as to why – list specific ecological factors / Students will move from classroom to classroom to hear special speakers regarding possible Careers.
homework / Chapter 4 sections 3 pages 111- 117. Complete self-check 1-4 on page 117. Checking on Wed. / STUDY for TEST on CH. 4 Wednesday!!!!. / none / none / none

Name: Mr. Zelinski

Date: week of 10/2/2017

GLE 0607.2.4 Analyze the environment and the interdependence among organisms found in the world major biomes

Guiding Question: How do living things interact with one another and with the nonliving environment?

Tools: Computers, interactive websites, textbook, promethean presentations, teacher made “Organism” booklet, QUIZIZZ, I Have Who Has – Biomes, Succession Board Game